2021-08-31 21:53:15 +02:00
from csdr.chain import Chain
from csdr.chain.selector import Selector
from csdr.chain.demodulator import BaseDemodulatorChain, SecondaryDemodulator, FixedAudioRateChain
2021-09-06 15:05:33 +02:00
from pycsdr.types import Format
2021-08-31 21:53:15 +02:00
class ServiceDemodulatorChain(Chain):
def __init__(self, demod: BaseDemodulatorChain, secondaryDemod: SecondaryDemodulator, sampleRate: int, shiftRate: float):
# TODO magic number... check if this edge case even exsists and change the api if possible
rate = secondaryDemod.getFixedAudioRate() if isinstance(secondaryDemod, FixedAudioRateChain) else 1200
2021-09-06 15:05:33 +02:00
self.selector = Selector(sampleRate, rate, shiftRate, withSquelch=False)
workers = [self.selector]
# primary demodulator is only necessary if the secondary does not accept IQ input
if secondaryDemod.getInputFormat() is not Format.COMPLEX_FLOAT:
workers += [demod]
workers += [secondaryDemod]
2021-08-31 21:53:15 +02:00
def setBandPass(self, lowCut, highCut):
self.selector.setBandpass(lowCut, highCut)