[:floppy_disk: Setup guide for Ubuntu](http://blog.sdr.hu/2015/06/30/quick-setup-openwebrx.html) | [:blue_book: Knowledge base on the Wiki](https://github.com/simonyiszk/openwebrx/wiki/) | [:earth_americas: Receivers on SDR.hu](http://sdr.hu/)
- it extensively uses HTML5 features like WebSocket, Web Audio API, and Canvas
- it works in Google Chrome, Chromium and Mozilla Firefox
- currently supports RTL-SDR, HackRF, SDRplay, AirSpy
- Multiple SDR devices can be used simultaneously
- [digiham](https://github.com/jketterl/digiham) based demodularors (DMR, YSF)
- [dsd](https://github.com/f4exb/dsdcc) based demodulators (D-Star, NXDN)
**News (2019-06-30 by DD5JFK)**
- I have done some major rework on the openwebrx core, and I am planning to continue adding more features in the near future. Please check this place for updates.
- My work has not been accepted into the upstream repository, so you will need to chose between my fork and the official version.
- I have enabled the issue tracker on this project, so feel free to file bugs or suggest enhancements there!
- This version sports the following new and amazing features:
- Support of multiple SDR devices simultaneously
- Support for multiple profiles per SDR that allow the user to listen to different frequencies
- Support for digital voice decoding
- Feature detection that will disable functionality when dependencies are not available (if you're missing the digital buttons, this is probably why)
- Raspbian SD Card Images and Docker builds available (see below)
- I am currently working on the feature set for a stable release, but you are more than welcome to test development versions!
> When upgrading OpenWebRX, please make sure that you also upgrade *csdr* and *digiham*!
[SDR.hu](http://sdr.hu) is a site which lists the active, public OpenWebRX servers. Your receiver [can also be part of it](http://sdr.hu/openwebrx), if you want.
Probably the quickest way to get started is to download the [latest Raspberry Pi SD Card Image](https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/de.dd5jfk.openwebrx/2019-06-21-OpenWebRX-full.zip). It contains all the depencencies out of the box, and should work on all Raspberries up to the 3B+.
This is based off the Raspbian Lite distribution, so [their installation instructions](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/) apply.
Please note: I have not updated this to include the Raspberry Pi 4 yet. (It seems to be impossible to build Rasbpian Buster images on x86 hardware right now. Stay tuned!)
Once you have booted a Raspberry with the SD Card, it will appear in your network with the hostname "openwebrx", which should make it available as http://openwebrx:8073/ on most networks. This may vary depending on your specific setup.
For Digital voice, the minimum requirement right now seems to be a Rasbperry Pi 3B+. I would like to work on optimizing this for lower specs, but at this point I am not sure how much can be done.
### Docker Images
For those familiar with docker, I am providing [recent builds and Releases for both x86 and arm processors on the Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/jketterl/openwebrx). You can find a short introduction there.
If you have any problems installing OpenWebRX, you should check out the <ahref="https://github.com/simonyiszk/openwebrx/wiki">Wiki</a> about it, which has a page on the <ahref="https://github.com/simonyiszk/openwebrx/wiki/Common-problems-and-their-solutions">common problems and their solutions</a>.
OpenWebRX is available under Affero GPL v3 license (<ahref="https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-affero-general-public-license-v3-(agpl-3.0)">summary</a>).