from owrx.config import Config import threading import subprocess import os import socket import shlex import time import signal from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from owrx.command import CommandMapper from owrx.socket import getAvailablePort from import PropertyStack, PropertyLayer from owrx.form import Input, TextInput, NumberInput, CheckboxInput from owrx.form.converter import IntConverter, OptionalConverter from owrx.form.device import GainInput from owrx.controllers.settings import Section from typing import List import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SdrSourceEventClient(ABC): @abstractmethod def onStateChange(self, state): pass @abstractmethod def onBusyStateChange(self, state): pass def getClientClass(self): return SdrSource.CLIENT_INACTIVE class SdrSource(ABC): STATE_STOPPED = 0 STATE_STARTING = 1 STATE_RUNNING = 2 STATE_STOPPING = 3 STATE_TUNING = 4 STATE_FAILED = 5 BUSYSTATE_IDLE = 0 BUSYSTATE_BUSY = 1 CLIENT_INACTIVE = 0 CLIENT_BACKGROUND = 1 CLIENT_USER = 2 def __init__(self, id, props): = id self.commandMapper = None self.props = PropertyStack() # layer 0 reserved for profile properties self.props.addLayer(1, props) # the sdr_id is constant, so we put it in a separate layer # this is used to detect device changes, that are then sent to the client sdrIdLayer = PropertyLayer() sdrIdLayer["sdr_id"] = id self.props.addLayer(2, sdrIdLayer.readonly()) self.props.addLayer(3, Config.get()) self.sdrProps = self.props.filter(*self.getEventNames()) self.profile_id = None self.activateProfile() self.wireEvents() self.port = getAvailablePort() self.monitor = None self.clients = [] self.spectrumClients = [] self.spectrumThread = None self.spectrumLock = threading.Lock() self.process = None self.modificationLock = threading.Lock() self.failed = False self.state = SdrSource.STATE_STOPPED self.busyState = SdrSource.BUSYSTATE_IDLE self.validateProfiles() if self.isAlwaysOn(): self.start() def validateProfiles(self): props = PropertyStack() props.addLayer(1, self.props) for id, p in self.props["profiles"].items(): props.replaceLayer(0, self._getProfilePropertyLayer(p)) if "center_freq" not in props: logger.warning('Profile "%s" does not specify a center_freq', id) continue if "samp_rate" not in props: logger.warning('Profile "%s" does not specify a samp_rate', id) continue if "start_freq" in props: start_freq = props["start_freq"] srh = props["samp_rate"] / 2 center_freq = props["center_freq"] if start_freq < center_freq - srh or start_freq > center_freq + srh: logger.warning('start_freq for profile "%s" is out of range', id) def _getProfilePropertyLayer(self, profile): layer = PropertyLayer() for (key, value) in profile.items(): # skip the name, that would overwrite the source name. if key == "name": continue layer[key] = value return layer def isAlwaysOn(self): return "always-on" in self.props and self.props["always-on"] def getEventNames(self): return [ "samp_rate", "center_freq", "ppm", "rf_gain", "lfo_offset", ] + list(self.getCommandMapper().keys()) def getCommandMapper(self): if self.commandMapper is None: self.commandMapper = CommandMapper() return self.commandMapper @abstractmethod def onPropertyChange(self, changes): pass def wireEvents(self): self.sdrProps.wire(self.onPropertyChange) def getCommand(self): return [self.getCommandMapper().map(self.getCommandValues())] def activateProfile(self, profile_id=None): profiles = self.props["profiles"] if profile_id is None: profile_id = list(profiles.keys())[0] if profile_id not in profiles: logger.warning("invalid profile %s for sdr %s. ignoring", profile_id, return if profile_id == self.profile_id: return logger.debug("activating profile {0}".format(profile_id)) self.props["profile_id"] = profile_id profile = profiles[profile_id] self.profile_id = profile_id layer = self._getProfilePropertyLayer(profile) self.props.replaceLayer(0, layer) def getId(self): return def getProfileId(self): return self.profile_id def getProfiles(self): return self.props["profiles"] def getName(self): return self.props["name"] def getProps(self): return self.props def getPort(self): return self.port def getCommandValues(self): dict = self.sdrProps.__dict__() if "lfo_offset" in dict and dict["lfo_offset"] is not None: dict["tuner_freq"] = dict["center_freq"] + dict["lfo_offset"] else: dict["tuner_freq"] = dict["center_freq"] return dict def start(self): with self.modificationLock: if self.monitor: return if self.isFailed(): return try: self.preStart() except Exception: logger.exception("Exception during preStart()") cmd = self.getCommand() cmd = [c for c in cmd if c is not None] # don't use shell mode for commands without piping if len(cmd) > 1: # multiple commands with pipes cmd = "|".join(cmd) self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, start_new_session=True) else: # single command cmd = cmd[0] # start_new_session can go as soon as there's no piped commands left # the os.killpg call must be replaced with something more reasonable at the same time self.process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), start_new_session=True)"Started sdr source: " + cmd) available = False def wait_for_process_to_end(): rc = self.process.wait() logger.debug("shut down with RC={0}".format(rc)) self.monitor = None if self.getState() == SdrSource.STATE_RUNNING: self.failed = True self.setState(SdrSource.STATE_FAILED) else: self.setState(SdrSource.STATE_STOPPED) self.monitor = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_process_to_end, name="source_monitor") self.monitor.start() retries = 1000 while retries > 0 and not self.isFailed(): retries -= 1 if self.monitor is None: break testsock = socket.socket() try: testsock.connect(("", self.getPort())) testsock.close() available = True break except: time.sleep(0.1) if not available: self.failed = True try: self.postStart() except Exception: logger.exception("Exception during postStart()") self.failed = True self.setState(SdrSource.STATE_FAILED if self.failed else SdrSource.STATE_RUNNING) def preStart(self): """ override this method in subclasses if there's anything to be done before starting up the actual SDR """ pass def postStart(self): """ override this method in subclasses if there's things to do after the actual SDR has started up """ pass def isAvailable(self): return self.monitor is not None def isFailed(self): return self.failed def stop(self): self.setState(SdrSource.STATE_STOPPING) with self.modificationLock: if self.process is not None: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass if self.monitor: self.monitor.join() def hasClients(self, *args): clients = [c for c in self.clients if c.getClientClass() in args] return len(clients) > 0 def addClient(self, c: SdrSourceEventClient): self.clients.append(c) c.onStateChange(self.getState()) hasUsers = self.hasClients(SdrSource.CLIENT_USER) hasBackgroundTasks = self.hasClients(SdrSource.CLIENT_BACKGROUND) if hasUsers or hasBackgroundTasks: self.start() self.setBusyState(SdrSource.BUSYSTATE_BUSY if hasUsers else SdrSource.BUSYSTATE_IDLE) def removeClient(self, c: SdrSourceEventClient): try: self.clients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass hasUsers = self.hasClients(SdrSource.CLIENT_USER) self.setBusyState(SdrSource.BUSYSTATE_BUSY if hasUsers else SdrSource.BUSYSTATE_IDLE) # no need to check for users if we are always-on if self.isAlwaysOn(): return hasBackgroundTasks = self.hasClients(SdrSource.CLIENT_BACKGROUND) if not hasUsers and not hasBackgroundTasks: self.stop() def addSpectrumClient(self, c): if c in self.spectrumClients: return # local import due to circular depencency from owrx.fft import SpectrumThread self.spectrumClients.append(c) with self.spectrumLock: if self.spectrumThread is None: self.spectrumThread = SpectrumThread(self) self.spectrumThread.start() def removeSpectrumClient(self, c): try: self.spectrumClients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass with self.spectrumLock: if not self.spectrumClients and self.spectrumThread is not None: self.spectrumThread.stop() self.spectrumThread = None def writeSpectrumData(self, data): for c in self.spectrumClients: c.write_spectrum_data(data) def getState(self): return self.state def setState(self, state): if state == self.state: return self.state = state for c in self.clients: c.onStateChange(state) def setBusyState(self, state): if state == self.busyState: return self.busyState = state for c in self.clients: c.onBusyStateChange(state) class SdrDeviceDescriptionMissing(Exception): pass class SdrDeviceDescription(object): @staticmethod def getByType(sdr_type: str) -> "SdrDeviceDescription": try: className = "".join(x for x in sdr_type.title() if x.isalnum()) + "DeviceDescription" module = __import__("owrx.source.{0}".format(sdr_type), fromlist=[className]) cls = getattr(module, className) return cls() except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError): raise SdrDeviceDescriptionMissing("Device description for type {} not available".format(sdr_type)) def getInputs(self) -> List[Input]: return [ TextInput("name", "Device name"), NumberInput( "ppm", "Frequency correction", append="ppm", converter=OptionalConverter(IntConverter(), defaultFormValue="0"), ), CheckboxInput( "always-on", "", checkboxText="Keep device running at all times", infotext="Prevents shutdown of the device when idle. Useful for devices with unreliable startup.", ), CheckboxInput( "services", "", "Run background services on this device", converter=OptionalConverter(defaultFormValue=True), ), GainInput("rf_gain", "Device gain"), NumberInput( "lfo_offset", "Oscilator offset", append="Hz", infotext="Use this when the actual receiving frequency differs from the frequency to be tuned on the" + " device.
Formula: Center frequency + oscillator offset = sdr tune frequency", converter=OptionalConverter(), ), NumberInput("waterfall_min_level", "Lowest waterfall level", append="dBFS", converter=OptionalConverter()), NumberInput("waterfall_max_level", "Highest waterfall level", append="dBFS", converter=OptionalConverter()), # TODO `schedule` ] def mergeInputs(self, *args): # build a dictionary indexed by the input id to make sure every id only exists once inputs = { input for input_list in args for input in input_list} return inputs.values() def getSection(self): return Section("Device settings", *self.getInputs())