from owrx.details import ReceiverDetails from owrx.dsp import DspManager from owrx.cpu import CpuUsageThread from owrx.sdr import SdrService from owrx.source import SdrSourceState, SdrClientClass, SdrSourceEventClient from owrx.client import ClientRegistry, TooManyClientsException from owrx.feature import FeatureDetector from owrx.version import openwebrx_version from owrx.bands import Bandplan from owrx.bookmarks import Bookmarks from import Map from import PropertyStack, PropertyDeleted from owrx.modes import Modes, DigitalMode from owrx.config import Config from owrx.waterfall import WaterfallOptions from queue import Queue, Full, Empty from js8py import Js8Frame from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod import json import threading import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PoisonPill = object() class Client(ABC): def __init__(self, conn): self.conn = conn self.multithreadingQueue = Queue(100) def mp_passthru(): run = True while run: try: data = self.multithreadingQueue.get() if data is PoisonPill: run = False else: self.send(data) self.multithreadingQueue.task_done() except (EOFError, OSError, ValueError): run = False except Exception: logger.exception("Exception on client multithreading queue") # unset the queue object to free shared memory file descriptors self.multithreadingQueue = None threading.Thread(target=mp_passthru, name="connection_mp_passthru").start() def send(self, data): try: self.conn.send(data) except IOError: self.close() def close(self): if self.multithreadingQueue is not None: while True: try: self.multithreadingQueue.get(block=False) except Empty: break try: self.multithreadingQueue.put(PoisonPill, block=False) except Full: # this shouldn't happen, we just emptied the queue, but it's not worth risking the exception logger.exception("impossible queue state: Full after Empty") self.conn.close() def mp_send(self, data): if self.multithreadingQueue is None: return try: self.multithreadingQueue.put(data, block=False) except Full: self.close() @abstractmethod def handleTextMessage(self, conn, message): pass def handleBinaryMessage(self, conn, data): logger.error("unsupported binary message, discarding") def handleClose(self): self.close() class OpenWebRxClient(Client, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, conn): super().__init__(conn) receiver_details = ReceiverDetails() def send_receiver_info(*args): receiver_info = receiver_details.__dict__() self.write_receiver_details(receiver_info) self._detailsSubscription = receiver_details.wire(send_receiver_info) send_receiver_info() def write_receiver_details(self, details): self.send({"type": "receiver_details", "value": details}) def close(self): self._detailsSubscription.cancel() super().close() class OpenWebRxReceiverClient(OpenWebRxClient, SdrSourceEventClient): sdr_config_keys = [ "waterfall_levels", "samp_rate", "start_mod", "start_freq", "center_freq", "initial_squelch_level", "sdr_id", "profile_id", "squelch_auto_margin", ] global_config_keys = [ "waterfall_scheme", "waterfall_colors", "waterfall_auto_levels", "waterfall_auto_min_range", "fft_size", "audio_compression", "fft_compression", "max_clients", "tuning_precision", ] def __init__(self, conn): super().__init__(conn) self.dsp = None self.sdr = None self.configSubs = [] self.bookmarkSub = None self.connectionProperties = {} try: ClientRegistry.getSharedInstance().addClient(self) except TooManyClientsException: self.write_backoff_message("Too many clients") self.close() raise self.setupGlobalConfig() self.stack = self.setupStack() self.setSdr() features = FeatureDetector().feature_availability() self.write_features(features) modes = Modes.getModes() self.write_modes(modes) self.configSubs.append(SdrService.getActiveSources().wire(self._onSdrDeviceChanges)) self.configSubs.append(SdrService.getAvailableProfiles().wire(self._sendProfiles)) self._sendProfiles() CpuUsageThread.getSharedInstance().add_client(self) def setupStack(self): stack = PropertyStack() # stack layer 0 reserved for sdr properties # stack.addLayer(0, self.sdr.getProps()) stack.addLayer(1, Config.get()) configProps = stack.filter(*OpenWebRxReceiverClient.sdr_config_keys) def sendConfig(changes=None): if changes is None: config = configProps.__dict__() else: # transform deletions into Nones config = {k: v if v is not PropertyDeleted else None for k, v in changes.items()} if ( (changes is None or "start_freq" in changes or "center_freq" in changes) and "start_freq" in configProps and "center_freq" in configProps ): config["start_offset_freq"] = configProps["start_freq"] - configProps["center_freq"] if (changes is None or "profile_id" in changes) and self.sdr is not None: config["sdr_id"] = self.sdr.getId() self.write_config(config) def sendBookmarks(*args): cf = configProps["center_freq"] srh = configProps["samp_rate"] / 2 dial_frequencies = [] bookmarks = [] if "center_freq" in configProps and "samp_rate" in configProps: frequencyRange = (cf - srh, cf + srh) dial_frequencies = Bandplan.getSharedInstance().collectDialFrequencies(frequencyRange) bookmarks = [b.__dict__() for b in Bookmarks.getSharedInstance().getBookmarks(frequencyRange)] self.write_dial_frequencies(dial_frequencies) self.write_bookmarks(bookmarks) def updateBookmarkSubscription(*args): if self.bookmarkSub is not None: self.bookmarkSub.cancel() if "center_freq" in configProps and "samp_rate" in configProps: cf = configProps["center_freq"] srh = configProps["samp_rate"] / 2 frequencyRange = (cf - srh, cf + srh) self.bookmarkSub = Bookmarks.getSharedInstance().subscribe(frequencyRange, sendBookmarks) sendBookmarks() self.configSubs.append(configProps.wire(sendConfig)) self.configSubs.append(stack.filter("center_freq", "samp_rate").wire(updateBookmarkSubscription)) # send initial config sendConfig() return stack def setupGlobalConfig(self): def writeConfig(changes): # TODO it would be nicer to have all options available and switchable in the client # this restores the existing functionality for now, but there is lots of potential if "waterfall_scheme" in changes or "waterfall_colors" in changes: scheme = WaterfallOptions(globalConfig["waterfall_scheme"]).instantiate() changes["waterfall_colors"] = scheme.getColors() self.write_config(changes) globalConfig = Config.get().filter(*OpenWebRxReceiverClient.global_config_keys) self.configSubs.append(globalConfig.wire(writeConfig)) writeConfig(globalConfig.__dict__()) def onStateChange(self, state: SdrSourceState): if state is SdrSourceState.RUNNING: self.handleSdrAvailable() def onFail(self): logger.warning('SDR device "%s" has failed, selecting new device', self.sdr.getName()) self.write_log_message('SDR device "{0}" has failed, selecting new device'.format(self.sdr.getName())) self.setSdr() def onDisable(self): logger.warning('SDR device "%s" was disabled, selecting new device', self.sdr.getName()) self.write_log_message('SDR device "{0}" was disabled, selecting new device'.format(self.sdr.getName())) self.setSdr() def onShutdown(self): logger.warning('SDR device "%s" is shutting down, selecting new device', self.sdr.getName()) self.write_log_message('SDR device "{0}" is shutting down, selecting new device'.format(self.sdr.getName())) self.setSdr() def getClientClass(self) -> SdrClientClass: return SdrClientClass.USER def _onSdrDeviceChanges(self, changes): # restart the client if an sdr has become available if self.sdr is None and any(s is not PropertyDeleted for s in changes.values()): self.setSdr() def _sendProfiles(self, *args): profiles = [{"id": pid, "name": name} for pid, name in SdrService.getAvailableProfiles().items()] self.write_profiles(profiles) def handleTextMessage(self, conn, message): try: message = json.loads(message) if "type" in message: if message["type"] == "dspcontrol": dsp = self.getDsp() if dsp is None: logger.warning("DSP not available; discarding client dspcontrol message") else: if "action" in message and message["action"] == "start": dsp.start() if "params" in message: params = message["params"] dsp.setProperties(params) elif message["type"] == "setsdr": if "params" in message: self.setSdr(message["params"]["sdr"]) elif message["type"] == "selectprofile": if "params" in message and "profile" in message["params"]: profile = message["params"]["profile"].split("|") self.setSdr(profile[0]) self.sdr.activateProfile(profile[1]) elif message["type"] == "connectionproperties": if "params" in message: self.connectionProperties = message["params"] if self.dsp: self.getDsp().setProperties(self.connectionProperties) else: logger.warning("received message without type: {0}".format(message)) except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.warning("message is not json: {0}".format(message)) def setSdr(self, id=None): next = None if id is not None: next = SdrService.getSource(id) if next is None: next = SdrService.getFirstSource() # exit condition: no change if next == self.sdr and next is not None: return self.stopDsp() self.stack.removeLayerByPriority(0) if self.sdr is not None: self.sdr.removeClient(self) self.sdr = next if next is None: # exit condition: no sdrs available logger.warning("no more SDR devices available") self.handleNoSdrsAvailable() return self.sdr.addClient(self) def handleSdrAvailable(self): self.getDsp().setProperties(self.connectionProperties) self.stack.replaceLayer(0, self.sdr.getProps()) self.sdr.addSpectrumClient(self) def handleNoSdrsAvailable(self): self.write_sdr_error("No SDR Devices available") def close(self): if self.sdr is not None: self.sdr.removeClient(self) self.stopDsp() CpuUsageThread.getSharedInstance().remove_client(self) ClientRegistry.getSharedInstance().removeClient(self) while self.configSubs: self.configSubs.pop().cancel() if self.bookmarkSub is not None: self.bookmarkSub.cancel() self.bookmarkSub = None super().close() def stopDsp(self): if self.dsp is not None: self.dsp.stop() self.dsp = None if self.sdr is not None: self.sdr.removeSpectrumClient(self) def getDsp(self): if self.dsp is None and self.sdr is not None: self.dsp = DspManager(self, self.sdr) return self.dsp def write_spectrum_data(self, data): self.mp_send(bytes([0x01]) + data) def write_dsp_data(self, data): self.send(bytes([0x02]) + data) def write_hd_audio(self, data): self.send(bytes([0x04]) + data) def write_s_meter_level(self, level): self.send({"type": "smeter", "value": level}) def write_cpu_usage(self, usage): self.mp_send({"type": "cpuusage", "value": usage}) def write_clients(self, clients): self.mp_send({"type": "clients", "value": clients}) def write_secondary_fft(self, data): self.send(bytes([0x03]) + data) def write_secondary_demod(self, data): message = data.decode("ascii", "replace") self.send({"type": "secondary_demod", "value": message}) def write_secondary_dsp_config(self, cfg): self.send({"type": "secondary_config", "value": cfg}) def write_config(self, cfg): self.send({"type": "config", "value": cfg}) def write_profiles(self, profiles): self.send({"type": "profiles", "value": profiles}) def write_features(self, features): self.send({"type": "features", "value": features}) def write_metadata(self, metadata): self.send({"type": "metadata", "value": metadata}) def write_wsjt_message(self, message): self.send({"type": "wsjt_message", "value": message}) def write_dial_frequencies(self, frequencies): self.send({"type": "dial_frequencies", "value": frequencies}) def write_bookmarks(self, bookmarks): self.send({"type": "bookmarks", "value": bookmarks}) def write_aprs_data(self, data): self.send({"type": "aprs_data", "value": data}) def write_log_message(self, message): self.send({"type": "log_message", "value": message}) def write_sdr_error(self, message): self.send({"type": "sdr_error", "value": message}) def write_pocsag_data(self, data): self.send({"type": "pocsag_data", "value": data}) def write_backoff_message(self, reason): self.send({"type": "backoff", "reason": reason}) def write_js8_message(self, frame: Js8Frame, freq: int): self.send( { "type": "js8_message", "value": { "msg": str(frame), "timestamp": frame.timestamp, "db": frame.db, "dt": frame.dt, "freq": freq + frame.freq, "thread_type": frame.thread_type, "mode": frame.mode, }, } ) def write_modes(self, modes): def to_json(m): res = { "modulation": m.modulation, "name":, "type": "digimode" if isinstance(m, DigitalMode) else "analog", "requirements": m.requirements, "squelch": m.squelch, } if m.bandpass is not None: res["bandpass"] = {"low_cut": m.bandpass.low_cut, "high_cut": m.bandpass.high_cut} if isinstance(m, DigitalMode): res["underlying"] = m.underlying return res self.send({"type": "modes", "value": [to_json(m) for m in modes]}) class MapConnection(OpenWebRxClient): def __init__(self, conn): super().__init__(conn) pm = Config.get() filtered_config = pm.filter( "google_maps_api_key", "receiver_gps", "map_position_retention_time", "receiver_name", ) filtered_config.wire(self.write_config) self.write_config(filtered_config.__dict__()) Map.getSharedInstance().addClient(self) def handleTextMessage(self, conn, message): pass def close(self): Map.getSharedInstance().removeClient(self) super().close() def write_config(self, cfg): self.send({"type": "config", "value": cfg}) def write_update(self, update): self.mp_send({"type": "update", "value": update}) class WebSocketMessageHandler(object): def __init__(self): self.handshake = None def handleTextMessage(self, conn, message): if message[:16] == "SERVER DE CLIENT": meta = message[17:].split(" ") self.handshake = {v[0]: "=".join(v[1:]) for v in map(lambda x: x.split("="), meta)} conn.send("CLIENT DE SERVER server=openwebrx version={version}".format(version=openwebrx_version)) logger.debug("client connection initialized") if "type" in self.handshake: if self.handshake["type"] == "receiver": client = OpenWebRxReceiverClient(conn) if self.handshake["type"] == "map": client = MapConnection(conn) # backwards compatibility else: client = OpenWebRxReceiverClient(conn) # hand off all further communication to the correspondig connection conn.setMessageHandler(client) return if not self.handshake: logger.warning("not answering client request since handshake is not complete") return def handleBinaryMessage(self, conn, data): pass def handleClose(self): pass