from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from .admin import AdminController from owrx.config import Config from urllib.parse import parse_qs import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Input(ABC): def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None): = id self.label = label self.infotext = infotext def bootstrap_decorate(self, input): infotext = "{text}".format(text=self.infotext) if self.infotext else "" return """
{input} {infotext}
""".format(, label=self.label, input=input, infotext=infotext ) def input_classes(self): return " ".join(["form-control", "form-control-sm"]) @abstractmethod def render_input(self, value): pass def render(self, config): return self.bootstrap_decorate(self.render_input(config[])) def parse(self, data): return { data[][0]} if in data else {} class TextInput(Input): def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format(, label=self.label, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value ) class LocationInput(Input): def render_input(self, value): # TODO make this work and pretty return "Placeholder for a map widget to select receiver location" class TextAreaInput(Input): def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format(, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value ) class CheckboxInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, checkboxText, infotext=None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext) self.checkboxText = checkboxText def render_input(self, value): return """
""".format(, classes=self.input_classes(), checked="checked" if value else "", checkboxText=self.checkboxText ) def input_classes(self): return " ".join(["form-check", "form-control-sm"]) def parse(self, data): return { in data and data[][0] == "on"} class DropdownOption(object): def __init__(self, value, text): self.value = value self.text = text class DropdownInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, options, infotext = None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext) self.options = options def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format(classes=self.input_classes(),, options=self.render_options(value)) def render_options(self, value): options = [ """ """.format( text=o.text, value=o.value, selected="selected" if o.value == value else "" ) for o in self.options ] return "".join(options) class Section(object): def __init__(self, title, *inputs): self.title = title self.inputs = inputs def render_inputs(self): config = Config.get() return "".join([i.render(config) for i in self.inputs]) def render(self): return """


""".format( title=self.title, inputs=self.render_inputs() ) def parse(self, data): return {k: v for i in self.inputs for k, v in i.parse(data).items()} class SettingsController(AdminController): sections = [ Section( "General settings", TextInput("receiver_name", "Receiver name"), TextInput("receiver_location", "Receiver location"), TextInput("receiver_asl", "Receiver elevation", infotext="Elevation in meters above mean see level"), TextInput("receiver_admin", "Receiver admin"), LocationInput("receiver_gps", "Receiver coordinates"), TextInput("photo_title", "Photo title"), TextAreaInput("photo_desc", "Photo description"), ), Section( "Waterfall settings", TextInput( "fft_fps", "FFT frames per second", infotext="This setting specifies how many lines are being added to the waterfall per second. " + "Higher values will give you a faster waterfall, but will also use more CPU.", ), TextInput("fft_size", "FFT size"), TextInput( "fft_voverlap_factor", "FFT vertical overlap factor", infotext="If fft_voverlap_factor is above 0, multiple FFTs will be used for creating a line on the " + "diagram.", ), TextInput("waterfall_min_level", "Lowest waterfall level"), TextInput("waterfall_max_level", "Highest waterfall level"), ), Section( "Compression", DropdownInput("audio_compression", "Audio compression", options=[ DropdownOption("adpcm", "ADPCM"), DropdownOption("none", "None"), ]), DropdownInput("fft_compression", "Waterfall compression", options=[ DropdownOption("adpcm", "ADPCM"), DropdownOption("none", "None"), ]), ), Section( "Digimodes", CheckboxInput("digimodes_enable", "", checkboxText="Enable Digimodes"), TextInput("digimodes_fft_size", "Digimodes FFT size"), ), Section( "Digital voice", TextInput( "digital_voice_unvoiced_quality", "Quality of unvoiced sounds in synthesized voice", infotext="Determines the quality, and thus the cpu usage, for the ambe codec used by digital voice" + "modes.
If you're running on a Raspi (up to 3B+) you should leave this set at 1" ), CheckboxInput( "digital_voice_dmr_id_lookup", "DMR id lookup", checkboxText="Enable lookup of DMR ids in the radioid database to show callsigns and names" ), ), Section( "Experimental pipe settings", CheckboxInput( "csdr_dynamic_bufsize", "", checkboxText="Enable dynamic buffer sizes", infotext="This allows you to change the buffering mode of csdr." ), CheckboxInput( "csdr_print_bufsizes", "", checkboxText="Print buffer sizez", infotext="This prints the buffer sizes used for csdr processes." ), CheckboxInput( "csdr_through", "", checkboxText="Print throughput", infotext="Enabling this will print out how much data is going into the DSP chains." ), ), Section( "Map settings", TextInput( "google_maps_api_key", "Google Maps API key", infotext="Google Maps requires an API key, check out " + '' + "their documentation on how to obtain one." ), TextInput( "map_position_retention_time", "Map retention time", infotext="Unit is seconds
Specifies how log markers / grids will remain visible on the map" ), ), Section( "WSJT-X settings", TextInput("wsjt_queue_workers", "Number of WSJT decoding workers"), TextInput("wsjt_queue_length", "Maximum length of WSJT job queue"), TextInput( "wsjt_decoding_depth", "WSJT decoding depth", infotext="A higher decoding depth will allow more results, but will also consume more cpu" ) ), Section( "Background decoding", CheckboxInput("services_enabled", "Service", checkboxText="Enable background decoding services"), ), Section( "APRS settings", TextInput( "aprs_callsign", "APRS callsign", infotext="This callsign will be used to send data to the APRS-IS network" ), CheckboxInput( "aprs_igate_enabled", "APRS I-Gate", checkboxText="Enable APRS receive-only I-Gate" ), TextInput("aprs_igate_server", "APRS-IS server"), TextInput("aprs_igate_password", "APRS-IS network password"), CheckboxInput( "aprs_igate_beacon", "APRS beacon", checkboxText="Send the receiver position to the APRS-IS network", infotext="Please check that your receiver location is setup correctly" ), ), Section( "pskreporter settings", CheckboxInput("pskreporter_enabled", "Reporting", checkboxText="Enable sending spots to"), TextInput( "pskreporter_callsign", "pskreporter callsign", infotext="This callsign will be used to send spots to" ), ), Section( "", TextInput( "sdrhu_key", " key", infotext='Please obtain your personal key on', ), CheckboxInput("sdrhu_public_listing", "List on", "List msy receiver on"), TextInput("server_hostname", "Hostname"), ), ] def render_sections(self): sections = "".join(section.render() for section in SettingsController.sections) return """
""".format( sections=sections ) def indexAction(self): self.serve_template("admin.html", **self.template_variables()) def template_variables(self): variables = super().template_variables() variables["sections"] = self.render_sections() return variables def processFormData(self): data = parse_qs(self.get_body().decode("utf-8")) data = {k: v for i in SettingsController.sections for k, v in i.parse(data).items()} config = Config.get() for k, v in data.items(): config[k] = v self.send_redirect("/admin")