import threading from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from owrx.config import Config class Reporter(ABC): @abstractmethod def stop(self): pass @abstractmethod def spot(self, spot): pass @abstractmethod def getSupportedModes(self): return [] class ReportingEngine(object): creationLock = threading.Lock() sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): with ReportingEngine.creationLock: if ReportingEngine.sharedInstance is None: ReportingEngine.sharedInstance = ReportingEngine() return ReportingEngine.sharedInstance @staticmethod def stopAll(): with ReportingEngine.creationLock: if ReportingEngine.sharedInstance is not None: ReportingEngine.sharedInstance.stop() def __init__(self): self.reporters = [] if Config.get()["pskreporter_enabled"]: # inline import due to circular dependencies from owrx.pskreporter import PskReporter self.reporters += [PskReporter()] def stop(self): for r in self.reporters: r.stop() def spot(self, spot): for r in self.reporters: if spot["mode"] in r.getSupportedModes():