function Filter() { this.min_passband = 100; } Filter.prototype.getLimits = function() { var max_bw; if (secondary_demod === 'pocsag') { max_bw = 12500; } else { max_bw = (audioEngine.getOutputRate() / 2) - 1; } return { high: max_bw, low: -max_bw }; }; function Envelope(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.dragged_range = Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; } Envelope.prototype.draw = function(visible_range){ this.visible_range = visible_range; this.drag_ranges = demod_envelope_draw( range, center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency + this.parent.low_cut, center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency + this.parent.high_cut, this.color, center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency ); }; Envelope.prototype.drag_start = function(x, key_modifiers){ this.key_modifiers = key_modifiers; this.dragged_range = demod_envelope_where_clicked(x, this.drag_ranges, key_modifiers); this.drag_origin = { x: x, low_cut: this.parent.low_cut, high_cut: this.parent.high_cut, offset_frequency: this.parent.offset_frequency }; return this.dragged_range !== Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; }; Envelope.prototype.drag_move = function(x) { var dr = Demodulator.draggable_ranges; var new_value; if (this.dragged_range === dr.none) return false; // we return if user is not dragging (us) at all var freq_change = Math.round(this.visible_range.hps * (x - this.drag_origin.x)); //dragging the line in the middle of the filter envelope while holding Shift does emulate //the BFO knob on radio equipment: moving offset frequency, while passband remains unchanged //Filter passband moves in the opposite direction than dragged, hence the minus below. var minus = (this.dragged_range === dr.bfo) ? -1 : 1; //dragging any other parts of the filter envelope while holding Shift does emulate the PBS knob //(PassBand Shift) on radio equipment: PBS does move the whole passband without moving the offset //frequency. if (this.dragged_range === dr.beginning || this.dragged_range === dr.bfo || this.dragged_range === dr.pbs) { //we don't let low_cut go beyond its limits if ((new_value = this.drag_origin.low_cut + minus * freq_change) < this.parent.filter.getLimits().low) return true; //nor the filter passband be too small if (this.parent.high_cut - new_value < this.parent.filter.min_passband) return true; //sanity check to prevent GNU Radio "firdes check failed: fa <= fb" if (new_value >= this.parent.high_cut) return true; this.parent.low_cut = new_value; } if (this.dragged_range === dr.ending || this.dragged_range === dr.bfo || this.dragged_range === dr.pbs) { //we don't let high_cut go beyond its limits if ((new_value = this.drag_origin.high_cut + minus * freq_change) > this.parent.filter.getLimits().high) return true; //nor the filter passband be too small if (new_value - this.parent.low_cut < this.parent.filter.min_passband) return true; //sanity check to prevent GNU Radio "firdes check failed: fa <= fb" if (new_value <= this.parent.low_cut) return true; this.parent.high_cut = new_value; } if (this.dragged_range === dr.anything_else || this.dragged_range === dr.bfo) { //when any other part of the envelope is dragged, the offset frequency is changed (whole passband also moves with it) new_value = this.drag_origin.offset_frequency + freq_change; if (new_value > bandwidth / 2 || new_value < -bandwidth / 2) return true; //we don't allow tuning above Nyquist frequency :-) this.parent.offset_frequency = new_value; } //now do the actual modifications: mkenvelopes(this.visible_range); this.parent.set(); //will have to change this when changing to multi-demodulator mode: tunedFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency); return true; }; Envelope.prototype.drag_end = function(){ demodulator_buttons_update(); var to_return = this.dragged_range !== Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; //this part is required for cliking anywhere on the scale to set offset this.dragged_range = Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; return to_return; }; //******* class Demodulator_default_analog ******* // This can be used as a base for basic audio demodulators. // It already supports most basic modulations used for ham radio and commercial services: AM/FM/LSB/USB function Demodulator(offset_frequency, modulation) { this.offset_frequency = offset_frequency; this.envelope = new Envelope(this); this.color = Demodulator.get_next_color(); this.modulation = modulation; this.filter = new Filter(); this.squelch_level = -150; this.dmr_filter = 3; this.state = {}; this.secondary_demod = false; var mode = Modes.findByModulation(modulation); if (mode) { this.low_cut = mode.bandpass.low_cut; this.high_cut = mode.bandpass.high_cut; } } //ranges on filter envelope that can be dragged: Demodulator.draggable_ranges = { none: 0, beginning: 1 /*from*/, ending: 2 /*to*/, anything_else: 3, bfo: 4 /*line (while holding shift)*/, pbs: 5 }; //to which parameter these correspond in demod_envelope_draw() Demodulator.color_index = 0; Demodulator.colors = ["#ffff00", "#00ff00", "#00ffff", "#058cff", "#ff9600", "#a1ff39", "#ff4e39", "#ff5dbd"]; Demodulator.get_next_color = function() { if (this.color_index >= this.colors.length) this.color_index = 0; return (this.colors[this.color_index++]); } Demodulator.prototype.set_offset_frequency = function(to_what) { if (to_what > bandwidth / 2 || to_what < -bandwidth / 2) return; this.offset_frequency = Math.round(to_what); this.set(); mkenvelopes(get_visible_freq_range()); tunedFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(center_freq + to_what); updateHash(); }; Demodulator.prototype.get_offset_frequency = function() { return this.offset_frequency; }; Demodulator.prototype.get_modulation = function() { return this.modulation; }; Demodulator.prototype.start = function() { this.set(); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ "type": "dspcontrol", "action": "start" })); }; // TODO check if this is actually used Demodulator.prototype.stop = function() { }; Demodulator.prototype.send = function(params) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "dspcontrol", "params": params})); } Demodulator.prototype.set = function () { //this function sends demodulator parameters to the server var params = { "low_cut": this.low_cut, "high_cut": this.high_cut, "offset_freq": this.offset_frequency, "mod": this.modulation, "dmr_filter": this.dmr_filter, "squelch_level": this.squelch_level, "secondary_mod": this.secondary_demod, "secondary_offset_freq": this.secondary_offset_freq }; var to_send = {}; for (var key in params) { if (!(key in this.state) || params[key] !== this.state[key]) { to_send[key] = params[key]; } } if (Object.keys(to_send).length > 0) { this.send(to_send); for (var key in to_send) { this.state[key] = to_send[key]; } } mkenvelopes(get_visible_freq_range()); }; Demodulator.prototype.setSquelch = function(squelch) { this.squelch_level = squelch; this.set(); }; Demodulator.prototype.setDmrFilter = function(dmr_filter) { this.dmr_filter = dmr_filter; this.set(); }; Demodulator.prototype.setBandpass = function(bandpass) { this.bandpass = bandpass; this.low_cut = bandpass.low_cut; this.high_cut = bandpass.high_cut; this.set(); }; Demodulator.prototype.getBandpass = function() { return { low_cut: this.low_cut, high_cut: this.high_cut }; }; Demodulator.prototype.set_secondary_demod = function(secondary_demod) { this.secondary_demod = secondary_demod; this.set(); }; Demodulator.prototype.set_secondary_offset_freq = function(secondary_offset) { this.secondary_offset_freq = secondary_offset; this.set(); };