/* This file is part of OpenWebRX, an open-source SDR receiver software with a web UI. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Andras Retzler Copyright (c) 2019-2020 by Jakob Ketterl This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ */ is_firefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0; var bandwidth; var center_freq; var fft_size; var fft_fps; var fft_compression = "none"; var fft_codec; var waterfall_setup_done = 0; var secondary_fft_size; var rx_photo_state = 1; function e(what) { return document.getElementById(what); } var rx_photo_height; function init_rx_photo() { var clip = e("webrx-top-photo-clip"); rx_photo_height = clip.clientHeight; clip.style.maxHeight = rx_photo_height + "px"; $.extend($.easing, { easeOutCubic:function(x) { return 1 - Math.pow( 1 - x, 3 ); } }); window.setTimeout(function () { $('#webrx-rx-photo-title').animate({opacity: 0}, 500); }, 1000); window.setTimeout(function () { $('#webrx-rx-photo-desc').animate({opacity: 0}, 500); }, 1500); window.setTimeout(function () { close_rx_photo() }, 2500); $('#webrx-top-container').find('.openwebrx-photo-trigger').click(toggle_rx_photo); } var dont_toggle_rx_photo_flag = 0; function dont_toggle_rx_photo() { dont_toggle_rx_photo_flag = 1; } function toggle_rx_photo() { if (dont_toggle_rx_photo_flag) { dont_toggle_rx_photo_flag = 0; return; } if (rx_photo_state) close_rx_photo(); else open_rx_photo() } function close_rx_photo() { rx_photo_state = 0; $('#webrx-top-photo-clip').animate({maxHeight: 67}, {duration: 1000, easing: 'easeOutCubic'}); e("openwebrx-rx-details-arrow-down").style.display = "block"; e("openwebrx-rx-details-arrow-up").style.display = "none"; } function open_rx_photo() { rx_photo_state = 1; e("webrx-rx-photo-desc").style.opacity = 1; e("webrx-rx-photo-title").style.opacity = 1; $('#webrx-top-photo-clip').animate({maxHeight: rx_photo_height}, {duration: 1000, easing: 'easeOutCubic'}); e("openwebrx-rx-details-arrow-down").style.display = "none"; e("openwebrx-rx-details-arrow-up").style.display = "block"; } function updateVolume() { audioEngine.setVolume(parseFloat(e("openwebrx-panel-volume").value) / 100); } function toggleMute() { if (mute) { mute = false; e("openwebrx-mute-on").id = "openwebrx-mute-off"; e("openwebrx-mute-img").src = "static/gfx/openwebrx-speaker.png"; e("openwebrx-panel-volume").disabled = false; e("openwebrx-panel-volume").style.opacity = 1.0; e("openwebrx-panel-volume").value = volumeBeforeMute; } else { mute = true; e("openwebrx-mute-off").id = "openwebrx-mute-on"; e("openwebrx-mute-img").src = "static/gfx/openwebrx-speaker-muted.png"; e("openwebrx-panel-volume").disabled = true; e("openwebrx-panel-volume").style.opacity = 0.5; volumeBeforeMute = e("openwebrx-panel-volume").value; e("openwebrx-panel-volume").value = 0; } updateVolume(); } function zoomInOneStep() { zoom_set(zoom_level + 1); } function zoomOutOneStep() { zoom_set(zoom_level - 1); } function zoomInTotal() { zoom_set(zoom_levels.length - 1); } function zoomOutTotal() { zoom_set(0); } function setSquelchToAuto() { e("openwebrx-panel-squelch").value = (getLogSmeterValue(smeter_level) + 10).toString(); updateSquelch(); } function updateSquelch() { var sliderValue = parseInt($("#openwebrx-panel-squelch").val()); ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "dspcontrol", "params": {"squelch_level": sliderValue}})); } var waterfall_min_level; var waterfall_max_level; var waterfall_min_level_default; var waterfall_max_level_default; var waterfall_colors; var waterfall_auto_level_margin; function updateWaterfallColors(which) { var wfmax = e("openwebrx-waterfall-color-max"); var wfmin = e("openwebrx-waterfall-color-min"); if (parseInt(wfmin.value) >= parseInt(wfmax.value)) { if (!which) wfmin.value = (parseInt(wfmax.value) - 1).toString(); else wfmax.value = (parseInt(wfmin.value) + 1).toString(); } waterfall_min_level = parseInt(wfmin.value); waterfall_max_level = parseInt(wfmax.value); } function waterfallColorsDefault() { waterfall_min_level = waterfall_min_level_default; waterfall_max_level = waterfall_max_level_default; e("openwebrx-waterfall-color-min").value = waterfall_min_level.toString(); e("openwebrx-waterfall-color-max").value = waterfall_max_level.toString(); } function waterfallColorsAuto() { e("openwebrx-waterfall-color-min").value = (waterfall_measure_minmax_min - waterfall_auto_level_margin[0]).toString(); e("openwebrx-waterfall-color-max").value = (waterfall_measure_minmax_max + waterfall_auto_level_margin[1]).toString(); updateWaterfallColors(0); } function setSmeterRelativeValue(value) { if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value > 1.0) value = 1.0; var bar = e("openwebrx-smeter-bar"); var outer = e("openwebrx-smeter-outer"); bar.style.width = (outer.offsetWidth * value).toString() + "px"; var bgRed = "linear-gradient(to top, #ff5939 , #961700)"; var bgGreen = "linear-gradient(to top, #22ff2f , #008908)"; var bgYellow = "linear-gradient(to top, #fff720 , #a49f00)"; bar.style.background = (value > 0.9) ? bgRed : ((value > 0.7) ? bgYellow : bgGreen); } function setSquelchSliderBackground(val) { var $slider = $('#openwebrx-panel-squelch'); var min = Number($slider.attr('min')); var max = Number($slider.attr('max')); var sliderPosition = $slider.val(); var relative = (val - min) / (max - min); // use a brighter color when squelch is open var color = val >= sliderPosition ? '#22ff2f' : '#008908'; // we don't use the gradient, but separate the colors discretely using css tricks var style = 'linear-gradient(90deg, ' + color + ', ' + color + ' ' + relative * 100 + '%, #B6B6B6 ' + relative * 100 + '%)'; $slider.css('--track-background', style); } function getLogSmeterValue(value) { return 10 * Math.log10(value); } function getLinearSmeterValue(db_value) { return Math.pow(10, db_value / 10); } function setSmeterAbsoluteValue(value) //the value that comes from `csdr squelch_and_smeter_cc` { var logValue = getLogSmeterValue(value); setSquelchSliderBackground(logValue); var lowLevel = waterfall_min_level - 20; var highLevel = waterfall_max_level + 20; var percent = (logValue - lowLevel) / (highLevel - lowLevel); setSmeterRelativeValue(percent); e("openwebrx-smeter-db").innerHTML = logValue.toFixed(1) + " dB"; } function typeInAnimation(element, timeout, what, onFinish) { if (!what) { onFinish(); return; } element.innerHTML += what[0]; window.setTimeout(function () { typeInAnimation(element, timeout, what.substring(1), onFinish); }, timeout); } // ======================================================== // ================ DEMODULATOR ROUTINES ================ // ======================================================== demodulators = []; var demodulator_color_index = 0; var demodulator_colors = ["#ffff00", "#00ff00", "#00ffff", "#058cff", "#ff9600", "#a1ff39", "#ff4e39", "#ff5dbd"]; function demodulators_get_next_color() { if (demodulator_color_index >= demodulator_colors.length) demodulator_color_index = 0; return (demodulator_colors[demodulator_color_index++]); } function demod_envelope_draw(range, from, to, color, line) { // ____ // Draws a standard filter envelope like this: _/ \_ // Parameters are given in offset frequency (Hz). // Envelope is drawn on the scale canvas. // A "drag range" object is returned, containing information about the draggable areas of the envelope // (beginning, ending and the line showing the offset frequency). if (typeof color === "undefined") color = "#ffff00"; //yellow var env_bounding_line_w = 5; // var env_att_w = 5; // _______ ___env_h2 in px ___|_____ var env_h1 = 17; // _/| \_ ___env_h1 in px _/ |_ \_ var env_h2 = 5; // |||env_att_line_w |_env_lineplus var env_lineplus = 1; // ||env_bounding_line_w var env_line_click_area = 6; //range=get_visible_freq_range(); var from_px = scale_px_from_freq(from, range); var to_px = scale_px_from_freq(to, range); if (to_px < from_px) /* swap'em */ { var temp_px = to_px; to_px = from_px; from_px = temp_px; } /*from_px-=env_bounding_line_w/2; to_px+=env_bounding_line_w/2;*/ from_px -= (env_att_w + env_bounding_line_w); to_px += (env_att_w + env_bounding_line_w); // do drawing: scale_ctx.lineWidth = 3; scale_ctx.strokeStyle = color; scale_ctx.fillStyle = color; var drag_ranges = {envelope_on_screen: false, line_on_screen: false}; if (!(to_px < 0 || from_px > window.innerWidth)) // out of screen? { drag_ranges.beginning = {x1: from_px, x2: from_px + env_bounding_line_w + env_att_w}; drag_ranges.ending = {x1: to_px - env_bounding_line_w - env_att_w, x2: to_px}; drag_ranges.whole_envelope = {x1: from_px, x2: to_px}; drag_ranges.envelope_on_screen = true; scale_ctx.beginPath(); scale_ctx.moveTo(from_px, env_h1); scale_ctx.lineTo(from_px + env_bounding_line_w, env_h1); scale_ctx.lineTo(from_px + env_bounding_line_w + env_att_w, env_h2); scale_ctx.lineTo(to_px - env_bounding_line_w - env_att_w, env_h2); scale_ctx.lineTo(to_px - env_bounding_line_w, env_h1); scale_ctx.lineTo(to_px, env_h1); scale_ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3; scale_ctx.fill(); scale_ctx.globalAlpha = 1; scale_ctx.stroke(); } if (typeof line !== "undefined") // out of screen? { var line_px = scale_px_from_freq(line, range); if (!(line_px < 0 || line_px > window.innerWidth)) { drag_ranges.line = {x1: line_px - env_line_click_area / 2, x2: line_px + env_line_click_area / 2}; drag_ranges.line_on_screen = true; scale_ctx.moveTo(line_px, env_h1 + env_lineplus); scale_ctx.lineTo(line_px, env_h2 - env_lineplus); scale_ctx.stroke(); } } return drag_ranges; } function demod_envelope_where_clicked(x, drag_ranges, key_modifiers) { // Check exactly what the user has clicked based on ranges returned by demod_envelope_draw(). var in_range = function (x, range) { return range.x1 <= x && range.x2 >= x; }; var dr = Demodulator.draggable_ranges; if (key_modifiers.shiftKey) { //Check first: shift + center drag emulates BFO knob if (drag_ranges.line_on_screen && in_range(x, drag_ranges.line)) return dr.bfo; //Check second: shift + envelope drag emulates PBF knob if (drag_ranges.envelope_on_screen && in_range(x, drag_ranges.whole_envelope)) return dr.pbs; } if (drag_ranges.envelope_on_screen) { // For low and high cut: if (in_range(x, drag_ranges.beginning)) return dr.beginning; if (in_range(x, drag_ranges.ending)) return dr.ending; // Last priority: having clicked anything else on the envelope, without holding the shift key if (in_range(x, drag_ranges.whole_envelope)) return dr.anything_else; } return dr.none; //User doesn't drag the envelope for this demodulator } //******* class Demodulator ******* // this can be used as a base class for ANY demodulator Demodulator = function (offset_frequency) { //console.log("this too"); this.offset_frequency = offset_frequency; this.envelope = {}; this.color = demodulators_get_next_color(); this.stop = function () { }; }; //ranges on filter envelope that can be dragged: Demodulator.draggable_ranges = { none: 0, beginning: 1 /*from*/, ending: 2 /*to*/, anything_else: 3, bfo: 4 /*line (while holding shift)*/, pbs: 5 }; //to which parameter these correspond in demod_envelope_draw() //******* class Demodulator_default_analog ******* // This can be used as a base for basic audio demodulators. // It already supports most basic modulations used for ham radio and commercial services: AM/FM/LSB/USB demodulator_response_time = 50; //in ms; if we don't limit the number of SETs sent to the server, audio will underrun (possibly output buffer is cleared on SETs in GNU Radio function Demodulator_default_analog(offset_frequency, subtype) { //console.log("hopefully this happens"); //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152931/javascript-inheritance-call-super-constructor-or-use-prototype-chain Demodulator.call(this, offset_frequency); this.subtype = subtype; this.filter = { min_passband: 100, getLimits: function() { var max_bw; if (secondary_demod === 'pocsag') { max_bw = 12500; } else { max_bw = (audioEngine.getOutputRate() / 2) - 1; } return { high: max_bw, low: -max_bw }; } }; //Subtypes only define some filter parameters and the mod string sent to server, //so you may set these parameters in your custom child class. //Why? As of demodulation is done on the server, difference is mainly on the server side. this.server_mod = subtype; if (subtype === "lsb") { this.low_cut = -3000; this.high_cut = -300; this.server_mod = "ssb"; } else if (subtype === "usb") { this.low_cut = 300; this.high_cut = 3000; this.server_mod = "ssb"; } else if (subtype === "cw") { this.low_cut = 700; this.high_cut = 900; this.server_mod = "ssb"; } else if (subtype === "nfm") { this.low_cut = -4000; this.high_cut = 4000; } else if (subtype === "dmr" || subtype === "ysf") { this.low_cut = -4000; this.high_cut = 4000; } else if (subtype === "dstar" || subtype === "nxdn") { this.low_cut = -3250; this.high_cut = 3250; } else if (subtype === "am") { this.low_cut = -4000; this.high_cut = 4000; } this.wait_for_timer = false; this.set_after = false; this.set = function () { //set() is a wrapper to call doset(), but it ensures that doset won't execute more frequently than demodulator_response_time. if (!this.wait_for_timer) { this.doset(false); this.set_after = false; this.wait_for_timer = true; var timeout_this = this; //http://stackoverflow.com/a/2130411 window.setTimeout(function () { timeout_this.wait_for_timer = false; if (timeout_this.set_after) timeout_this.set(); }, demodulator_response_time); } else { this.set_after = true; } }; this.doset = function (first_time) { //this function sends demodulator parameters to the server var params = { "low_cut": this.low_cut, "high_cut": this.high_cut, "offset_freq": this.offset_frequency }; if (first_time) params.mod = this.server_mod; ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "dspcontrol", "params": params})); mkenvelopes(get_visible_freq_range()); }; this.doset(true); //we set parameters on object creation //******* envelope object ******* // for drawing the filter envelope above scale this.envelope.parent = this; this.envelope.draw = function (visible_range) { this.visible_range = visible_range; this.drag_ranges = demod_envelope_draw(range, center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency + this.parent.low_cut, center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency + this.parent.high_cut, this.color, center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency); }; this.envelope.dragged_range = Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; // event handlers this.envelope.drag_start = function (x, key_modifiers) { this.key_modifiers = key_modifiers; this.dragged_range = demod_envelope_where_clicked(x, this.drag_ranges, key_modifiers); this.drag_origin = { x: x, low_cut: this.parent.low_cut, high_cut: this.parent.high_cut, offset_frequency: this.parent.offset_frequency }; return this.dragged_range !== Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; }; this.envelope.drag_move = function (x) { var dr = Demodulator.draggable_ranges; var new_value; if (this.dragged_range === dr.none) return false; // we return if user is not dragging (us) at all var freq_change = Math.round(this.visible_range.hps * (x - this.drag_origin.x)); //dragging the line in the middle of the filter envelope while holding Shift does emulate //the BFO knob on radio equipment: moving offset frequency, while passband remains unchanged //Filter passband moves in the opposite direction than dragged, hence the minus below. var minus = (this.dragged_range === dr.bfo) ? -1 : 1; //dragging any other parts of the filter envelope while holding Shift does emulate the PBS knob //(PassBand Shift) on radio equipment: PBS does move the whole passband without moving the offset //frequency. if (this.dragged_range === dr.beginning || this.dragged_range === dr.bfo || this.dragged_range === dr.pbs) { //we don't let low_cut go beyond its limits if ((new_value = this.drag_origin.low_cut + minus * freq_change) < this.parent.filter.getLimits().low) return true; //nor the filter passband be too small if (this.parent.high_cut - new_value < this.parent.filter.min_passband) return true; //sanity check to prevent GNU Radio "firdes check failed: fa <= fb" if (new_value >= this.parent.high_cut) return true; this.parent.low_cut = new_value; } if (this.dragged_range === dr.ending || this.dragged_range === dr.bfo || this.dragged_range === dr.pbs) { //we don't let high_cut go beyond its limits if ((new_value = this.drag_origin.high_cut + minus * freq_change) > this.parent.filter.getLimits().high) return true; //nor the filter passband be too small if (new_value - this.parent.low_cut < this.parent.filter.min_passband) return true; //sanity check to prevent GNU Radio "firdes check failed: fa <= fb" if (new_value <= this.parent.low_cut) return true; this.parent.high_cut = new_value; } if (this.dragged_range === dr.anything_else || this.dragged_range === dr.bfo) { //when any other part of the envelope is dragged, the offset frequency is changed (whole passband also moves with it) new_value = this.drag_origin.offset_frequency + freq_change; if (new_value > bandwidth / 2 || new_value < -bandwidth / 2) return true; //we don't allow tuning above Nyquist frequency :-) this.parent.offset_frequency = new_value; } //now do the actual modifications: mkenvelopes(this.visible_range); this.parent.set(); //will have to change this when changing to multi-demodulator mode: tunedFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(center_freq + this.parent.offset_frequency); return true; }; this.envelope.drag_end = function () { //in this demodulator we've already changed values in the drag_move() function so we shouldn't do too much here. demodulator_buttons_update(); var to_return = this.dragged_range !== Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; //this part is required for cliking anywhere on the scale to set offset this.dragged_range = Demodulator.draggable_ranges.none; return to_return; }; } Demodulator_default_analog.prototype = new Demodulator(); function mkenvelopes(visible_range) //called from mkscale { scale_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scale_ctx.canvas.width, 22); //clear the upper part of the canvas (where filter envelopes reside) for (var i = 0; i < demodulators.length; i++) { demodulators[i].envelope.draw(visible_range); } if (demodulators.length) secondary_demod_waterfall_set_zoom(demodulators[0].low_cut, demodulators[0].high_cut); } function demodulator_remove(which) { demodulators[which].stop(); demodulators.splice(which, 1); } function demodulator_add(what) { demodulators.push(what); mkenvelopes(get_visible_freq_range()); } var last_analog_demodulator_subtype = 'nfm'; var last_digital_demodulator_subtype = 'bpsk31'; function demodulator_analog_replace(subtype, for_digital) { //this function should only exist until the multi-demodulator capability is added if (!(typeof for_digital !== "undefined" && for_digital && secondary_demod)) { secondary_demod_close_window(); secondary_demod_listbox_update(); } last_analog_demodulator_subtype = subtype; var temp_offset = 0; if (demodulators.length) { temp_offset = demodulators[0].offset_frequency; demodulator_remove(0); } demodulator_add(new Demodulator_default_analog(temp_offset, subtype)); demodulator_buttons_update(); update_digitalvoice_panels("openwebrx-panel-metadata-" + subtype); } function demodulator_set_offset_frequency(to_what) { if (to_what > bandwidth / 2 || to_what < -bandwidth / 2) return; demodulators[0].offset_frequency = Math.round(to_what); demodulators[0].set(); mkenvelopes(get_visible_freq_range()); tunedFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(center_freq + to_what); } function waterfallWidth() { return $('body').width(); } // ======================================================== // =================== SCALE ROUTINES =================== // ======================================================== var scale_ctx; var scale_canvas; var tunedFrequencyDisplay; var mouseFrequencyDisplay; function scale_setup() { tunedFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(canvas_get_frequency(window.innerWidth / 2)); scale_canvas = e("openwebrx-scale-canvas"); scale_ctx = scale_canvas.getContext("2d"); scale_canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", scale_canvas_mousedown, false); scale_canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", scale_canvas_mousemove, false); scale_canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", scale_canvas_mouseup, false); resize_scale(); var frequency_container = e("openwebrx-frequency-container"); frequency_container.addEventListener("mousemove", frequency_container_mousemove, false); } var scale_canvas_drag_params = { mouse_down: false, drag: false, start_x: 0, key_modifiers: {shiftKey: false, altKey: false, ctrlKey: false} }; function scale_canvas_mousedown(evt) { scale_canvas_drag_params.mouse_down = true; scale_canvas_drag_params.drag = false; scale_canvas_drag_params.start_x = evt.pageX; scale_canvas_drag_params.key_modifiers.shiftKey = evt.shiftKey; scale_canvas_drag_params.key_modifiers.altKey = evt.altKey; scale_canvas_drag_params.key_modifiers.ctrlKey = evt.ctrlKey; evt.preventDefault(); } function scale_offset_freq_from_px(x, visible_range) { if (typeof visible_range === "undefined") visible_range = get_visible_freq_range(); return (visible_range.start + visible_range.bw * (x / waterfallWidth())) - center_freq; } function scale_canvas_mousemove(evt) { var event_handled = false; var i; if (scale_canvas_drag_params.mouse_down && !scale_canvas_drag_params.drag && Math.abs(evt.pageX - scale_canvas_drag_params.start_x) > canvas_drag_min_delta) //we can use the main drag_min_delta thing of the main canvas { scale_canvas_drag_params.drag = true; //call the drag_start for all demodulators (and they will decide if they're dragged, based on X coordinate) for (i = 0; i < demodulators.length; i++) event_handled |= demodulators[i].envelope.drag_start(evt.pageX, scale_canvas_drag_params.key_modifiers); scale_canvas.style.cursor = "move"; } else if (scale_canvas_drag_params.drag) { //call the drag_move for all demodulators (and they will decide if they're dragged) for (i = 0; i < demodulators.length; i++) event_handled |= demodulators[i].envelope.drag_move(evt.pageX); if (!event_handled) demodulator_set_offset_frequency(scale_offset_freq_from_px(evt.pageX)); } } function frequency_container_mousemove(evt) { var frequency = center_freq + scale_offset_freq_from_px(evt.pageX); mouseFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(frequency); } function scale_canvas_end_drag(x) { scale_canvas.style.cursor = "default"; scale_canvas_drag_params.drag = false; scale_canvas_drag_params.mouse_down = false; var event_handled = false; for (var i = 0; i < demodulators.length; i++) event_handled |= demodulators[i].envelope.drag_end(); if (!event_handled) demodulator_set_offset_frequency(scale_offset_freq_from_px(x)); } function scale_canvas_mouseup(evt) { scale_canvas_end_drag(evt.pageX); } function scale_px_from_freq(f, range) { return Math.round(((f - range.start) / range.bw) * waterfallWidth()); } function get_visible_freq_range() { var out = {}; var fcalc = function (x) { var canvasWidth = waterfallWidth() * zoom_levels[zoom_level]; return Math.round(((-zoom_offset_px + x) / canvasWidth) * bandwidth) + (center_freq - bandwidth / 2); }; out.start = fcalc(0); out.center = fcalc(waterfallWidth() / 2); out.end = fcalc(waterfallWidth()); out.bw = out.end - out.start; out.hps = out.bw / waterfallWidth(); return out; } var scale_markers_levels = [ { "large_marker_per_hz": 10000000, //large "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 0 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 5000000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 0 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 1000000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 0 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 500000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 1 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 100000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 1 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 50000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 2 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 10000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 2 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 5000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 3 }, { "large_marker_per_hz": 1000, "estimated_text_width": 70, "format": "{x} MHz", "pre_divide": 1000000, "decimals": 1 } ]; var scale_min_space_bw_texts = 50; var scale_min_space_bw_small_markers = 7; function get_scale_mark_spacing(range) { var out = {}; var fcalc = function (freq) { out.numlarge = (range.bw / freq); out.large = waterfallWidth() / out.numlarge; //distance between large markers (these have text) out.ratio = 5; //(ratio-1) small markers exist per large marker out.small = out.large / out.ratio; //distance between small markers if (out.small < scale_min_space_bw_small_markers) return false; if (out.small / 2 >= scale_min_space_bw_small_markers && freq.toString()[0] !== "5") { out.small /= 2; out.ratio *= 2; } out.smallbw = freq / out.ratio; return true; }; for (var i = scale_markers_levels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var mp = scale_markers_levels[i]; if (!fcalc(mp.large_marker_per_hz)) continue; //console.log(mp.large_marker_per_hz); //console.log(out); if (out.large - mp.estimated_text_width > scale_min_space_bw_texts) break; } out.params = mp; return out; } var range; function mkscale() { //clear the lower part of the canvas (where frequency scale resides; the upper part is used by filter envelopes): range = get_visible_freq_range(); mkenvelopes(range); //when scale changes we will always have to redraw filter envelopes, too scale_ctx.clearRect(0, 22, scale_ctx.canvas.width, scale_ctx.canvas.height - 22); scale_ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff"; scale_ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif"; scale_ctx.textBaseline = "top"; scale_ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; var spacing = get_scale_mark_spacing(range); //console.log(spacing); var marker_hz = Math.ceil(range.start / spacing.smallbw) * spacing.smallbw; var text_h_pos = 22 + 10 + ((is_firefox) ? 3 : 0); var text_to_draw = ''; var ftext = function (f) { text_to_draw = format_frequency(spacing.params.format, f, spacing.params.pre_divide, spacing.params.decimals); }; var last_large; var x; for (; ;) { x = scale_px_from_freq(marker_hz, range); if (x > window.innerWidth) break; scale_ctx.beginPath(); scale_ctx.moveTo(x, 22); if (marker_hz % spacing.params.large_marker_per_hz === 0) { //large marker if (typeof first_large === "undefined") var first_large = marker_hz; last_large = marker_hz; scale_ctx.lineWidth = 3.5; scale_ctx.lineTo(x, 22 + 11); ftext(marker_hz); var text_measured = scale_ctx.measureText(text_to_draw); scale_ctx.textAlign = "center"; //advanced text drawing begins if (zoom_level === 0 && (range.start + spacing.smallbw * spacing.ratio > marker_hz) && (x < text_measured.width / 2)) { //if this is the first overall marker when zoomed out... and if it would be clipped off the screen... if (scale_px_from_freq(marker_hz + spacing.smallbw * spacing.ratio, range) - text_measured.width >= scale_min_space_bw_texts) { //and if we have enough space to draw it correctly without clipping scale_ctx.textAlign = "left"; scale_ctx.fillText(text_to_draw, 0, text_h_pos); } } else if (zoom_level === 0 && (range.end - spacing.smallbw * spacing.ratio < marker_hz) && (x > window.innerWidth - text_measured.width / 2)) { // if this is the last overall marker when zoomed out... and if it would be clipped off the screen... if (window.innerWidth - text_measured.width - scale_px_from_freq(marker_hz - spacing.smallbw * spacing.ratio, range) >= scale_min_space_bw_texts) { //and if we have enough space to draw it correctly without clipping scale_ctx.textAlign = "right"; scale_ctx.fillText(text_to_draw, window.innerWidth, text_h_pos); } } else scale_ctx.fillText(text_to_draw, x, text_h_pos); //draw text normally } else { //small marker scale_ctx.lineWidth = 2; scale_ctx.lineTo(x, 22 + 8); } marker_hz += spacing.smallbw; scale_ctx.stroke(); } if (zoom_level !== 0) { // if zoomed, we don't want the texts to disappear because their markers can't be seen // on the left side scale_ctx.textAlign = "center"; var f = first_large - spacing.smallbw * spacing.ratio; x = scale_px_from_freq(f, range); ftext(f); var w = scale_ctx.measureText(text_to_draw).width; if (x + w / 2 > 0) scale_ctx.fillText(text_to_draw, x, 22 + 10); // on the right side f = last_large + spacing.smallbw * spacing.ratio; x = scale_px_from_freq(f, range); ftext(f); w = scale_ctx.measureText(text_to_draw).width; if (x - w / 2 < window.innerWidth) scale_ctx.fillText(text_to_draw, x, 22 + 10); } } function resize_scale() { var ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; var w = window.innerWidth; var h = 47; scale_canvas.style.width = w + "px"; scale_canvas.style.height = h + "px"; w *= ratio; h *= ratio; scale_canvas.width = w; scale_canvas.height = h; scale_ctx.scale(ratio, ratio); mkscale(); bookmarks.position(); } function canvas_get_freq_offset(relativeX) { var rel = (relativeX / canvases[0].clientWidth); return Math.round((bandwidth * rel) - (bandwidth / 2)); } function canvas_get_frequency(relativeX) { return center_freq + canvas_get_freq_offset(relativeX); } function format_frequency(format, freq_hz, pre_divide, decimals) { var out = format.replace("{x}", (freq_hz / pre_divide).toFixed(decimals)); var at = out.indexOf(".") + 4; while (decimals > 3) { out = out.substr(0, at) + "," + out.substr(at); at += 4; decimals -= 3; } return out; } var canvas_drag = false; var canvas_drag_min_delta = 1; var canvas_mouse_down = false; var canvas_drag_last_x; var canvas_drag_last_y; var canvas_drag_start_x; var canvas_drag_start_y; function canvas_mousedown(evt) { canvas_mouse_down = true; canvas_drag = false; canvas_drag_last_x = canvas_drag_start_x = evt.pageX; canvas_drag_last_y = canvas_drag_start_y = evt.pageY; evt.preventDefault(); //don't show text selection mouse pointer } function canvas_mousemove(evt) { if (!waterfall_setup_done) return; var relativeX = get_relative_x(evt); if (canvas_mouse_down) { if (!canvas_drag && Math.abs(evt.pageX - canvas_drag_start_x) > canvas_drag_min_delta) { canvas_drag = true; canvas_container.style.cursor = "move"; } if (canvas_drag) { var deltaX = canvas_drag_last_x - evt.pageX; var dpx = range.hps * deltaX; if ( !(zoom_center_rel + dpx > (bandwidth / 2 - waterfallWidth() * (1 - zoom_center_where) * range.hps)) && !(zoom_center_rel + dpx < -bandwidth / 2 + waterfallWidth() * zoom_center_where * range.hps) ) { zoom_center_rel += dpx; } resize_canvases(false); canvas_drag_last_x = evt.pageX; canvas_drag_last_y = evt.pageY; mkscale(); bookmarks.position(); } } else { mouseFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(canvas_get_frequency(relativeX)); } } function canvas_container_mouseleave() { canvas_end_drag(); } function canvas_mouseup(evt) { if (!waterfall_setup_done) return; var relativeX = get_relative_x(evt); if (!canvas_drag) { demodulator_set_offset_frequency(canvas_get_freq_offset(relativeX)); } else { canvas_end_drag(); } canvas_mouse_down = false; } function canvas_end_drag() { canvas_container.style.cursor = "crosshair"; canvas_mouse_down = false; } function zoom_center_where_calc(screenposX) { return screenposX / waterfallWidth(); } function get_relative_x(evt) { var relativeX = evt.offsetX || evt.layerX; if ($(evt.target).closest(canvas_container).length) return relativeX; // compensate for the frequency scale, since that is not resized by the browser. var relatives = $(evt.target).closest('#openwebrx-frequency-container').map(function(){ return evt.pageX - this.offsetLeft; }); if (relatives.length) relativeX = relatives[0]; return relativeX - zoom_offset_px; } function canvas_mousewheel(evt) { if (!waterfall_setup_done) return; var relativeX = get_relative_x(evt); var dir = (evt.deltaY / Math.abs(evt.deltaY)) > 0; zoom_step(dir, relativeX, zoom_center_where_calc(evt.pageX)); evt.preventDefault(); } var zoom_max_level_hps = 33; //Hz/pixel var zoom_levels_count = 14; function get_zoom_coeff_from_hps(hps) { var shown_bw = (window.innerWidth * hps); return bandwidth / shown_bw; } var zoom_levels = [1]; var zoom_level = 0; var zoom_offset_px = 0; var zoom_center_rel = 0; var zoom_center_where = 0; var smeter_level = 0; function mkzoomlevels() { zoom_levels = [1]; var maxc = get_zoom_coeff_from_hps(zoom_max_level_hps); if (maxc < 1) return; // logarithmic interpolation var zoom_ratio = Math.pow(maxc, 1 / zoom_levels_count); for (var i = 1; i < zoom_levels_count; i++) zoom_levels.push(Math.pow(zoom_ratio, i)); } function zoom_step(out, where, onscreen) { if ((out && zoom_level === 0) || (!out && zoom_level >= zoom_levels_count - 1)) return; if (out) --zoom_level; else ++zoom_level; zoom_center_rel = canvas_get_freq_offset(where); //console.log("zoom_step || zlevel: "+zoom_level.toString()+" zlevel_val: "+zoom_levels[zoom_level].toString()+" zoom_center_rel: "+zoom_center_rel.toString()); zoom_center_where = onscreen; //console.log(zoom_center_where, zoom_center_rel, where); resize_canvases(true); mkscale(); bookmarks.position(); } function zoom_set(level) { if (!(level >= 0 && level <= zoom_levels.length - 1)) return; level = parseInt(level); zoom_level = level; //zoom_center_rel=canvas_get_freq_offset(-canvases[0].offsetLeft+waterfallWidth()/2); //zoom to screen center instead of demod envelope zoom_center_rel = demodulators[0].offset_frequency; zoom_center_where = 0.5 + (zoom_center_rel / bandwidth); //this is a kind of hack resize_canvases(true); mkscale(); bookmarks.position(); } function zoom_calc() { var winsize = waterfallWidth(); var canvases_new_width = winsize * zoom_levels[zoom_level]; zoom_offset_px = -((canvases_new_width * (0.5 + zoom_center_rel / bandwidth)) - (winsize * zoom_center_where)); if (zoom_offset_px > 0) zoom_offset_px = 0; if (zoom_offset_px < winsize - canvases_new_width) zoom_offset_px = winsize - canvases_new_width; } var networkSpeedMeasurement; var currentprofile; var COMPRESS_FFT_PAD_N = 10; //should be the same as in csdr.c function on_ws_recv(evt) { if (typeof evt.data === 'string') { // text messages networkSpeedMeasurement.add(evt.data.length); if (evt.data.substr(0, 16) === "CLIENT DE SERVER") { divlog("Server acknowledged WebSocket connection."); } else { try { var json = JSON.parse(evt.data); switch (json.type) { case "config": var config = json['value']; waterfall_colors = config['waterfall_colors']; waterfall_min_level_default = config['waterfall_min_level']; waterfall_max_level_default = config['waterfall_max_level']; waterfall_auto_level_margin = config['waterfall_auto_level_margin']; waterfallColorsDefault(); starting_mod = config['start_mod']; starting_offset_frequency = config['start_offset_freq']; bandwidth = config['samp_rate']; center_freq = config['center_freq']; fft_size = config['fft_size']; fft_fps = config['fft_fps']; var audio_compression = config['audio_compression']; audioEngine.setCompression(audio_compression); divlog("Audio stream is " + ((audio_compression === "adpcm") ? "compressed" : "uncompressed") + "."); fft_compression = config['fft_compression']; divlog("FFT stream is " + ((fft_compression === "adpcm") ? "compressed" : "uncompressed") + "."); clientProgressBar.setMaxClients(config['max_clients']); var sql = Number.isInteger(config['initial_squelch_level']) ? config['initial_squelch_level'] : -150; $("#openwebrx-panel-squelch").val(sql); updateSquelch(); waterfall_init(); initialize_demodulator(); bookmarks.loadLocalBookmarks(); waterfall_clear(); currentprofile = config['sdr_id'] + '|' + config['profile_id']; $('#openwebrx-sdr-profiles-listbox').val(currentprofile); break; case "secondary_config": var s = json['value']; window.secondary_fft_size = s['secondary_fft_size']; window.secondary_bw = s['secondary_bw']; window.if_samp_rate = s['if_samp_rate']; secondary_demod_init_canvases(); break; case "receiver_details": var r = json['value']; e('webrx-rx-title').innerHTML = r['receiver_name']; e('webrx-rx-desc').innerHTML = r['receiver_location'] + ' | Loc: ' + r['locator'] + ', ASL: ' + r['receiver_asl'] + ' m, [maps]'; e('webrx-rx-photo-title').innerHTML = r['photo_title']; e('webrx-rx-photo-desc').innerHTML = r['photo_desc']; break; case "smeter": smeter_level = json['value']; setSmeterAbsoluteValue(smeter_level); break; case "cpuusage": cpuProgressBar.setUsage(json['value']); break; case "clients": clientProgressBar.setClients(json['value']); break; case "profiles": var listbox = e("openwebrx-sdr-profiles-listbox"); listbox.innerHTML = json['value'].map(function (profile) { return '"; }).join(""); if (currentprofile) { $('#openwebrx-sdr-profiles-listbox').val(currentprofile); } break; case "features": var features = json['value']; for (var feature in features) { if (features.hasOwnProperty(feature)) { $('[data-feature="' + feature + '"]')[features[feature] ? "show" : "hide"](); } } break; case "metadata": update_metadata(json['value']); break; case "wsjt_message": update_wsjt_panel(json['value']); break; case "dial_frequencies": var as_bookmarks = json['value'].map(function (d) { return { name: d['mode'].toUpperCase(), digital_modulation: d['mode'], frequency: d['frequency'] }; }); bookmarks.replace_bookmarks(as_bookmarks, 'dial_frequencies'); break; case "aprs_data": update_packet_panel(json['value']); break; case "bookmarks": bookmarks.replace_bookmarks(json['value'], "server"); break; case "sdr_error": divlog(json['value'], true); var $overlay = $('#openwebrx-error-overlay'); $overlay.find('.errormessage').text(json['value']); $overlay.show(); break; case 'secondary_demod': secondary_demod_push_data(json['value']); break; case 'log_message': divlog(json['value'], true); break; case 'pocsag_data': update_pocsag_panel(json['value']); break; case 'backoff': divlog("Server is currently busy: " + json['reason'], true); var $overlay = $('#openwebrx-error-overlay'); $overlay.find('.errormessage').text(json['reason']); $overlay.show(); // set a higher reconnection timeout right away to avoid additional load reconnect_timeout = 16000; break; default: console.warn('received message of unknown type: ' + json['type']); } } catch (e) { // don't lose exception console.error(e) } } } else if (evt.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { // binary messages networkSpeedMeasurement.add(evt.data.byteLength); var type = new Uint8Array(evt.data, 0, 1)[0]; var data = evt.data.slice(1); var waterfall_i16; var waterfall_f32; var i; switch (type) { case 1: // FFT data if (fft_compression === "none") { waterfall_add(new Float32Array(data)); } else if (fft_compression === "adpcm") { fft_codec.reset(); waterfall_i16 = fft_codec.decode(new Uint8Array(data)); waterfall_f32 = new Float32Array(waterfall_i16.length - COMPRESS_FFT_PAD_N); for (i = 0; i < waterfall_i16.length; i++) waterfall_f32[i] = waterfall_i16[i + COMPRESS_FFT_PAD_N] / 100; waterfall_add(waterfall_f32); } break; case 2: // audio data audioEngine.pushAudio(data); break; case 3: // secondary FFT if (fft_compression === "none") { secondary_demod_waterfall_add(new Float32Array(data)); } else if (fft_compression === "adpcm") { fft_codec.reset(); waterfall_i16 = fft_codec.decode(new Uint8Array(data)); waterfall_f32 = new Float32Array(waterfall_i16.length - COMPRESS_FFT_PAD_N); for (i = 0; i < waterfall_i16.length; i++) waterfall_f32[i] = waterfall_i16[i + COMPRESS_FFT_PAD_N] / 100; secondary_demod_waterfall_add(waterfall_f32); } break; default: console.warn('unknown type of binary message: ' + type) } } } function update_metadata(meta) { var el; if (meta['protocol']) switch (meta['protocol']) { case 'DMR': if (meta['slot']) { el = $("#openwebrx-panel-metadata-dmr").find(".openwebrx-dmr-timeslot-panel").get(meta['slot']); var id = ""; var name = ""; var target = ""; var group = false; $(el)[meta['sync'] ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("sync"); if (meta['sync'] && meta['sync'] === "voice") { id = (meta['additional'] && meta['additional']['callsign']) || meta['source'] || ""; name = (meta['additional'] && meta['additional']['fname']) || ""; if (meta['type'] === "group") { target = "Talkgroup: "; group = true; } if (meta['type'] === "direct") target = "Direct: "; target += meta['target'] || ""; $(el).addClass("active"); } else { $(el).removeClass("active"); } $(el).find(".openwebrx-dmr-id").text(id); $(el).find(".openwebrx-dmr-name").text(name); $(el).find(".openwebrx-dmr-target").text(target); $(el).find(".openwebrx-meta-user-image")[group ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("group"); } else { clear_metadata(); } break; case 'YSF': el = $("#openwebrx-panel-metadata-ysf"); var mode = " "; var source = ""; var up = ""; var down = ""; if (meta['mode'] && meta['mode'] !== "") { mode = "Mode: " + meta['mode']; source = meta['source'] || ""; if (meta['lat'] && meta['lon'] && meta['source']) { source = "" + source; } up = meta['up'] ? "Up: " + meta['up'] : ""; down = meta['down'] ? "Down: " + meta['down'] : ""; $(el).find(".openwebrx-meta-slot").addClass("active"); } else { $(el).find(".openwebrx-meta-slot").removeClass("active"); } $(el).find(".openwebrx-ysf-mode").text(mode); $(el).find(".openwebrx-ysf-source").html(source); $(el).find(".openwebrx-ysf-up").text(up); $(el).find(".openwebrx-ysf-down").text(down); break; } else { clear_metadata(); } } function html_escape(input) { return $('
').text(input).html() } function update_wsjt_panel(msg) { var $b = $('#openwebrx-panel-wsjt-message').find('tbody'); var t = new Date(msg['timestamp']); var pad = function (i) { return ('' + i).padStart(2, "0"); }; var linkedmsg = msg['msg']; var matches; if (['FT8', 'JT65', 'JT9', 'FT4'].indexOf(msg['mode']) >= 0) { matches = linkedmsg.match(/(.*\s[A-Z0-9]+\s)([A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})$/); if (matches && matches[2] !== 'RR73') { linkedmsg = html_escape(matches[1]) + '' + matches[2] + ''; } else { linkedmsg = html_escape(linkedmsg); } } else if (msg['mode'] === 'WSPR') { matches = linkedmsg.match(/([A-Z0-9]*\s)([A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})(\s[0-9]+)/); if (matches) { linkedmsg = html_escape(matches[1]) + '' + matches[2] + '' + html_escape(matches[3]); } else { linkedmsg = html_escape(linkedmsg); } } $b.append($( '' + '' + pad(t.getUTCHours()) + pad(t.getUTCMinutes()) + pad(t.getUTCSeconds()) + '' + '' + msg['db'] + '' + '' + msg['dt'] + '' + '' + msg['freq'] + '' + '' + linkedmsg + '' + '' )); $b.scrollTop($b[0].scrollHeight); } var digital_removal_interval; // remove old wsjt messages in fixed intervals function init_digital_removal_timer() { if (digital_removal_interval) clearInterval(digital_removal_interval); digital_removal_interval = setInterval(function () { ['#openwebrx-panel-wsjt-message', '#openwebrx-panel-packet-message'].forEach(function (root) { var $elements = $(root + ' tbody tr'); // limit to 1000 entries in the list since browsers get laggy at some point var toRemove = $elements.length - 1000; if (toRemove <= 0) return; $elements.slice(0, toRemove).remove(); }); }, 15000); } function update_packet_panel(msg) { var $b = $('#openwebrx-panel-packet-message').find('tbody'); var pad = function (i) { return ('' + i).padStart(2, "0"); }; if (msg.type && msg.type === 'thirdparty' && msg.data) { msg = msg.data; } var source = msg.source; if (msg.type) { if (msg.type === 'item') { source = msg.item; } if (msg.type === 'object') { source = msg.object; } } var timestamp = ''; if (msg.timestamp) { var t = new Date(msg.timestamp); timestamp = pad(t.getUTCHours()) + pad(t.getUTCMinutes()) + pad(t.getUTCSeconds()) } var link = ''; var classes = []; var styles = {}; var overlay = ''; var stylesToString = function (s) { return $.map(s, function (value, key) { return key + ':' + value + ';' }).join('') }; if (msg.symbol) { classes.push('aprs-symbol'); classes.push('aprs-symboltable-' + (msg.symbol.table === '/' ? 'normal' : 'alternate')); styles['background-position-x'] = -(msg.symbol.index % 16) * 15 + 'px'; styles['background-position-y'] = -Math.floor(msg.symbol.index / 16) * 15 + 'px'; if (msg.symbol.table !== '/' && msg.symbol.table !== '\\') { var s = {}; s['background-position-x'] = -(msg.symbol.tableindex % 16) * 15 + 'px'; s['background-position-y'] = -Math.floor(msg.symbol.tableindex / 16) * 15 + 'px'; overlay = '
'; } } else if (msg.lat && msg.lon) { classes.push('openwebrx-maps-pin'); } var attrs = [ 'class="' + classes.join(' ') + '"', 'style="' + stylesToString(styles) + '"' ].join(' '); if (msg.lat && msg.lon) { link = '' + overlay + ''; } else { link = '
' + overlay + '
' } $b.append($( '' + '' + timestamp + '' + '' + source + '' + '' + link + '' + '' + (msg.comment || msg.message || '') + '' + '' )); $b.scrollTop($b[0].scrollHeight); } function update_pocsag_panel(msg) { var $b = $('#openwebrx-panel-pocsag-message').find('tbody'); $b.append($( '' + '' + msg.address + '' + '' + msg.message + '' + '' )); $b.scrollTop($b[0].scrollHeight); } function update_digitalvoice_panels(showing) { $(".openwebrx-meta-panel").each(function (_, p) { toggle_panel(p.id, p.id === showing); }); clear_metadata(); } function clear_metadata() { $(".openwebrx-meta-panel .openwebrx-meta-autoclear").text(""); $(".openwebrx-meta-slot").removeClass("active").removeClass("sync"); $(".openwebrx-dmr-timeslot-panel").removeClass("muted"); } var waterfall_measure_minmax = false; var waterfall_measure_minmax_now = false; var waterfall_measure_minmax_min = 1e100; var waterfall_measure_minmax_max = -1e100; function waterfall_measure_minmax_do(what) { waterfall_measure_minmax_min = Math.min(waterfall_measure_minmax_min, Math.min.apply(Math, what)); waterfall_measure_minmax_max = Math.max(waterfall_measure_minmax_max, Math.max.apply(Math, what)); } function on_ws_opened() { $('#openwebrx-error-overlay').hide(); ws.send("SERVER DE CLIENT client=openwebrx.js type=receiver"); divlog("WebSocket opened to " + ws.url); if (!networkSpeedMeasurement) { networkSpeedMeasurement = new Measurement(); networkSpeedMeasurement.report(60000, 1000, function(rate){ networkSpeedProgressBar.setSpeed(rate); }); } else { networkSpeedMeasurement.reset(); } reconnect_timeout = false; ws.send(JSON.stringify({ "type": "connectionproperties", "params": {"output_rate": audioEngine.getOutputRate()} })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ "type": "dspcontrol", "action": "start" })); } var was_error = 0; function divlog(what, is_error) { is_error = !!is_error; was_error |= is_error; if (is_error) { what = "" + what + ""; toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-log", true); //show panel if any error is present } e("openwebrx-debugdiv").innerHTML += what + "
"; var nano = $('.nano'); nano.nanoScroller(); nano.nanoScroller({scroll: 'bottom'}); } var volumeBeforeMute = 100.0; var mute = false; // Optimalise these if audio lags or is choppy: var audio_buffer_maximal_length_sec = 1; //actual number of samples are calculated from sample rate function webrx_set_param(what, value) { var params = {}; params[what] = value; ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "dspcontrol", "params": params})); } var starting_offset_frequency; var starting_mod; function parseHash() { var h; if (h = window.location.hash) { h.substring(1).split(",").forEach(function (x) { var harr = x.split("="); if (harr[0] === "mute") toggleMute(); else if (harr[0] === "mod") starting_mod = harr[1]; else if (harr[0] === "sql") { e("openwebrx-panel-squelch").value = harr[1]; updateSquelch(); } else if (harr[0] === "freq") { console.log(parseInt(harr[1])); console.log(center_freq); starting_offset_frequency = parseInt(harr[1]) - center_freq; } }); } } function onAudioStart(success, apiType){ divlog('Web Audio API succesfully initialized, using ' + apiType + ' API, sample rate: ' + audioEngine.getSampleRate() + " Hz"); // canvas_container is set after waterfall_init() has been called. we cannot initialize before. if (canvas_container) initialize_demodulator(); //hide log panel in a second (if user has not hidden it yet) window.setTimeout(function () { toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-log", !!was_error); }, 2000); //Synchronise volume with slider updateVolume(); } function initialize_demodulator() { demodulator_analog_replace(starting_mod); if (starting_offset_frequency) { demodulators[0].offset_frequency = starting_offset_frequency; tunedFrequencyDisplay.setFrequency(center_freq + starting_offset_frequency); demodulators[0].set(); mkscale(); } } var reconnect_timeout = false; function on_ws_closed() { if (reconnect_timeout) { // max value: roundabout 8 and a half minutes reconnect_timeout = Math.min(reconnect_timeout * 2, 512000); } else { // initial value: 1s reconnect_timeout = 1000; } divlog("WebSocket has closed unexpectedly. Attempting to reconnect in " + reconnect_timeout / 1000 + " seconds...", 1); setTimeout(open_websocket, reconnect_timeout); } function on_ws_error() { divlog("WebSocket error.", 1); } var ws; function open_websocket() { var protocol = window.location.protocol.match(/https/) ? 'wss' : 'ws'; var href = window.location.href; var index = href.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index > 0) { href = href.substr(0, index + 1); } href = href.split("://")[1]; href = protocol + "://" + href; if (!href.endsWith('/')) { href += '/'; } var ws_url = href + "ws/"; if (!("WebSocket" in window)) divlog("Your browser does not support WebSocket, which is required for WebRX to run. Please upgrade to a HTML5 compatible browser."); ws = new WebSocket(ws_url); ws.onopen = on_ws_opened; ws.onmessage = on_ws_recv; ws.onclose = on_ws_closed; ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; window.onbeforeunload = function () { //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4812686/closing-websocket-correctly-html5-javascript ws.onclose = function () { }; ws.close(); }; ws.onerror = on_ws_error; } function waterfall_mkcolor(db_value, waterfall_colors_arg) { if (typeof waterfall_colors_arg === 'undefined') waterfall_colors_arg = waterfall_colors; if (db_value < waterfall_min_level) db_value = waterfall_min_level; if (db_value > waterfall_max_level) db_value = waterfall_max_level; var full_scale = waterfall_max_level - waterfall_min_level; var relative_value = db_value - waterfall_min_level; var value_percent = relative_value / full_scale; var percent_for_one_color = 1 / (waterfall_colors_arg.length - 1); var index = Math.floor(value_percent / percent_for_one_color); var remain = (value_percent - percent_for_one_color * index) / percent_for_one_color; return color_between(waterfall_colors_arg[index + 1], waterfall_colors_arg[index], remain); } function color_between(first, second, percent) { var output = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var add = ((((first & (0xff << (i * 8))) >>> 0) * percent) + (((second & (0xff << (i * 8))) >>> 0) * (1 - percent))) & (0xff << (i * 8)); output |= add >>> 0; } return output >>> 0; } var canvas_context; var canvases = []; var canvas_default_height = 200; var canvas_container; var canvas_actual_line; function add_canvas() { var new_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); new_canvas.width = fft_size; new_canvas.height = canvas_default_height; canvas_actual_line = canvas_default_height - 1; new_canvas.openwebrx_top = (-canvas_default_height + 1); new_canvas.style.top = new_canvas.openwebrx_top.toString() + "px"; canvas_context = new_canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas_container.appendChild(new_canvas); canvases.push(new_canvas); while (canvas_container && canvas_container.clientHeight + canvas_default_height * 2 < canvases.length * canvas_default_height) { var c = canvases.shift(); if (!c) break; canvas_container.removeChild(c); } } function init_canvas_container() { canvas_container = e("webrx-canvas-container"); canvas_container.addEventListener("mouseleave", canvas_container_mouseleave, false); canvas_container.addEventListener("mousemove", canvas_mousemove, false); canvas_container.addEventListener("mouseup", canvas_mouseup, false); canvas_container.addEventListener("mousedown", canvas_mousedown, false); canvas_container.addEventListener("wheel", canvas_mousewheel, false); var frequency_container = e("openwebrx-frequency-container"); frequency_container.addEventListener("wheel", canvas_mousewheel, false); add_canvas(); } canvas_maxshift = 0; function shift_canvases() { canvases.forEach(function (p) { p.style.top = (p.openwebrx_top++).toString() + "px"; }); canvas_maxshift++; } function resize_canvases(zoom) { if (typeof zoom === "undefined") zoom = false; if (!zoom) mkzoomlevels(); zoom_calc(); $('#webrx-canvas-container').css({ width: waterfallWidth() * zoom_levels[zoom_level] + 'px', left: zoom_offset_px + "px" }); } function waterfall_init() { init_canvas_container(); resize_canvases(); scale_setup(); mkzoomlevels(); waterfall_setup_done = 1; } function waterfall_add(data) { if (!waterfall_setup_done) return; var w = fft_size; if (waterfall_measure_minmax) waterfall_measure_minmax_do(data); if (waterfall_measure_minmax_now) { waterfall_measure_minmax_do(data); waterfall_measure_minmax_now = false; waterfallColorsAuto(); } //Add line to waterfall image var oneline_image = canvas_context.createImageData(w, 1); for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { var color = waterfall_mkcolor(data[x]); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) oneline_image.data[x * 4 + i] = ((color >>> 0) >> ((3 - i) * 8)) & 0xff; } //Draw image canvas_context.putImageData(oneline_image, 0, canvas_actual_line--); shift_canvases(); if (canvas_actual_line < 0) add_canvas(); } function check_top_bar_congestion() { var rmf = function (x) { return x.offsetLeft + x.offsetWidth; }; var wet = e("webrx-rx-title"); var wed = e("webrx-rx-desc"); var tl = e("openwebrx-main-buttons"); [wet, wed].map(function (what) { if (rmf(what) > tl.offsetLeft - 20) what.style.opacity = what.style.opacity = "0"; else wet.style.opacity = wed.style.opacity = "1"; }); } function waterfall_clear() { while (canvases.length) //delete all canvases { var x = canvases.shift(); x.parentNode.removeChild(x); } add_canvas(); } function openwebrx_resize() { resize_canvases(); resize_scale(); check_top_bar_congestion(); } function init_header() { $('#openwebrx-main-buttons').find('li[data-toggle-panel]').click(function () { toggle_panel($(this).data('toggle-panel')); }); } var audioBufferProgressBar; var networkSpeedProgressBar; var audioSpeedProgressBar; var audioOutputProgressBar; var clientProgressBar; var cpuProgressBar; function initProgressBars() { audioBufferProgressBar = new AudioBufferProgressBar($('#openwebrx-bar-audio-buffer'), audioEngine.getSampleRate()); networkSpeedProgressBar = new NetworkSpeedProgressBar($('#openwebrx-bar-network-speed')); audioSpeedProgressBar = new AudioSpeedProgressBar($('#openwebrx-bar-audio-speed')); audioOutputProgressBar = new AudioOutputProgressBar($('#openwebrx-bar-audio-output'), audioEngine.getSampleRate()); clientProgressBar = new ClientsProgressBar($('#openwebrx-bar-clients')); cpuProgressBar = new CpuProgressBar($('#openwebrx-bar-server-cpu')); } function audioReporter(stats) { if (typeof(stats.buffersize) !== 'undefined') { audioBufferProgressBar.setBuffersize(stats.buffersize); } if (typeof(stats.audioByteRate) !== 'undefined') { audioSpeedProgressBar.setSpeed(stats.audioByteRate * 8); } if (typeof(stats.audioRate) !== 'undefined') { audioOutputProgressBar.setAudioRate(stats.audioRate); } } var bookmarks; var audioEngine; function openwebrx_init() { audioEngine = new AudioEngine(audio_buffer_maximal_length_sec, audioReporter); $overlay = $('#openwebrx-autoplay-overlay'); $overlay.on('click', playButtonClick); if (!audioEngine.isAllowed()) { $overlay.show(); } else { audioEngine.start(onAudioStart); } fft_codec = new ImaAdpcmCodec(); initProgressBars(); init_rx_photo(); open_websocket(); secondary_demod_init(); digimodes_init(); initPanels(); tunedFrequencyDisplay = new TuneableFrequencyDisplay($('#webrx-actual-freq')); tunedFrequencyDisplay.onFrequencyChange(function(f) { demodulator_set_offset_frequency(f - center_freq); }); mouseFrequencyDisplay = new FrequencyDisplay($('#webrx-mouse-freq')); window.addEventListener("resize", openwebrx_resize); check_top_bar_congestion(); init_header(); bookmarks = new BookmarkBar(); parseHash(); initSliders(); } function initSliders() { $('#openwebrx-panel-receiver').on('wheel', 'input[type=range]', function(ev){ var $slider = $(this); if (!$slider.attr('step')) return; var val = Number($slider.val()); var step = Number($slider.attr('step')); if (ev.originalEvent.deltaY > 0) { step *= -1; } $slider.val(val + step); $slider.trigger('change'); }); } function digimodes_init() { // initialze DMR timeslot muting $('.openwebrx-dmr-timeslot-panel').click(function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).toggleClass("muted"); update_dmr_timeslot_filtering(); }); } function update_dmr_timeslot_filtering() { var filter = $('.openwebrx-dmr-timeslot-panel').map(function (index, el) { return (!$(el).hasClass("muted")) << index; }).toArray().reduce(function (acc, v) { return acc | v; }, 0); webrx_set_param("dmr_filter", filter); } function playButtonClick() { //On iOS, we can only start audio from a click or touch event. audioEngine.start(onAudioStart); var $overlay = $('#openwebrx-autoplay-overlay'); $overlay.css('opacity', 0); $overlay.on('transitionend', function() { $overlay.hide(); }); } var rt = function (s, n) { return s.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function (c) { return String.fromCharCode((c <= "Z" ? 90 : 122) >= (c = c.charCodeAt(0) + n) ? c : c - 26); }); }; // ======================================================== // ======================= PANELS ======================= // ======================================================== function panel_displayed(el){ return !(el.style && el.style.display && el.style.display === 'none') } function toggle_panel(what, on) { var item = $('#' + what)[0]; if (!item) return; var displayed = panel_displayed(item); if (typeof on !== "undefined" && displayed === on) { return; } if (item.openwebrxDisableClick) return; if (displayed) { item.movement = 'collapse'; item.style.transform = "perspective(600px) rotateX(90deg)"; item.style.transitionProperty = 'transform'; } else { item.movement = 'expand'; item.style.display = 'block'; setTimeout(function(){ item.style.transitionProperty = 'transform'; item.style.transform = 'perspective(600px) rotateX(0deg)'; }, 20); } item.style.transitionDuration = "600ms"; item.style.transitionDelay = "0ms"; item.openwebrxDisableClick = true; } function first_show_panel(panel) { panel.style.transitionDuration = 0; panel.style.transitionDelay = 0; var rotx = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? -90 : 90; var roty = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { var rottemp = rotx; rotx = roty; roty = rottemp; } if (rotx !== 0 && Math.random() > 0.5) rotx = 270; panel.style.transform = "perspective(600px) rotateX(%1deg) rotateY(%2deg)" .replace("%1", rotx.toString()).replace("%2", roty.toString()); window.setTimeout(function () { panel.style.transitionDuration = "600ms"; panel.style.transitionDelay = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 500)).toString() + "ms"; panel.style.transform = "perspective(600px) rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg)"; }, 1); } function initPanels() { $('#openwebrx-panels-container').find('.openwebrx-panel').each(function(){ var el = this; el.openwebrxPanelTransparent = (!!el.dataset.panelTransparent); el.addEventListener('transitionend', function(ev){ if (ev.target !== el) return; el.openwebrxDisableClick = false; el.style.transitionDuration = null; el.style.transitionDelay = null; el.style.transitionProperty = null; if (el.movement && el.movement === 'collapse') { el.style.display = 'none'; } }); if (panel_displayed(el)) first_show_panel(el); }); } function demodulator_buttons_update() { $(".openwebrx-demodulator-button").removeClass("highlighted"); if (secondary_demod) { $("#openwebrx-button-dig").addClass("highlighted"); $('#openwebrx-secondary-demod-listbox').val(secondary_demod); } else switch (demodulators[0].subtype) { case "lsb": case "usb": case "cw": if (demodulators[0].high_cut - demodulators[0].low_cut < 300) $("#openwebrx-button-cw").addClass("highlighted"); else { if (demodulators[0].high_cut < 0) $("#openwebrx-button-lsb").addClass("highlighted"); else if (demodulators[0].low_cut > 0) $("#openwebrx-button-usb").addClass("highlighted"); else $("#openwebrx-button-lsb, #openwebrx-button-usb").addClass("highlighted"); } break; default: var mod = demodulators[0].subtype; $("#openwebrx-button-" + mod).addClass("highlighted"); break; } } function demodulator_analog_replace_last() { demodulator_analog_replace(last_analog_demodulator_subtype); } /* _____ _ _ _ | __ \(_) (_) | | | | | |_ __ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___ ___ | | | | |/ _` | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __| | |__| | | (_| | | | | | | | (_) | (_| | __/\__ \ |_____/|_|\__, |_|_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___||___/ __/ | |___/ */ var secondary_demod = false; var secondary_demod_fft_offset_db = 30; //need to calculate that later var secondary_demod_canvases_initialized = false; var secondary_demod_listbox_updating = false; var secondary_demod_channel_freq = 1000; var secondary_demod_waiting_for_set = false; var secondary_demod_low_cut; var secondary_demod_high_cut; var secondary_demod_mousedown = false; var secondary_demod_canvas_width; var secondary_demod_canvas_left; var secondary_demod_canvas_container; var secondary_demod_current_canvas_actual_line; var secondary_demod_current_canvas_context; var secondary_demod_current_canvas_index; var secondary_demod_canvases; function demodulator_digital_replace_last() { demodulator_digital_replace(last_digital_demodulator_subtype); secondary_demod_listbox_update(); } function demodulator_digital_replace(subtype) { switch (subtype) { case "bpsk31": case "bpsk63": case "rtty": case "ft8": case "jt65": case "jt9": case "ft4": secondary_demod_start(subtype); demodulator_analog_replace('usb', true); break; case "wspr": secondary_demod_start(subtype); demodulator_analog_replace('usb', true); // WSPR only samples between 1400 and 1600 Hz demodulators[0].low_cut = 1350; demodulators[0].high_cut = 1650; demodulators[0].set(); break; case "packet": secondary_demod_start(subtype); demodulator_analog_replace('nfm', true); break; case "pocsag": secondary_demod_start(subtype); demodulator_analog_replace('nfm', true); demodulators[0].low_cut = -6000; demodulators[0].high_cut = 6000; demodulators[0].set(); break; } demodulator_buttons_update(); $('#openwebrx-panel-digimodes').attr('data-mode', subtype); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-digimodes", true); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-wsjt-message", ['ft8', 'wspr', 'jt65', 'jt9', 'ft4'].indexOf(subtype) >= 0); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-packet-message", subtype === "packet"); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-pocsag-message", subtype === "pocsag"); } function secondary_demod_create_canvas() { var new_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); new_canvas.width = secondary_fft_size; new_canvas.height = $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).height(); new_canvas.style.width = $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).width() + "px"; new_canvas.style.height = $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).height() + "px"; secondary_demod_current_canvas_actual_line = new_canvas.height - 1; $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).children().last().before(new_canvas); return new_canvas; } function secondary_demod_remove_canvases() { $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).children("canvas").remove(); } function secondary_demod_init_canvases() { secondary_demod_remove_canvases(); secondary_demod_canvases = []; secondary_demod_canvases.push(secondary_demod_create_canvas()); secondary_demod_canvases.push(secondary_demod_create_canvas()); secondary_demod_canvases[0].openwebrx_top = -$(secondary_demod_canvas_container).height(); secondary_demod_canvases[1].openwebrx_top = 0; secondary_demod_canvases_update_top(); secondary_demod_current_canvas_context = secondary_demod_canvases[0].getContext("2d"); secondary_demod_current_canvas_actual_line = $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).height() - 1; secondary_demod_current_canvas_index = 0; secondary_demod_canvases_initialized = true; mkscale(); //so that the secondary waterfall zoom level will be initialized } function secondary_demod_canvases_update_top() { for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) secondary_demod_canvases[i].style.top = secondary_demod_canvases[i].openwebrx_top + "px"; } function secondary_demod_swap_canvases() { secondary_demod_canvases[0 + !secondary_demod_current_canvas_index].openwebrx_top -= $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).height() * 2; secondary_demod_current_canvas_index = 0 + !secondary_demod_current_canvas_index; secondary_demod_current_canvas_context = secondary_demod_canvases[secondary_demod_current_canvas_index].getContext("2d"); secondary_demod_current_canvas_actual_line = $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).height() - 1; } function secondary_demod_init() { secondary_demod_canvas_container = $("#openwebrx-digimode-canvas-container")[0]; $(secondary_demod_canvas_container) .mousemove(secondary_demod_canvas_container_mousemove) .mouseup(secondary_demod_canvas_container_mouseup) .mousedown(secondary_demod_canvas_container_mousedown) .mouseenter(secondary_demod_canvas_container_mousein) .mouseleave(secondary_demod_canvas_container_mouseleave); init_digital_removal_timer(); } function secondary_demod_start(subtype) { secondary_demod_canvases_initialized = false; ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "dspcontrol", "params": {"secondary_mod": subtype}})); secondary_demod = subtype; } function secondary_demod_stop() { ws.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "dspcontrol", "params": {"secondary_mod": false}})); secondary_demod = false; } function secondary_demod_push_data(x) { x = Array.from(x).filter(function (y) { var c = y.charCodeAt(0); return (c === 10 || (c >= 32 && c <= 126)); }).map(function (y) { if (y === "&") return "&"; if (y === "<") return "<"; if (y === ">") return ">"; if (y === " ") return " "; return y; }).map(function (y) { if (y === "\n") return "
"; return "" + y + ""; }).join(""); $("#openwebrx-cursor-blink").before(x); } function secondary_demod_close_window() { secondary_demod_stop(); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-digimodes", false); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-wsjt-message", false); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-packet-message", false); toggle_panel("openwebrx-panel-pocsag-message", false); } function secondary_demod_waterfall_add(data) { if (!secondary_demod) return; var w = secondary_fft_size; //Add line to waterfall image var oneline_image = secondary_demod_current_canvas_context.createImageData(w, 1); for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { var color = waterfall_mkcolor(data[x] + secondary_demod_fft_offset_db); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) oneline_image.data[x * 4 + i] = ((color >>> 0) >> ((3 - i) * 8)) & 0xff; } //Draw image secondary_demod_current_canvas_context.putImageData(oneline_image, 0, secondary_demod_current_canvas_actual_line--); secondary_demod_canvases.map(function (x) { x.openwebrx_top += 1; }) ; secondary_demod_canvases_update_top(); if (secondary_demod_current_canvas_actual_line < 0) secondary_demod_swap_canvases(); } function secondary_demod_listbox_changed() { if (secondary_demod_listbox_updating) return; var sdm = $("#openwebrx-secondary-demod-listbox")[0].value; if (sdm === "none") { demodulator_analog_replace_last(); } else { demodulator_digital_replace(sdm); } } function secondary_demod_listbox_update() { secondary_demod_listbox_updating = true; $("#openwebrx-secondary-demod-listbox").val((secondary_demod) ? secondary_demod : "none"); secondary_demod_listbox_updating = false; } function secondary_demod_update_marker() { var width = Math.max((secondary_bw / (if_samp_rate / 2)) * secondary_demod_canvas_width, 5); var center_at = (secondary_demod_channel_freq / (if_samp_rate / 2)) * secondary_demod_canvas_width + secondary_demod_canvas_left; var left = center_at - width / 2; $("#openwebrx-digimode-select-channel").width(width).css("left", left + "px") } function secondary_demod_update_channel_freq_from_event(evt) { if (typeof evt !== "undefined") { var relativeX = (evt.offsetX) ? evt.offsetX : evt.layerX; secondary_demod_channel_freq = secondary_demod_low_cut + (relativeX / $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).width()) * (secondary_demod_high_cut - secondary_demod_low_cut); } if (!secondary_demod_waiting_for_set) { secondary_demod_waiting_for_set = true; window.setTimeout(function () { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ "type": "dspcontrol", "params": {"secondary_offset_freq": Math.floor(secondary_demod_channel_freq)} })); secondary_demod_waiting_for_set = false; }, 50 ) ; } secondary_demod_update_marker(); } function secondary_demod_canvas_container_mousein() { $("#openwebrx-digimode-select-channel").css("opacity", "0.7"); //.css("border-width", "1px"); } function secondary_demod_canvas_container_mouseleave() { $("#openwebrx-digimode-select-channel").css("opacity", "0"); } function secondary_demod_canvas_container_mousemove(evt) { if (secondary_demod_mousedown) secondary_demod_update_channel_freq_from_event(evt); } function secondary_demod_canvas_container_mousedown(evt) { if (evt.which === 1) secondary_demod_mousedown = true; } function secondary_demod_canvas_container_mouseup(evt) { if (evt.which === 1) secondary_demod_mousedown = false; secondary_demod_update_channel_freq_from_event(evt); } function secondary_demod_waterfall_set_zoom(low_cut, high_cut) { if (!secondary_demod || !secondary_demod_canvases_initialized) return; if (low_cut < 0 && high_cut < 0) { var hctmp = high_cut; var lctmp = low_cut; low_cut = -hctmp; high_cut = -lctmp; } else if (low_cut < 0 && high_cut > 0) { high_cut = Math.max(Math.abs(high_cut), Math.abs(low_cut)); low_cut = 0; } secondary_demod_low_cut = low_cut; secondary_demod_high_cut = high_cut; var shown_bw = high_cut - low_cut; secondary_demod_canvas_width = $(secondary_demod_canvas_container).width() * (if_samp_rate / 2) / shown_bw; secondary_demod_canvas_left = -secondary_demod_canvas_width * (low_cut / (if_samp_rate / 2)); //console.log("setzoom", secondary_demod_canvas_width, secondary_demod_canvas_left, low_cut, high_cut); secondary_demod_canvases.map(function (x) { $(x).css("left", secondary_demod_canvas_left + "px").css("width", secondary_demod_canvas_width + "px"); }) ; secondary_demod_update_channel_freq_from_event(); } function sdr_profile_changed() { var value = $('#openwebrx-sdr-profiles-listbox').val(); ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: "selectprofile", params: {profile: value}})); }