from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from owrx.service import ServiceDetector class Input(ABC): def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None): = id self.label = label self.infotext = infotext def bootstrap_decorate(self, input): infotext = ( "{text}".format(text=self.infotext) if self.infotext else "" ) return """
{input} {infotext}
""".format(, label=self.label, input=input, infotext=infotext ) def input_classes(self): return " ".join(["form-control", "form-control-sm"]) @abstractmethod def render_input(self, value): pass def render(self, config): return self.bootstrap_decorate(self.render_input(config[])) def parse(self, data): return { data[][0]} if in data else {} class TextInput(Input): def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format(, label=self.label, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value ) class NumberInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext) self.step = None def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format(, label=self.label, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value, step='step="{0}"'.format(self.step) if self.step else "", ) def convert_value(self, v): return int(v) def parse(self, data): return {k: self.convert_value(v) for k, v in super().parse(data).items()} class FloatInput(NumberInput): def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext) self.step = "any" def convert_value(self, v): return float(v) class LocationInput(Input): def render_input(self, value): # TODO make this work and pretty return """
""".format( inputs="".join(self.render_sub_input(value, id) for id in ["lat", "lon"]) ) def render_sub_input(self, value, id): return """
""".format( id="{0}-{1}".format(, id), label=self.label, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value[id], ) def parse(self, data): return { {k: float(data["{0}-{1}".format(, k)][0]) for k in ["lat", "lon"]} } class TextAreaInput(Input): def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format(, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value ) class CheckboxInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, checkboxText, infotext=None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext) self.checkboxText = checkboxText def render_input(self, value): return """
""".format(, classes=self.input_classes(), checked="checked" if value else "", checkboxText=self.checkboxText, ) def input_classes(self): return " ".join(["form-check", "form-control-sm"]) def parse(self, data): return { in data and data[][0] == "on"} class Option(object): # used for both MultiCheckboxInput and DropdownInput def __init__(self, value, text): self.value = value self.text = text class MultiCheckboxInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, options, infotext=None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext) self.options = options def render_input(self, value): return "".join(self.render_checkbox(o, value) for o in self.options) def checkbox_id(self, option): return "{0}-{1}".format(, option.value) def render_checkbox(self, option, value): return """
""".format( id=self.checkbox_id(option), classes=self.input_classes(), checked="checked" if option.value in value else "", checkboxText=option.text, ) def parse(self, data): def in_response(option): boxid = self.checkbox_id(option) return boxid in data and data[boxid][0] == "on" return { [o.value for o in self.options if in_response(o)]} def input_classes(self): return " ".join(["form-check", "form-control-sm"]) class ServicesCheckboxInput(MultiCheckboxInput): def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None): services = [ Option(s, s.upper()) for s in ServiceDetector.getAvailableServices() ] super().__init__(id, label, services, infotext) class DropdownInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, options, infotext=None): super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext) self.options = options def render_input(self, value): return """ """.format( classes=self.input_classes(),, options=self.render_options(value) ) def render_options(self, value): options = [ """ """.format( text=o.text, value=o.value, selected="selected" if o.value == value else "", ) for o in self.options ] return "".join(options)