''' This file is part of RTL Multi-User Server, that makes multi-user access to your DVB-T dongle used as an SDR. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Andras Retzler RTL Multi-User Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RTL Multi-User Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RTL Multi-User Server. If not, see . ''' my_ip='' # leave blank for listening on all interfaces my_listening_port = 4951 rtl_tcp_host,rtl_tcp_port='localhost',8888 send_first="" #send_first=chr(9)+chr(0)+chr(0)+chr(0)+chr(1) # set direct sampling setuid_on_start = 0 # we normally start with root privileges and setuid() to another user uid = 999 # determine by issuing: $ id -u username ignore_clients_without_commands = 1 # we won't serve data to telnet sessions and things like that # we'll start to serve data after getting the first valid command freq_allowed_ranges = [[0,2200000000]] client_cant_set_until=0 first_client_can_set=True # openwebrx - spectrum thread will set things on start # no good, clients set parameters and things buffer_size=25000000 # per client log_file_path = "/dev/null" # Might be set to /dev/null to turn off logging ''' Allow any host to connect: use_ip_access_control=0 Allow from specific ranges: use_ip_access_control=1 order_allow_deny=0 # deny and then allow denied_ip_ranges=() # deny from all allowed_ip_ranges=('192.168.','44.','') # allow only from ... Deny from specific ranges: use_ip_access_control=1 order_allow_deny=0 # allow and then deny allowed_ip_ranges=() # allow from all denied_ip_ranges=('192.168.') # deny any hosts from ... ''' use_ip_access_control=1 #You may want to open up the I/Q server to the public, then set this to zero. order_allow_deny=0 denied_ip_ranges=() # deny from all allowed_ip_ranges=('') # allow only local connections (from openwebrx). allow_gain_set=1 use_dsp_command=False # you can process raw I/Q data with a custom command that starts a process that we can pipe the data into, and also pipe out of. debug_dsp_command=False # show sample rate before and after the dsp command dsp_command="" ''' Example DSP commands: * Compress I/Q data with FLAC: flac --force-raw-format --channels 2 --sample-rate=250000 --sign=unsigned --bps=8 --endian=little -o - - * Decompress FLAC-coded I/Q data: flac --force-raw-format --decode --endian=little --sign=unsigned - - ''' watchdog_interval=1.5 reconnect_interval=10 ''' If there's no input I/Q data after N seconds, input will be filled with zero samples, so that GNU Radio won't fail in openwebrx. It may reconnect rtl_tcp_tread. If watchdog_interval is 0, then watchdog thread is not started. ''' cache_full_behaviour=2 ''' 0 = drop samples 1 = close client 2 = openwebrx: don't care about that client until it wants samples again (gr-osmosdr bug workaround) '''