import os import select import time import threading import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Pipe(object): READ = "r" WRITE = "w" NONE = None @staticmethod def create(path, t, encoding=None): if t == Pipe.READ: return ReadingPipe(path, encoding=encoding) elif t == Pipe.WRITE: return WritingPipe(path, encoding=encoding) elif t == Pipe.NONE: return Pipe(path, None, encoding=encoding) def __init__(self, path, direction, encoding=None): self.doOpen = True self.path = "{base}_{myid}".format(base=path, myid=id(self)) self.direction = direction self.encoding = encoding self.file = None os.mkfifo(self.path) def open(self): retries = 0 def opener(path, flags): fd =, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) os.set_blocking(fd, True) return fd while self.file is None and self.doOpen and retries < 10: try: self.file = open(self.path, self.direction, encoding=self.encoding, opener=opener) except OSError as error: # ENXIO = FIFO has not been opened for reading if error.errno == 6: time.sleep(.1) retries += 1 else: raise # if doOpen is false, opening has been canceled, so no warning in that case. if self.file is None and self.doOpen: logger.warning("could not open FIFO %s", self.path) def close(self): self.doOpen = False try: if self.file is not None: self.file.close() os.unlink(self.path) except FileNotFoundError: # it seems like we keep calling this twice. no idea why, but we don't need the resulting error. pass except Exception: logger.exception("Pipe.close()") def __str__(self): return self.path class WritingPipe(Pipe): def __init__(self, path, encoding=None): self.queue = [] self.queueLock = threading.Lock() super().__init__(path, "w", encoding=encoding) def open_and_dequeue(self): super().open() if self.file is None: return with self.queueLock: for i in self.queue: self.file.write(i) self.file.flush() self.queue = None def open(self): threading.Thread(target=self.open_and_dequeue).start() def write(self, data): if self.file is None: with self.queueLock: self.queue.append(data) return r = self.file.write(data) self.file.flush() return r class ReadingPipe(Pipe): def __init__(self, path, encoding=None): super().__init__(path, "r", encoding=encoding) def open(self): if not self.doOpen: return super().open()[self.file], [], [], 10) def read(self): if self.file is None: return def readline(self): if self.file is None: return self.file.readline()