from owrx.form import Input, CheckboxInput, DropdownInput, DropdownEnum, TextInput from owrx.soapy import SoapySettings class GainInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label, has_agc, gain_stages=None): super().__init__(id, label) self.has_agc = has_agc self.gain_stages = gain_stages def render_input(self, value): try: display_value = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): display_value = "0.0" return """
""".format(, classes=self.input_classes(), value=display_value, label=self.label, options=self.render_options(value), stageoption="" if self.gain_stages is None else self.render_stage_option(value), disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "", ) def render_options(self, value): options = [] if self.has_agc: options.append(("auto", "Enable hardware AGC")) options.append(("manual", "Specify manual gain")), if self.gain_stages: options.append(("stages", "Specify gain stages individually")) mode = self.getMode(value) return "".join( """ """.format( value=v[0], text=v[1], selected="selected" if mode == v[0] else "" ) for v in options ) def getMode(self, value): if value is None: return "auto" if self.has_agc else "manual" if value == "auto": return "auto" try: float(value) return "manual" except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return "stages" def render_stage_option(self, value): try: value_dict = {k: v for item in SoapySettings.parse(value) for k, v in item.items()} except (AttributeError, ValueError): value_dict = {} return """ """.format( inputs="".join( """
""".format(, stage=stage, value=value_dict[stage] if stage in value_dict else "", classes=self.input_classes(), disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "", ) for stage in self.gain_stages ) ) def parse(self, data): def getStageValue(stage): input_id = "{id}-{stage}".format(, stage=stage) if input_id in data: return data[input_id][0] else: return None select_id = "{id}-select".format( if select_id in data: if self.has_agc and data[select_id][0] == "auto": return { "auto"} if data[select_id][0] == "manual": input_id = "{id}-manual".format( value = 0.0 if input_id in data: try: value = float(data[input_id][0]) except ValueError: pass return { value} if self.gain_stages is not None and data[select_id][0] == "stages": settings_dict = [{s: getStageValue(s)} for s in self.gain_stages] # filter out empty ones settings_dict = [s for s in settings_dict if next(iter(s.values()))] return { SoapySettings.encode(settings_dict)} return {} class BiasTeeInput(CheckboxInput): def __init__(self): super().__init__("bias_tee", "Enable Bias-Tee power supply") class DirectSamplingOptions(DropdownEnum): DIRECT_SAMPLING_OFF = (0, "Off") DIRECT_SAMPLING_I = (1, "Direct Sampling (I branch)") DIRECT_SAMPLING_Q = (2, "Direct Sampling (Q branch)") def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): value, description = args obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = value obj.description = description return obj def __str__(self): return self.description class DirectSamplingInput(DropdownInput): def __init__(self): super().__init__( "direct_sampling", "Direct Sampling", DirectSamplingOptions, ) class RemoteInput(TextInput): def __init__(self): super().__init__( "remote", "Remote IP and Port", infotext="Remote hostname or IP and port to connect to. Format = IP:Port" ) class SchedulerInput(Input): def __init__(self, id, label): super().__init__(id, label) self.profiles = {} def render(self, config): if "profiles" in config: self.profiles = config["profiles"] return super().render(config) def render_input(self, value): def render_profiles_select(stage): stage_value = "" if value and "schedule" in value and stage in value["schedule"]: stage_value = value["schedule"][stage] return """ """.format( id="{}-{}".format(, stage), classes=self.input_classes(), disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "", options="".join( """ """.format( id=p_id, name=p["name"], selected="selected" if stage_value == p_id else "", ) for p_id, p in self.profiles.items() ), ) return """
""".format(, classes=self.input_classes(), disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "", options=self.render_options(value), entries="".join( """
""".format( slot=slot, select=render_profiles_select(slot), ) for slot, entry in value["schedule"].items() ), stages="".join( """
""".format( name=name, select=render_profiles_select(stage), ) for stage, name in [("day", "Day"), ("night", "Night"), ("greyline", "Greyline")] ), ) def _get_mode(self, value): if value is not None and "type" in value: return value["type"] return "" def render_options(self, value): options = [ ("static", "Static scheduler"), ("daylight", "Daylight scheduler"), ] mode = self._get_mode(value) return "".join( """ """.format( value=value, name=name, selected="selected" if mode == value else "" ) for value, name in options ) def parse(self, data): def getStageValue(stage): input_id = "{id}-{stage}".format(, stage=stage) if input_id in data: return data[input_id][0] else: return None select_id = "{id}-select".format( if select_id in data: if data[select_id][0] == "static": # TODO parse static fields pass elif data[select_id][0] == "daylight": settings_dict = {s: getStageValue(s) for s in ["day", "night", "greyline"]} # filter out empty ones settings_dict = {s: v for s, v in settings_dict.items() if v} return { {"type": "daylight", "schedule": settings_dict}} return {}