""" OpenWebRX csdr plugin: do the signal processing with csdr This file is part of OpenWebRX, an open-source SDR receiver software with a web UI. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Andras Retzler Copyright (c) 2019-2021 by Jakob Ketterl This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import subprocess import os import signal import threading import math from functools import partial from csdr.output import Output from owrx.kiss import KissClient, DirewolfConfig, DirewolfConfigSubscriber from owrx.audio.chopper import AudioChopper from csdr.pipe import Pipe import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Dsp(DirewolfConfigSubscriber): def __init__(self, output: Output): self.samp_rate = 250000 self.output_rate = 11025 self.hd_output_rate = 44100 self.fft_size = 1024 self.fft_fps = 5 self.center_freq = 0 self.offset_freq = 0 self.low_cut = -4000 self.high_cut = 4000 self.bpf_transition_bw = 320 # Hz, and this is a constant self.ddc_transition_bw_rate = 0.15 # of the IF sample rate self.running = False self.secondary_processes_running = False self.audio_compression = "none" self.fft_compression = "none" self.demodulator = "nfm" self.name = "csdr" self.decimation = None self.last_decimation = None self.nc_port = None self.squelch_level = -150 self.fft_averages = 50 self.wfm_deemphasis_tau = 50e-6 self.iqtee = False self.iqtee2 = False self.secondary_demodulator = None self.secondary_fft_size = 1024 self.secondary_process_fft = None self.secondary_process_demod = None self.pipe_names = { "bpf_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, "shift_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, "squelch_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, "smeter_pipe": Pipe.READ, "meta_pipe": Pipe.READ, "iqtee_pipe": Pipe.NONE, "iqtee2_pipe": Pipe.NONE, "dmr_control_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, } self.pipes = {} self.secondary_pipe_names = {"secondary_shift_pipe": Pipe.WRITE} self.secondary_offset_freq = 1000 self.unvoiced_quality = 1 self.codecserver = None self.modification_lock = threading.Lock() self.output = output self.temporary_directory = None self.pipe_base_path = None self.set_temporary_directory("/tmp") self.is_service = False self.direwolf_config = None self.direwolf_config_path = None self.process = None def set_service(self, flag=True): self.is_service = flag def set_temporary_directory(self, what): self.temporary_directory = what self.pipe_base_path = "{tmp_dir}/openwebrx_pipe_".format(tmp_dir=self.temporary_directory) def chain(self, which): chain = ["nc -v {nc_port}"] if which == "fft": chain += [ "csdr++ fft {fft_size} {fft_block_size}", "csdr++ logpower -70" if self.fft_averages == 0 else "csdr++ logaveragepower {fft_size} {fft_averages} --add -70", "csdr++ fftswap {fft_size}", ] if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": chain += ["csdr++ fftadpcm {fft_size}"] return chain chain += ["csdr++ shift --fifo {shift_pipe}"] if self.decimation > 1: chain += ["csdr++ firdecimate {decimation} {ddc_transition_bw} --window hamming"] chain += ["csdr++ bandpass --fft --fifo {bpf_pipe} {bpf_transition_bw} --window hamming"] if self.output.supports_type("smeter"): if self.isSquelchActive(): chain += ["csdr++ squelch --fifo {squelch_pipe} --outfifo {smeter_pipe} 5 {smeter_report_every}"] else: chain += ["csdr++ power --outfifo {smeter_pipe} 5 {smeter_report_every}"] if self.secondary_demodulator: if self.output.supports_type("secondary_fft"): chain += ["csdr tee {iqtee_pipe}"] chain += ["csdr tee {iqtee2_pipe}"] # early exit if we don't want audio if not self.output.supports_type("audio"): return chain # safe some cpu cycles... no need to decimate if decimation factor is 1 last_decimation_block = [] if self.last_decimation >= 2.0: # activate prefilter if signal has been oversampled, e.g. WFM last_decimation_block = ["csdr++ fractionaldecimator --format float {last_decimation} --prefilter"] elif self.last_decimation != 1.0: last_decimation_block = ["csdr++ fractionaldecimator --format float {last_decimation}"] if which == "nfm": chain += ["csdr++ fmdemod", "csdr++ limit"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += [ "csdr++ deemphasis --nfm {audio_rate}", "csdr++ agc --format float --profile slow --max 3", ] if self.get_audio_rate() != self.get_output_rate(): chain += [ "sox -t raw -r {audio_rate} -e floating-point -b 32 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - " ] else: chain += ["csdr++ convert -i float -o s16"] elif which == "wfm": chain += [ "csdr++ fmdemod", "csdr++ limit", ] chain += last_decimation_block chain += ["csdr++ deemphasis --wfm {audio_rate} {wfm_deemphasis_tau}", "csdr++ convert -i float -o s16"] elif self.isDigitalVoice(which): chain += ["csdr++ fmdemod"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += ["dc_block"] # m17 if which == "m17": chain += [ "csdr++ limit", "csdr++ convert -i float -o s16", "m17-demod", ] else: # digiham modes if which == "dstar": chain += [ "fsk_demodulator -s 10", "dstar_decoder --fifo {meta_pipe}", "mbe_synthesizer -d {codecserver_arg}", ] elif which == "nxdn": chain += [ "rrc_filter --narrow", "gfsk_demodulator --samples 20", "nxdn_decoder --fifo {meta_pipe}", "mbe_synthesizer {codecserver_arg}", ] else: chain += ["rrc_filter", "gfsk_demodulator"] if which == "dmr": chain += [ "dmr_decoder --fifo {meta_pipe} --control-fifo {dmr_control_pipe}", "mbe_synthesizer {codecserver_arg}", ] elif which == "ysf": chain += ["ysf_decoder --fifo {meta_pipe}", "mbe_synthesizer -y {codecserver_arg}"] chain += ["digitalvoice_filter"] chain += [ "csdr++ agc --format s16 --max 30 --initial 3", "sox --buffer 320 -t raw -r 8000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] elif which == "am": chain += ["csdr++ amdemod", "csdr++ dcblock"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += [ "csdr++ agc --format float --profile slow --initial 200", "csdr++ convert -i float -o s16", ] elif self.isFreeDV(which): chain += ["csdr++ realpart"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += [ "csdr++ agc --format float", "csdr++ convert -i float -o s16", "freedv_rx 1600 - -", "csdr++ agc --format s16 --max 30 --initial 3", "sox -t raw -r 8000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] elif self.isDrm(which): if self.last_decimation != 1.0: # we are still dealing with complex samples here, so the regular last_decimation_block doesn't fit chain += ["csdr++ fractionaldecimator --format complex {last_decimation}"] chain += [ "csdr++ convert -i float -o s16", "dream -c 6 --sigsrate 48000 --audsrate 48000 -I - -O -", "sox -t raw -r 48000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 2 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] elif which == "ssb": chain += ["csdr++ realpart"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += ["csdr++ agc --format float"] # fixed sample rate necessary for the wsjt-x tools. fix with sox... if self.get_audio_rate() != self.get_output_rate(): chain += [ "sox -t raw -r {audio_rate} -e floating-point -b 32 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - " ] else: chain += ["csdr++ convert -i float -o s16"] if self.audio_compression == "adpcm": chain += ["csdr++ adpcm -e --sync"] return chain def secondary_chain(self, which): chain = ["cat {input_pipe}"] if which == "fft": chain += [ "csdr++ fft {secondary_fft_input_size} {secondary_fft_block_size}", "csdr++ logpower -70" if self.fft_averages == 0 else "csdr++ logaveragepower {secondary_fft_size} {fft_averages} --add -70", "csdr++ fftswap {secondary_fft_input_size}", ] if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": chain += ["csdr++ fftadpcm {secondary_fft_size}"] return chain elif which == "bpsk31" or which == "bpsk63": return chain + [ "csdr++ shift --fifo {secondary_shift_pipe}", "csdr++ bandpass --low -{secondary_bpf_cutoff} --high {secondary_bpf_cutoff} {secondary_bpf_cutoff}", "csdr++ agc --format complex", "csdr timing_recovery_cc GARDNER {secondary_samples_per_bits} 0.5 2 --add_q", "csdr++ dbpskdecode", "csdr++ varicodedecode", ] elif self.isWsjtMode(which) or self.isJs8(which): chain += ["csdr++ realpart"] if self.last_decimation != 1.0: chain += ["csdr++ fractionaldecimator --format float {last_decimation}"] return chain + ["csdr++ agc --format float", "csdr++ convert -i float -o s16"] elif which == "packet": chain += ["csdr++ fmdemod"] if self.last_decimation != 1.0: chain += ["csdr++ fractionaldecimator --format float {last_decimation}"] return chain + ["csdr++ convert -i float -o s16", "direwolf -c {direwolf_config} -r {audio_rate} -t 0 -q d -q h 1>&2"] elif which == "pocsag": chain += ["csdr++ fmdemod"] if self.last_decimation != 1.0: chain += ["csdr++ fractionaldecimator --format float {last_decimation}"] return chain + ["fsk_demodulator -i", "pocsag_decoder"] def set_secondary_demodulator(self, what): if self.get_secondary_demodulator() == what: return self.secondary_demodulator = what self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def secondary_fft_block_size(self): base = (self.samp_rate / self.decimation) / (self.fft_fps * 2) if self.fft_averages == 0: return round(base) return round(base / self.fft_averages) def secondary_decimation(self): return 1 # currently unused def secondary_bpf_cutoff(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return 31.25 / self.if_samp_rate() elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return 62.5 / self.if_samp_rate() return 0 def secondary_bpf_transition_bw(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return 31.25 / self.if_samp_rate() elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return 62.5 / self.if_samp_rate() return 0 def secondary_samples_per_bits(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return int(round(self.if_samp_rate() / 31.25)) & ~3 elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return int(round(self.if_samp_rate() / 62.5)) & ~3 return 0 def secondary_bw(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return 31.25 elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return 62.5 def start_secondary_demodulator(self): if not self.secondary_demodulator: return logger.debug("starting secondary demodulator from IF input sampled at %d" % self.if_samp_rate()) secondary_command_demod = " | ".join(self.secondary_chain(self.secondary_demodulator)) self.try_create_pipes(self.secondary_pipe_names, secondary_command_demod) self.try_create_configs(secondary_command_demod) secondary_command_demod = secondary_command_demod.format( input_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee2_pipe"], secondary_shift_pipe=self.pipes["secondary_shift_pipe"], secondary_decimation=self.secondary_decimation(), secondary_samples_per_bits=self.secondary_samples_per_bits(), secondary_bpf_cutoff=self.secondary_bpf_cutoff(), secondary_bpf_transition_bw=self.secondary_bpf_transition_bw(), if_samp_rate=self.if_samp_rate(), last_decimation=self.last_decimation, audio_rate=self.get_audio_rate(), direwolf_config=self.direwolf_config_path, ) logger.debug("secondary command (demod) = %s", secondary_command_demod) if self.output.supports_type("secondary_fft"): secondary_command_fft = " | ".join(self.secondary_chain("fft")) secondary_command_fft = secondary_command_fft.format( input_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee_pipe"], secondary_fft_input_size=self.secondary_fft_size, secondary_fft_size=self.secondary_fft_size, secondary_fft_block_size=self.secondary_fft_block_size(), fft_averages=self.fft_averages, ) logger.debug("secondary command (fft) = %s", secondary_command_fft) self.secondary_process_fft = subprocess.Popen( secondary_command_fft, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, start_new_session=True ) self.output.send_output( "secondary_fft", partial(self.secondary_process_fft.stdout.read, int(self.get_secondary_fft_bytes_to_read())), ) # direwolf does not provide any meaningful data on stdout # more specifically, it doesn't provide any data. if however, for any strange reason, it would start to do so, # it would block if not read. by piping it to devnull, we avoid a potential pitfall here. secondary_output = subprocess.DEVNULL if self.isPacket() else subprocess.PIPE self.secondary_process_demod = subprocess.Popen( secondary_command_demod, stdout=secondary_output, shell=True, start_new_session=True ) self.secondary_processes_running = True if self.isWsjtMode() or self.isJs8(): chopper = AudioChopper(self, self.get_secondary_demodulator()) chopper.send_output("audio", self.secondary_process_demod.stdout.read) output_type = "js8_demod" if self.isJs8() else "wsjt_demod" self.output.send_output(output_type, chopper.read) elif self.isPacket(): # we best get the ax25 packets from the kiss socket kiss = KissClient(self.direwolf_config.getPort()) self.output.send_output("packet_demod", kiss.read) elif self.isPocsag(): self.output.send_output("pocsag_demod", self.secondary_process_demod.stdout.readline) else: self.output.send_output("secondary_demod", partial(self.secondary_process_demod.stdout.read, 1)) # open control pipes for csdr and send initialization data if self.has_pipe("secondary_shift_pipe"): # TODO digimodes self.set_secondary_offset_freq(self.secondary_offset_freq) # TODO digimodes def set_secondary_offset_freq(self, value): self.secondary_offset_freq = value if self.secondary_processes_running and self.has_pipe("secondary_shift_pipe"): self.pipes["secondary_shift_pipe"].write( "%g\n" % (-float(self.secondary_offset_freq) / self.if_samp_rate()) ) def stop_secondary_demodulator(self): if not self.secondary_processes_running: return self.try_delete_pipes(self.secondary_pipe_names) self.try_delete_configs() if self.secondary_process_fft: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.secondary_process_fft.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # drain any leftover data to free file descriptors self.secondary_process_fft.communicate() self.secondary_process_fft = None except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass if self.secondary_process_demod: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.secondary_process_demod.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # drain any leftover data to free file descriptors self.secondary_process_demod.communicate() self.secondary_process_demod = None except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass self.secondary_processes_running = False def get_secondary_demodulator(self): return self.secondary_demodulator def set_secondary_fft_size(self, secondary_fft_size): if self.secondary_fft_size == secondary_fft_size: return self.secondary_fft_size = secondary_fft_size self.restart() def set_audio_compression(self, what): if self.audio_compression == what: return self.audio_compression = what self.restart() def get_audio_bytes_to_read(self): # desired latency: 5ms # uncompressed audio has 16 bits = 2 bytes per sample base = self.output_rate * 0.005 * 2 # adpcm compresses the bitstream by 4 if self.audio_compression == "adpcm": base = base / 4 return int(base) def set_fft_compression(self, what): if self.fft_compression == what: return self.fft_compression = what self.restart() def get_fft_bytes_to_read(self): if self.fft_compression == "none": return self.fft_size * 4 if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": return int((self.fft_size / 2) + (10 / 2)) def get_secondary_fft_bytes_to_read(self): if self.fft_compression == "none": return self.secondary_fft_size * 4 if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": return (self.secondary_fft_size / 2) + (10 / 2) def set_samp_rate(self, samp_rate): self.samp_rate = samp_rate self.calculate_decimation() if self.running: self.restart() def calculate_decimation(self): (self.decimation, self.last_decimation) = self.get_decimation(self.samp_rate, self.get_audio_rate()) def get_decimation(self, input_rate, output_rate): if output_rate <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid output rate: {rate}".format(rate=output_rate)) decimation = 1 target_rate = output_rate # wideband fm has a much higher frequency deviation (75kHz). # we cannot cover this if we immediately decimate to the sample rate the audio will have later on, so we need # to compensate here. if self.get_demodulator() == "wfm" and output_rate < 200000: target_rate = 200000 while input_rate / (decimation + 1) >= target_rate: decimation += 1 fraction = float(input_rate / decimation) / output_rate return decimation, fraction def if_samp_rate(self): return self.samp_rate / self.decimation def get_name(self): return self.name def get_output_rate(self): return self.output_rate def get_hd_output_rate(self): return self.hd_output_rate def get_audio_rate(self): if self.isDigitalVoice() or self.isPacket() or self.isPocsag() or self.isDrm(): return 48000 elif self.isWsjtMode() or self.isJs8(): return 12000 elif self.isFreeDV(): return 8000 elif self.isHdAudio(): return self.get_hd_output_rate() return self.get_output_rate() def isDigitalVoice(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator in ["dmr", "dstar", "nxdn", "ysf", "m17"] def isWsjtMode(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator in ["ft8", "wspr", "jt65", "jt9", "ft4", "fst4", "fst4w", "q65"] def isJs8(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator == "js8" def isPacket(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator == "packet" def isPocsag(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator == "pocsag" def isFreeDV(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator == "freedv" def isHdAudio(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator == "wfm" def isDrm(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator == "drm" def set_output_rate(self, output_rate): if self.output_rate == output_rate: return self.output_rate = output_rate self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def set_hd_output_rate(self, hd_output_rate): if self.hd_output_rate == hd_output_rate: return self.hd_output_rate = hd_output_rate self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def set_demodulator(self, demodulator): if demodulator in ["usb", "lsb", "cw"]: demodulator = "ssb" if self.demodulator == demodulator: return self.demodulator = demodulator self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def get_demodulator(self): return self.demodulator def set_fft_size(self, fft_size): if self.fft_size == fft_size: return self.fft_size = fft_size self.restart() def set_fft_fps(self, fft_fps): self.fft_fps = fft_fps self.restart() def set_fft_averages(self, fft_averages): self.fft_averages = fft_averages self.restart() def fft_block_size(self): if self.fft_averages == 0: return round(self.samp_rate / self.fft_fps) else: return round(self.samp_rate / self.fft_fps / self.fft_averages) def set_offset_freq(self, offset_freq): if offset_freq is None: return self.offset_freq = offset_freq if self.running: self.pipes["shift_pipe"].write("%g\n" % (-float(self.offset_freq) / self.samp_rate)) def set_center_freq(self, center_freq): # dsp only needs to know this to be able to pass it to decoders in the form of get_operating_freq() self.center_freq = center_freq def get_operating_freq(self): return self.center_freq + self.offset_freq def set_bandpass(self, bandpass): self.set_bpf(bandpass.low_cut, bandpass.high_cut) def set_bpf(self, low_cut, high_cut): self.low_cut = low_cut self.high_cut = high_cut if self.running: self.pipes["bpf_pipe"].write( "%g %g\n" % (float(self.low_cut) / self.if_samp_rate(), float(self.high_cut) / self.if_samp_rate()) ) def get_bpf(self): return [self.low_cut, self.high_cut] def convertToLinear(self, db): return float(math.pow(10, db / 10)) def isSquelchActive(self): return not self.isDigitalVoice() and not self.isPacket() and not self.isPocsag() and not self.isFreeDV() def set_squelch_level(self, squelch_level): self.squelch_level = squelch_level # no squelch required on digital voice modes actual_squelch = self.squelch_level if self.isSquelchActive() else -150 if self.running and "squelch_pipe" in self.pipes: self.pipes["squelch_pipe"].write("%g\n" % (self.convertToLinear(actual_squelch))) def set_unvoiced_quality(self, q): self.unvoiced_quality = q self.restart() def get_unvoiced_quality(self): return self.unvoiced_quality def set_codecserver(self, s): if self.codecserver == s: return self.codecserver = s self.restart() def get_codecserver_arg(self): return "-s {}".format(self.codecserver) if self.codecserver else "" def set_dmr_filter(self, filter): if self.has_pipe("dmr_control_pipe"): self.pipes["dmr_control_pipe"].write("{0}\n".format(filter)) def set_wfm_deemphasis_tau(self, tau): if self.wfm_deemphasis_tau == tau: return self.wfm_deemphasis_tau = tau self.restart() def ddc_transition_bw(self): return self.ddc_transition_bw_rate * (self.if_samp_rate() / float(self.samp_rate)) def try_create_pipes(self, pipe_names, command_base): for pipe_name, pipe_type in pipe_names.items(): if self.has_pipe(pipe_name): logger.warning("{pipe_name} is still in use", pipe_name=pipe_name) self.pipes[pipe_name].close() if "{" + pipe_name + "}" in command_base: p = self.pipe_base_path + pipe_name encoding = None # TODO make digiham output unicode and then change this here # the whole pipe enoding feature onlye exists because of this if pipe_name == "meta_pipe": encoding = "cp437" self.pipes[pipe_name] = Pipe.create(p, pipe_type, encoding=encoding) else: self.pipes[pipe_name] = None def has_pipe(self, name): return name in self.pipes and self.pipes[name] is not None def try_delete_pipes(self, pipe_names): for pipe_name in pipe_names: if self.has_pipe(pipe_name): self.pipes[pipe_name].close() self.pipes[pipe_name] = None def try_create_configs(self, command): if "{direwolf_config}" in command: self.direwolf_config_path = "{tmp_dir}/openwebrx_direwolf_{myid}.conf".format( tmp_dir=self.temporary_directory, myid=id(self) ) self.direwolf_config = DirewolfConfig() self.direwolf_config.wire(self) file = open(self.direwolf_config_path, "w") file.write(self.direwolf_config.getConfig(self.is_service)) file.close() else: self.direwolf_config = None self.direwolf_config_path = None def try_delete_configs(self): if self.direwolf_config is not None: self.direwolf_config.unwire(self) self.direwolf_config = None if self.direwolf_config_path is not None: try: os.unlink(self.direwolf_config_path) except FileNotFoundError: # result suits our expectations. fine :) pass except Exception: logger.exception("try_delete_configs()") self.direwolf_config_path = None def onConfigChanged(self): self.restart() def start(self): with self.modification_lock: if self.running: return self.running = True command_base = " | ".join(self.chain(self.demodulator)) # create control pipes for csdr self.try_create_pipes(self.pipe_names, command_base) # send initial config through the pipes if self.has_pipe("bpf_pipe"): self.set_bpf(self.low_cut, self.high_cut) if self.has_pipe("shift_pipe"): self.set_offset_freq(self.offset_freq) if self.has_pipe("squelch_pipe"): self.set_squelch_level(self.squelch_level) if self.has_pipe("dmr_control_pipe"): self.set_dmr_filter(3) # run the command command = command_base.format( bpf_pipe=self.pipes["bpf_pipe"], shift_pipe=self.pipes["shift_pipe"], squelch_pipe=self.pipes["squelch_pipe"], smeter_pipe=self.pipes["smeter_pipe"], meta_pipe=self.pipes["meta_pipe"], iqtee_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee_pipe"], iqtee2_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee2_pipe"], dmr_control_pipe=self.pipes["dmr_control_pipe"], decimation=self.decimation, last_decimation=self.last_decimation, fft_size=self.fft_size, fft_block_size=self.fft_block_size(), fft_averages=self.fft_averages, bpf_transition_bw=float(self.bpf_transition_bw) / self.if_samp_rate(), ddc_transition_bw=self.ddc_transition_bw(), flowcontrol=int(self.samp_rate * 2), nc_port=self.nc_port, output_rate=self.get_output_rate(), smeter_report_every=int(self.if_samp_rate() / 6000), unvoiced_quality=self.get_unvoiced_quality(), codecserver_arg=self.get_codecserver_arg(), audio_rate=self.get_audio_rate(), wfm_deemphasis_tau=self.wfm_deemphasis_tau, ) logger.debug("Command = %s", command) out = subprocess.PIPE if self.output.supports_type("audio") else subprocess.DEVNULL self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=out, shell=True, start_new_session=True, bufsize=128) def watch_thread(): rc = self.process.wait() logger.debug("dsp thread ended with rc=%d", rc) if rc == 0 and self.running and not self.modification_lock.locked(): logger.debug("restarting since rc = 0, self.running = true, and no modification") self.restart() threading.Thread(target=watch_thread, name="csdr_watch_thread").start() audio_type = "hd_audio" if self.isHdAudio() else "audio" if self.output.supports_type(audio_type): self.output.send_output( audio_type, partial( self.process.stdout.read, self.get_fft_bytes_to_read() if self.demodulator == "fft" else self.get_audio_bytes_to_read(), ), ) self.start_secondary_demodulator() if self.has_pipe("smeter_pipe"): def read_smeter(): raw = self.pipes["smeter_pipe"].readline() if len(raw) == 0: return None else: return float(raw.rstrip("\n")) self.output.send_output("smeter", read_smeter) if self.has_pipe("meta_pipe"): def read_meta(): raw = self.pipes["meta_pipe"].readline() if len(raw) == 0: return None else: return raw.rstrip("\n") self.output.send_output("meta", read_meta) def stop(self): with self.modification_lock: self.running = False if self.process is not None: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.process.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # drain any leftover data to free file descriptors self.process.communicate() self.process = None except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass self.stop_secondary_demodulator() self.try_delete_pipes(self.pipe_names) self.try_delete_configs() def restart(self): if not self.running: return self.stop() self.start()