from owrx.controllers.settings import SettingsFormController, Section from owrx.form import CheckboxInput, NumberInput, DropdownInput, Js8ProfileCheckboxInput, MultiCheckboxInput, Option from owrx.form.wfm import WfmTauValues from owrx.form.wsjt import Q65ModeMatrix, WsjtDecodingDepthsInput from owrx.wsjt import Fst4Profile, Fst4wProfile class DecodingSettingsController(SettingsFormController): def getTitle(self): return "Demodulation and decoding" def getSections(self): return [ Section( "Demodulator settings", NumberInput( "squelch_auto_margin", "Auto-Squelch threshold", infotext="Offset to be added to the current signal level when using the auto-squelch", append="dB", ), DropdownInput( "wfm_deemphasis_tau", "Tau setting for WFM (broadcast FM) deemphasis", WfmTauValues, infotext='See this Wikipedia article for more information', ), ), Section( "Digital voice", NumberInput( "digital_voice_unvoiced_quality", "Quality of unvoiced sounds in synthesized voice", infotext="Determines the quality, and thus the cpu usage, for the ambe codec used by digital voice" + " modes.
If you're running on a Raspberry Pi (up to 3B+) you should leave this set at 1", ), CheckboxInput( "digital_voice_dmr_id_lookup", "DMR id lookup", checkboxText='Enable lookup of DMR ids in the ' + "radioid database to show callsigns and names", ), ), Section( "Digimodes", CheckboxInput("digimodes_enable", "", checkboxText="Enable Digimodes"), NumberInput("digimodes_fft_size", "Digimodes FFT size", append="bins"), ), Section( "Decoding settings", NumberInput("decoding_queue_workers", "Number of decoding workers"), NumberInput("decoding_queue_length", "Maximum length of decoding job queue"), NumberInput( "wsjt_decoding_depth", "Default WSJT decoding depth", infotext="A higher decoding depth will allow more results, but will also consume more cpu", ), WsjtDecodingDepthsInput( "wsjt_decoding_depths", "Individual decoding depths", ), NumberInput( "js8_decoding_depth", "Js8Call decoding depth", infotext="A higher decoding depth will allow more results, but will also consume more cpu", ), Js8ProfileCheckboxInput("js8_enabled_profiles", "Js8Call enabled modes"), MultiCheckboxInput( "fst4_enabled_intervals", "Enabled FST4 intervals", [Option(v, "{}s".format(v)) for v in Fst4Profile.availableIntervals], ), MultiCheckboxInput( "fst4w_enabled_intervals", "Enabled FST4W intervals", [Option(v, "{}s".format(v)) for v in Fst4wProfile.availableIntervals], ), Q65ModeMatrix("q65_enabled_combinations", "Enabled Q65 Mode combinations"), ), ]