from http.server import HTTPServer from owrx.http import RequestHandler from owrx.config import PropertyManager, FeatureDetector, RequirementMissingException from owrx.source import RtlNmuxSource from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn class ThreadedHttpServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass def main(): print() print("OpenWebRX - Open Source SDR Web App for Everyone! | for license see LICENSE file in the package") print("_________________________________________________________________________________________________") print() print("Author contact info: Andras Retzler, HA7ILM ") print() cfg=__import__("config_webrx") pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() for name, value in cfg.__dict__.items(): if (name.startswith("__")): continue pm.getProperty(name).setValue(value) try: FeatureDetector().detectAllFeatures() except RequirementMissingException as e: print("you are missing required dependencies to run openwebrx. " "please check the message and the readme for details:") print(e) return RtlNmuxSource() server = ThreadedHttpServer(('', pm.getPropertyValue("web_port")), RequestHandler) server.serve_forever() if __name__=="__main__": main()