from owrx.config import PropertyManager from urllib import request import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging import threading from import Map, LatLngLocation from owrx.bands import Bandplan from owrx.parser import Parser logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DmrCache(object): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if DmrCache.sharedInstance is None: DmrCache.sharedInstance = DmrCache() return DmrCache.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.cache = {} self.cacheTimeout = timedelta(seconds=86400) def isValid(self, key): if not key in self.cache: return False entry = self.cache[key] return entry["timestamp"] + self.cacheTimeout > def put(self, key, value): self.cache[key] = {"timestamp":, "data": value} def get(self, key): if not self.isValid(key): return None return self.cache[key]["data"] class DmrMetaEnricher(object): def __init__(self): self.threads = {} def downloadRadioIdData(self, id): cache = DmrCache.getSharedInstance() try: logger.debug("requesting DMR metadata for id=%s", id) res = request.urlopen("{0}".format(id), timeout=30).read() data = json.loads(res.decode("utf-8")) cache.put(id, data) except json.JSONDecodeError: cache.put(id, None) del self.threads[id] def enrich(self, meta): if not PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()["digital_voice_dmr_id_lookup"]: return None if not "source" in meta: return None id = meta["source"] cache = DmrCache.getSharedInstance() if not cache.isValid(id): if not id in self.threads: self.threads[id] = threading.Thread(target=self.downloadRadioIdData, args=[id], daemon=True) self.threads[id].start() return None data = cache.get(id) if "count" in data and data["count"] > 0 and "results" in data: return data["results"][0] return None class YsfMetaEnricher(object): def __init__(self, parser): self.parser = parser def enrich(self, meta): if "source" in meta and "lat" in meta and "lon" in meta: # TODO parsing the float values should probably happen earlier loc = LatLngLocation(float(meta["lat"]), float(meta["lon"])) Map.getSharedInstance().updateLocation(meta["source"], loc, "YSF", self.parser.getBand()) return None class MetaParser(Parser): def __init__(self, handler): super().__init__(handler) self.enrichers = {"DMR": DmrMetaEnricher(), "YSF": YsfMetaEnricher(self)} def parse(self, meta): fields = meta.split(";") meta = {v[0]: "".join(v[1:]) for v in map(lambda x: x.split(":"), fields) if v[0] != ""} if "protocol" in meta: protocol = meta["protocol"] if protocol in self.enrichers: additional_data = self.enrichers[protocol].enrich(meta) if additional_data is not None: meta["additional"] = additional_data self.handler.write_metadata(meta)