import random from owrx.config import Config from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import socket import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FEET_PER_METER = 3.28084 class DirewolfConfigSubscriber(ABC): @abstractmethod def onConfigChanged(self): pass class DirewolfConfig: config_keys = [ "aprs_callsign", "aprs_igate_enabled", "aprs_igate_server", "aprs_igate_password", "receiver_gps", "aprs_igate_symbol", "aprs_igate_beacon", "aprs_igate_gain", "aprs_igate_dir", "aprs_igate_comment", "aprs_igate_height", ] def __init__(self): self.subscribers = [] self.configSub = None self.port = None def wire(self, subscriber: DirewolfConfigSubscriber): self.subscribers.append(subscriber) if self.configSub is None: pm = Config.get() self.configSub = pm.filter(*DirewolfConfig.config_keys).wire(self._fireChanged) def unwire(self, subscriber: DirewolfConfigSubscriber): self.subscribers.remove(subscriber) if not self.subscribers and self.configSub is not None: self.configSub.cancel() def _fireChanged(self, changes): for sub in self.subscribers: try: sub.onConfigChanged() except Exception: logger.exception("Error while notifying Direwolf subscribers") def getPort(self): # direwolf has some strange hardcoded port ranges while self.port is None: try: port = random.randrange(1024, 49151) # test if port is available for use s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("localhost", port)) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.close() self.port = port except OSError: pass return self.port def getConfig(self, is_service): pm = Config.get() config = """ ACHANNELS 1 ADEVICE stdin null CHANNEL 0 MYCALL {callsign} MODEM 1200 KISSPORT {port} AGWPORT off """.format( port=self.getPort(), callsign=pm["aprs_callsign"] ) if is_service and pm["aprs_igate_enabled"]: pbeacon = "" if pm["aprs_igate_beacon"]: # Format beacon lat/lon lat = pm["receiver_gps"]["lat"] lon = pm["receiver_gps"]["lon"] direction_ns = "N" if lat > 0 else "S" direction_we = "E" if lon > 0 else "W" lat = abs(lat) lon = abs(lon) lat = "{0:02d}^{1:05.2f}{2}".format(int(lat), (lat - int(lat)) * 60, direction_ns) lon = "{0:03d}^{1:05.2f}{2}".format(int(lon), (lon - int(lon)) * 60, direction_we) # Convert height from meters to feet if specified height = "" if "aprs_igate_height" in pm: try: height_m = float(pm["aprs_igate_height"]) height_ft = round(height_m * FEET_PER_METER) height = "HEIGHT=" + str(height_ft) except: logger.error( "Cannot parse 'aprs_igate_height', expected float: " + str(pm["aprs_igate_height"]) ) pbeacon = 'PBEACON sendto=IG delay=0:30 every=60:00 symbol={symbol} lat={lat} long={lon} {height} {gain} {adir} comment="{comment}"'.format( symbol=pm["aprs_igate_symbol"], lat=lat, lon=lon, height=height, gain="GAIN=" + str(pm["aprs_igate_gain"]) if "aprs_igate_gain" in pm else "", adir="DIR=" + str(pm["aprs_igate_dir"]) if "aprs_igate_dir" in pm else "", comment=pm["aprs_igate_comment"], )"APRS PBEACON String: " + pbeacon) config += """ IGSERVER {server} IGLOGIN {callsign} {password} {pbeacon} """.format( server=pm["aprs_igate_server"], callsign=pm["aprs_callsign"], password=pm["aprs_igate_password"], pbeacon=pbeacon, ) return config