from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import List from import Map, LocatorLocation from owrx.metrics import Metrics, CounterMetric from owrx.reporting import ReportingEngine from import AudioChopperProfile, StaticProfileSource, ConfigWiredProfileSource from import AudioChopperParser from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod from owrx.config import Config from enum import Enum from owrx.bands import Bandplan import re import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WsjtProfile(AudioChopperProfile, metaclass=ABCMeta): def decoding_depth(self): pm = Config.get() mode = self.getMode().lower() # mode-specific setting? if "wsjt_decoding_depths" in pm and mode in pm["wsjt_decoding_depths"]: return pm["wsjt_decoding_depths"][mode] # return global default if "wsjt_decoding_depth" in pm: return pm["wsjt_decoding_depth"] # default when no setting is provided return 3 def getTimestampFormat(self): if self.getInterval() < 60: return "%H%M%S" return "%H%M" def getFileTimestampFormat(self): return "%y%m%d_" + self.getTimestampFormat() @abstractmethod def getMode(self): pass class Fst4ProfileSource(ConfigWiredProfileSource): def getPropertiesToWire(self) -> List[str]: return ["fst4_enabled_intervals"] def getProfiles(self) -> List[AudioChopperProfile]: config = Config.get() profiles = config["fst4_enabled_intervals"] if "fst4_enabled_intervals" in config else [] return [Fst4Profile(i) for i in profiles if i in Fst4Profile.availableIntervals] class Fst4wProfileSource(ConfigWiredProfileSource): def getPropertiesToWire(self) -> List[str]: return ["fst4w_enabled_intervals"] def getProfiles(self) -> List[AudioChopperProfile]: config = Config.get() profiles = config["fst4w_enabled_intervals"] if "fst4w_enabled_intervals" in config else [] return [Fst4wProfile(i) for i in profiles if i in Fst4wProfile.availableIntervals] class Q65ProfileSource(ConfigWiredProfileSource): def getPropertiesToWire(self) -> List[str]: return ["q65_enabled_combinations"] def getProfiles(self) -> List[AudioChopperProfile]: config = Config.get() profiles = config["q65_enabled_combinations"] if "q65_enabled_combinations" in config else [] def buildProfile(modestring): try: mode = Q65Mode[modestring[0]] interval = Q65Interval(int(modestring[1:])) if interval.is_available(mode): return Q65Profile(interval, mode) except (ValueError, KeyError): pass logger.warning('"%s" is not a valid Q65 mode, or an invalid mode string, ignoring', modestring) return None mapped = [buildProfile(m) for m in profiles] return [p for p in mapped if p is not None] class WsjtProfiles(object): @staticmethod def getSource(mode: str): if mode == "ft8": return StaticProfileSource([Ft8Profile()]) elif mode == "wspr": return StaticProfileSource([WsprProfile()]) elif mode == "jt65": return StaticProfileSource([Jt65Profile()]) elif mode == "jt9": return StaticProfileSource([Jt9Profile()]) elif mode == "ft4": return StaticProfileSource([Ft4Profile()]) elif mode == "fst4": return Fst4ProfileSource() elif mode == "fst4w": return Fst4wProfileSource() elif mode == "q65": return Q65ProfileSource() class Ft8Profile(WsjtProfile): def getInterval(self): return 15 def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--ft8", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] def getMode(self): return "FT8" class WsprProfile(WsjtProfile): def getInterval(self): return 120 def decoder_commandline(self, file): cmd = ["wsprd"] if self.decoding_depth() > 1: cmd += ["-d"] cmd += [file] return cmd def getMode(self): return "WSPR" class Jt65Profile(WsjtProfile): def getInterval(self): return 60 def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--jt65", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] def getMode(self): return "JT65" class Jt9Profile(WsjtProfile): def getInterval(self): return 60 def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--jt9", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] def getMode(self): return "JT9" class Ft4Profile(WsjtProfile): def getInterval(self): return 7.5 def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--ft4", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] def getMode(self): return "FT4" class Fst4Profile(WsjtProfile): availableIntervals = [15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 900, 1800] def __init__(self, interval): self.interval = interval def getInterval(self): return self.interval def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--fst4", "-p", str(self.interval), "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] def getMode(self): return "FST4" class Fst4wProfile(WsjtProfile): availableIntervals = [120, 300, 900, 1800] def __init__(self, interval): self.interval = interval def getInterval(self): return self.interval def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--fst4w", "-p", str(self.interval), "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] def getMode(self): return "FST4W" class Q65Mode(Enum): # value is the bandwidth multiplier according to A = 1 B = 2 C = 4 D = 8 E = 16 def is_available(self, interval: "Q65Interval"): return interval.is_available(self) class Q65Interval(Enum): # (interval, occupied bandwidth in mode "A") # according to INTERVAL_15 = (15, 433) INTERVAL_30 = (30, 217) INTERVAL_60 = (60, 108) INTERVAL_120 = (120, 49) INTERVAL_300 = (300, 19) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): interval, occupied_bandwidth = args obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = interval obj.occupied_bandwidth = occupied_bandwidth return obj def is_available(self, mode: Q65Mode): # total bandwidth must not exceed the typical SSB bandwidth return self.occupied_bandwidth * mode.value < 2700 class Q65Profile(WsjtProfile): def __init__(self, interval: Q65Interval, mode: Q65Mode): self.interval = interval.value self.mode = mode def getMode(self): return "Q65" def getInterval(self): return self.interval def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--q65", "-p", str(self.interval), "-b",, "-d", str(self.decoding_depth()), file] class WsjtParser(AudioChopperParser): def parse(self, profile: WsjtProfile, freq: int, raw_msg: bytes): try: band = None if freq is not None: band = Bandplan.getSharedInstance().findBand(freq) msg = raw_msg.decode().rstrip() # known debug messages we know to skip if msg.startswith(""): return if msg.startswith(" EOF on input file"): return mode = profile.getMode() if mode in ["WSPR", "FST4W"]: messageParser = BeaconMessageParser() else: messageParser = QsoMessageParser() if mode == "WSPR": decoder = WsprDecoder(profile, messageParser) else: decoder = Jt9Decoder(profile, messageParser) out = decoder.parse(msg, freq) if isinstance(profile, Q65Profile) and not out["msg"]: # all efforts in vain, it's just a potential signal indicator return out["mode"] = mode out["interval"] = profile.getInterval() self.pushDecode(mode, band) if "callsign" in out and "locator" in out: Map.getSharedInstance().updateLocation( out["callsign"], LocatorLocation(out["locator"]), mode, band ) ReportingEngine.getSharedInstance().spot(out) return out except Exception: logger.exception("Exception while parsing wsjt message") def pushDecode(self, mode, band): metrics = Metrics.getSharedInstance() bandName = "unknown" if band is not None: bandName = band.getName() if mode is None: mode = "unknown" name = "wsjt.decodes.{band}.{mode}".format(band=bandName, mode=mode) metric = metrics.getMetric(name) if metric is None: metric = CounterMetric() metrics.addMetric(name, metric) class Decoder(ABC): def __init__(self, profile, messageParser): self.profile = profile self.messageParser = messageParser def parse_timestamp(self, instring): dateformat = self.profile.getTimestampFormat() remain = instring[len(dateformat) + 1:] try: ts = datetime.strptime(instring[0: len(dateformat)], dateformat) return remain, int( datetime.combine(datetime.utcnow().date(), ts.time()).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000 ) except ValueError: return remain, None @abstractmethod def parse(self, msg, dial_freq): pass class MessageParser(ABC): @abstractmethod def parse(self, msg): pass # Used in QSO-style modes (FT8, FT4, FST4) class QsoMessageParser(MessageParser): locator_pattern = re.compile(".*\\s([A-Z0-9/]{2,})(\\sR)?\\s([A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})$") def parse(self, msg): m = QsoMessageParser.locator_pattern.match(msg) if m is None: return {} # this is a valid locator in theory, but it's somewhere in the arctic ocean, near the north pole, so it's very # likely this just means roger roger goodbye. if == "RR73": return {"callsign":} return {"callsign":, "locator":} # Used in propagation reporting / beacon modes (WSPR / FST4W) class BeaconMessageParser(MessageParser): wspr_splitter_pattern = re.compile("([A-Z0-9/]*)\\s([A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})\\s([0-9]+)") def parse(self, msg): m = BeaconMessageParser.wspr_splitter_pattern.match(msg) if m is None: return {} return {"callsign":, "locator":, "dbm":} class Jt9Decoder(Decoder): def parse(self, msg, dial_freq): # ft8 sample # '222100 -15 -0.0 508 ~ CQ EA7MJ IM66' # jt65 sample # '2352 -7 0.4 1801 # R0WAS R2ABM KO85' # '0003 -4 0.4 1762 # CQ R2ABM KO85' # fst4 sample # '**** -23 0.6 3023 ` <...> <...> R 591631 BI53PV' msg, timestamp = self.parse_timestamp(msg) wsjt_msg = msg[17:53].strip() result = { "timestamp": timestamp, "db": float(msg[0:3]), "dt": float(msg[4:8]), "freq": dial_freq + int(msg[9:13]), "msg": wsjt_msg, } result.update(self.messageParser.parse(wsjt_msg)) return result class WsprDecoder(Decoder): def parse(self, msg, dial_freq): # wspr sample # '2600 -24 0.4 0.001492 -1 G8AXA JO01 33' # '0052 -29 2.6 0.001486 0 G02CWT IO92 23' msg, timestamp = self.parse_timestamp(msg) wsjt_msg = msg[24:].strip() result = { "timestamp": timestamp, "db": float(msg[0:3]), "dt": float(msg[4:8]), "freq": dial_freq + int(float(msg[10:20]) * 1e6), "drift": int(msg[20:23]), "msg": wsjt_msg, } result.update(self.messageParser.parse(wsjt_msg)) return result