import threading import wave from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import subprocess import os from multiprocessing.connection import Pipe from import Map, LocatorLocation import re from queue import Queue, Full from owrx.config import PropertyManager from owrx.bands import Bandplan from owrx.metrics import Metrics, CounterMetric, DirectMetric from owrx.pskreporter import PskReporter from owrx.parser import Parser import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) class WsjtQueueWorker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue): self.queue = queue self.doRun = True super().__init__(daemon=True) def run(self) -> None: while self.doRun: (processor, file) = self.queue.get() try: logger.debug("processing file %s", file) processor.decode(file) except Exception: logger.exception("failed to decode job") self.queue.onError() self.queue.task_done() class WsjtQueue(Queue): sharedInstance = None creationLock = threading.Lock() @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): with WsjtQueue.creationLock: if WsjtQueue.sharedInstance is None: pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() WsjtQueue.sharedInstance = WsjtQueue(maxsize=pm["wsjt_queue_length"], workers=pm["wsjt_queue_workers"]) return WsjtQueue.sharedInstance def __init__(self, maxsize, workers): super().__init__(maxsize) metrics = Metrics.getSharedInstance() metrics.addMetric("wsjt.queue.length", DirectMetric(self.qsize)) self.inCounter = CounterMetric() metrics.addMetric("", self.inCounter) self.outCounter = CounterMetric() metrics.addMetric("wsjt.queue.out", self.outCounter) self.overflowCounter = CounterMetric() metrics.addMetric("wsjt.queue.overflow", self.overflowCounter) self.errorCounter = CounterMetric() metrics.addMetric("wsjt.queue.error", self.errorCounter) self.workers = [self.newWorker() for _ in range(0, workers)] def put(self, item): try: super(WsjtQueue, self).put(item, block=False) except Full: raise def get(self, **kwargs): # super.get() is blocking, so it would mess up the stats to inc() first out = super(WsjtQueue, self).get(**kwargs) return out def newWorker(self): worker = WsjtQueueWorker(self) worker.start() return worker def onError(self): class WsjtChopper(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, source): self.source = source self.tmp_dir = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()["temporary_directory"] (self.wavefilename, self.wavefile) = self.getWaveFile() self.switchingLock = threading.Lock() self.timer = None (self.outputReader, self.outputWriter) = Pipe() self.doRun = True super().__init__() def getWaveFile(self): filename = "{tmp_dir}/openwebrx-wsjtchopper-{id}-{timestamp}.wav".format( tmp_dir=self.tmp_dir, id=id(self), timestamp=datetime.utcnow().strftime(self.fileTimestampFormat) ) wavefile =, "wb") wavefile.setnchannels(1) wavefile.setsampwidth(2) wavefile.setframerate(12000) return filename, wavefile def getNextDecodingTime(self): t = datetime.utcnow() zeroed = t.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) delta = t - zeroed seconds = (int(delta.total_seconds() / self.interval) + 1) * self.interval t = zeroed + timedelta(seconds=seconds) logger.debug("scheduling: {0}".format(t)) return t def cancelTimer(self): if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() def _scheduleNextSwitch(self): if self.doRun: delta = self.getNextDecodingTime() - datetime.utcnow() self.timer = threading.Timer(delta.total_seconds(), self.switchFiles) self.timer.start() def switchFiles(self): self.switchingLock.acquire() file = self.wavefile filename = self.wavefilename (self.wavefilename, self.wavefile) = self.getWaveFile() self.switchingLock.release() file.close() try: WsjtQueue.getSharedInstance().put((self, filename)) except Full: logger.warning("wsjt decoding queue overflow; dropping one file") os.unlink(filename) self._scheduleNextSwitch() def decoder_commandline(self, file): """ must be overridden in child classes """ return [] def decode(self, file): decoder = subprocess.Popen( ["nice", "-n", "10"] + self.decoder_commandline(file), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=self.tmp_dir, close_fds=True, ) for line in decoder.stdout: self.outputWriter.send(line) try: rc = decoder.wait(timeout=10) if rc != 0: logger.warning("decoder return code: %i", rc) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: logger.warning("subprocess (pid=%i}) did not terminate correctly; sending kill signal.", decoder.kill() os.unlink(file) def run(self) -> None: logger.debug("WSJT chopper starting up") self._scheduleNextSwitch() while self.doRun: data = if data is None or (isinstance(data, bytes) and len(data) == 0): self.doRun = False else: self.switchingLock.acquire() self.wavefile.writeframes(data) self.switchingLock.release() logger.debug("WSJT chopper shutting down") self.outputReader.close() self.outputWriter.close() self.cancelTimer() try: os.unlink(self.wavefilename) except Exception: logger.exception("error removing undecoded file") def read(self): try: return self.outputReader.recv() except EOFError: return None def decoding_depth(self, mode): pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() # mode-specific setting? if "wsjt_decoding_depths" in pm and mode in pm["wsjt_decoding_depths"]: return pm["wsjt_decoding_depths"][mode] # return global default if "wsjt_decoding_depth" in pm: return pm["wsjt_decoding_depth"] # default when no setting is provided return 3 class Ft8Chopper(WsjtChopper): def __init__(self, source): self.interval = 15 self.fileTimestampFormat = "%y%m%d_%H%M%S" super().__init__(source) def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--ft8", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth("ft8")), file] class WsprChopper(WsjtChopper): def __init__(self, source): self.interval = 120 self.fileTimestampFormat = "%y%m%d_%H%M" super().__init__(source) def decoder_commandline(self, file): cmd = ["wsprd"] if self.decoding_depth("wspr") > 1: cmd += ["-d"] cmd += [file] return cmd class Jt65Chopper(WsjtChopper): def __init__(self, source): self.interval = 60 self.fileTimestampFormat = "%y%m%d_%H%M" super().__init__(source) def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--jt65", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth("jt65")), file] class Jt9Chopper(WsjtChopper): def __init__(self, source): self.interval = 60 self.fileTimestampFormat = "%y%m%d_%H%M" super().__init__(source) def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--jt9", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth("jt9")), file] class Ft4Chopper(WsjtChopper): def __init__(self, source): self.interval = 7.5 self.fileTimestampFormat = "%y%m%d_%H%M%S" super().__init__(source) def decoder_commandline(self, file): return ["jt9", "--ft4", "-d", str(self.decoding_depth("ft4")), file] class WsjtParser(Parser): modes = {"~": "FT8", "#": "JT65", "@": "JT9", "+": "FT4"} def parse(self, data): try: msg = data.decode().rstrip() # known debug messages we know to skip if msg.startswith(""): return if msg.startswith(" EOF on input file"): return modes = list(WsjtParser.modes.keys()) if msg[21] in modes or msg[19] in modes: decoder = Jt9Decoder() else: decoder = WsprDecoder() out = decoder.parse(msg, self.dial_freq) if "mode" in out: self.pushDecode(out["mode"]) if "callsign" in out and "locator" in out: Map.getSharedInstance().updateLocation( out["callsign"], LocatorLocation(out["locator"]), out["mode"], ) PskReporter.getSharedInstance().spot(out) self.handler.write_wsjt_message(out) except ValueError: logger.exception("error while parsing wsjt message") def pushDecode(self, mode): metrics = Metrics.getSharedInstance() band = "unknown" if is not None: band = if band is None: band = "unknown" if mode is None: mode = "unknown" name = "wsjt.decodes.{band}.{mode}".format(band=band, mode=mode) metric = metrics.getMetric(name) if metric is None: metric = CounterMetric() metrics.addMetric(name, metric) class Decoder(object): def parse_timestamp(self, instring, dateformat): ts = datetime.strptime(instring, dateformat) return int( datetime.combine(datetime.utcnow().date(), ts.time()).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000 ) class Jt9Decoder(Decoder): locator_pattern = re.compile("[A-Z0-9]+\\s([A-Z0-9]+)\\s([A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})$") def parse(self, msg, dial_freq): # ft8 sample # '222100 -15 -0.0 508 ~ CQ EA7MJ IM66' # jt65 sample # '2352 -7 0.4 1801 # R0WAS R2ABM KO85' # '0003 -4 0.4 1762 # CQ R2ABM KO85' modes = list(WsjtParser.modes.keys()) if msg[19] in modes: dateformat = "%H%M" else: dateformat = "%H%M%S" timestamp = self.parse_timestamp(msg[0 : len(dateformat)], dateformat) msg = msg[len(dateformat) + 1 :] modeChar = msg[14:15] mode = WsjtParser.modes[modeChar] if modeChar in WsjtParser.modes else "unknown" wsjt_msg = msg[17:53].strip() result = { "timestamp": timestamp, "db": float(msg[0:3]), "dt": float(msg[4:8]), "freq": dial_freq + int(msg[9:13]), "mode": mode, "msg": wsjt_msg, } result.update(self.parseMessage(wsjt_msg)) return result def parseMessage(self, msg): m = Jt9Decoder.locator_pattern.match(msg) if m is None: return {} # this is a valid locator in theory, but it's somewhere in the arctic ocean, near the north pole, so it's very # likely this just means roger roger goodbye. if == "RR73": return {"callsign":} return {"callsign":, "locator":} class WsprDecoder(Decoder): wspr_splitter_pattern = re.compile("([A-Z0-9]*)\\s([A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})\\s([0-9]+)") def parse(self, msg, dial_freq): # wspr sample # '2600 -24 0.4 0.001492 -1 G8AXA JO01 33' # '0052 -29 2.6 0.001486 0 G02CWT IO92 23' wsjt_msg = msg[29:].strip() result = { "timestamp": self.parse_timestamp(msg[0:4], "%H%M"), "db": float(msg[5:8]), "dt": float(msg[9:13]), "freq": dial_freq + int(float(msg[14:24]) * 1e6), "drift": int(msg[25:28]), "mode": "WSPR", "msg": wsjt_msg, } result.update(self.parseMessage(wsjt_msg)) return result def parseMessage(self, msg): m = WsprDecoder.wspr_splitter_pattern.match(msg) if m is None: return {} return {"callsign":, "locator":}