import subprocess from owrx.config import PropertyManager from owrx.feature import FeatureDetector, UnknownFeatureException from owrx.meta import MetaParser from owrx.wsjt import WsjtParser from owrx.aprs import AprsParser import threading import csdr import time import os import signal import sys import socket import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SdrService(object): sdrProps = None sources = {} lastPort = None @staticmethod def getNextPort(): pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() (start, end) = pm["iq_port_range"] if SdrService.lastPort is None: SdrService.lastPort = start else: SdrService.lastPort += 1 if SdrService.lastPort > end: raise IndexError("no more available ports to start more sdrs") return SdrService.lastPort @staticmethod def loadProps(): if SdrService.sdrProps is None: pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() featureDetector = FeatureDetector() def loadIntoPropertyManager(dict: dict): propertyManager = PropertyManager() for (name, value) in dict.items(): propertyManager[name] = value return propertyManager def sdrTypeAvailable(value): try: if not featureDetector.is_available(value["type"]): logger.error( 'The RTL source type "{0}" is not available. please check requirements.'.format( value["type"] ) ) return False return True except UnknownFeatureException: logger.error( 'The RTL source type "{0}" is invalid. Please check your configuration'.format(value["type"]) ) return False # transform all dictionary items into PropertyManager object, filtering out unavailable ones SdrService.sdrProps = { name: loadIntoPropertyManager(value) for (name, value) in pm["sdrs"].items() if sdrTypeAvailable(value) } "SDR sources loaded. Availables SDRs: {0}".format( ", ".join(map(lambda x: x["name"], SdrService.sdrProps.values())) ) ) @staticmethod def getSource(id=None): SdrService.loadProps() if id is None: # TODO: configure default sdr in config? right now it will pick the first one off the list. id = list(SdrService.sdrProps.keys())[0] sources = SdrService.getSources() return sources[id] @staticmethod def getSources(): SdrService.loadProps() for id in SdrService.sdrProps.keys(): if not id in SdrService.sources: props = SdrService.sdrProps[id] className = "".join(x for x in props["type"].title() if x.isalnum()) + "Source" cls = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], className) SdrService.sources[id] = cls(props, SdrService.getNextPort()) return SdrService.sources class SdrSourceException(Exception): pass class SdrSource(object): def __init__(self, props, port): self.props = props self.activateProfile() self.rtlProps = self.props.collect( "samp_rate", "nmux_memory", "center_freq", "ppm", "rf_gain", "lna_gain", "rf_amp", "antenna", "if_gain" ).defaults(PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()) def restart(name, value): logger.debug("restarting sdr source due to property change: {0} changed to {1}".format(name, value)) self.stop() self.start() self.rtlProps.wire(restart) self.port = port self.monitor = None self.clients = [] self.spectrumClients = [] self.spectrumThread = None self.process = None self.modificationLock = threading.Lock() # override this in subclasses def getCommand(self): pass # override this in subclasses, if necessary def getFormatConversion(self): return None def activateProfile(self, profile_id=None): profiles = self.props["profiles"] if profile_id is None: profile_id = list(profiles.keys())[0] logger.debug("activating profile {0}".format(profile_id)) profile = profiles[profile_id] for (key, value) in profile.items(): # skip the name, that would overwrite the source name. if key == "name": continue self.props[key] = value def getProfiles(self): return self.props["profiles"] def getName(self): return self.props["name"] def getProps(self): return self.props def getPort(self): return self.port def start(self): self.modificationLock.acquire() if self.monitor: self.modificationLock.release() return props = self.rtlProps start_sdr_command = self.getCommand().format( **props.collect( "samp_rate", "center_freq", "ppm", "rf_gain", "lna_gain", "rf_amp", "antenna", "if_gain" ).__dict__() ) format_conversion = self.getFormatConversion() if format_conversion is not None: start_sdr_command += " | " + format_conversion nmux_bufcnt = nmux_bufsize = 0 while nmux_bufsize < props["samp_rate"] / 4: nmux_bufsize += 4096 while nmux_bufsize * nmux_bufcnt < props["nmux_memory"] * 1e6: nmux_bufcnt += 1 if nmux_bufcnt == 0 or nmux_bufsize == 0: logger.error( "Error: nmux_bufsize or nmux_bufcnt is zero. These depend on nmux_memory and samp_rate options in" ) self.modificationLock.release() return logger.debug("nmux_bufsize = %d, nmux_bufcnt = %d" % (nmux_bufsize, nmux_bufcnt)) cmd = start_sdr_command + " | nmux --bufsize %d --bufcnt %d --port %d --address" % ( nmux_bufsize, nmux_bufcnt, self.port, ) self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp)"Started rtl source: " + cmd) available = False def wait_for_process_to_end(): rc = self.process.wait() logger.debug("shut down with RC={0}".format(rc)) self.monitor = None self.monitor = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_process_to_end) self.monitor.start() retries = 1000 while retries > 0: retries -= 1 if self.monitor is None: break testsock = socket.socket() try: testsock.connect(("", self.getPort())) testsock.close() available = True break except: time.sleep(0.1) self.modificationLock.release() if not available: raise SdrSourceException("rtl source failed to start up") for c in self.clients: c.onSdrAvailable() def isAvailable(self): return self.monitor is not None def stop(self): for c in self.clients: c.onSdrUnavailable() self.modificationLock.acquire() if self.process is not None: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass if self.monitor: self.monitor.join() self.sleepOnRestart() self.modificationLock.release() def sleepOnRestart(self): pass def hasActiveClients(self): activeClients = [c for c in self.clients if c.isActive()] return len(activeClients) > 0 def addClient(self, c): self.clients.append(c) if self.hasActiveClients(): self.start() def removeClient(self, c): try: self.clients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass if not self.hasActiveClients(): self.stop() def addSpectrumClient(self, c): self.spectrumClients.append(c) if self.spectrumThread is None: self.spectrumThread = SpectrumThread(self) self.spectrumThread.start() def removeSpectrumClient(self, c): try: self.spectrumClients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass if not self.spectrumClients and self.spectrumThread is not None: self.spectrumThread.stop() self.spectrumThread = None def writeSpectrumData(self, data): for c in self.spectrumClients: c.write_spectrum_data(data) class Resampler(SdrSource): def __init__(self, props, port, sdr): sdrProps = sdr.getProps() self.shift = (sdrProps["center_freq"] - props["center_freq"]) / sdrProps["samp_rate"] self.decimation = int(float(sdrProps["samp_rate"]) / props["samp_rate"]) if_samp_rate = sdrProps["samp_rate"] / self.decimation self.transition_bw = 0.15 * (if_samp_rate / float(sdrProps["samp_rate"])) props["samp_rate"] = if_samp_rate self.sdr = sdr super().__init__(props, port) def start(self): self.modificationLock.acquire() if self.monitor: self.modificationLock.release() return props = self.rtlProps resampler_command = [ "nc -v {nc_port}".format(nc_port=self.sdr.getPort()), "csdr shift_addition_cc {shift}".format(shift=self.shift), "csdr fir_decimate_cc {decimation} {ddc_transition_bw} HAMMING".format( decimation=self.decimation, ddc_transition_bw=self.transition_bw ), ] nmux_bufcnt = nmux_bufsize = 0 while nmux_bufsize < props["samp_rate"] / 4: nmux_bufsize += 4096 while nmux_bufsize * nmux_bufcnt < props["nmux_memory"] * 1e6: nmux_bufcnt += 1 if nmux_bufcnt == 0 or nmux_bufsize == 0: logger.error( "Error: nmux_bufsize or nmux_bufcnt is zero. These depend on nmux_memory and samp_rate options in" ) self.modificationLock.release() return logger.debug("nmux_bufsize = %d, nmux_bufcnt = %d" % (nmux_bufsize, nmux_bufcnt)) resampler_command += [ "nmux --bufsize %d --bufcnt %d --port %d --address" % (nmux_bufsize, nmux_bufcnt, self.port) ] cmd = " | ".join(resampler_command) logger.debug("resampler command: %s", cmd) self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp)"Started resampler source: " + cmd) available = False def wait_for_process_to_end(): rc = self.process.wait() logger.debug("shut down with RC={0}".format(rc)) self.monitor = None self.monitor = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_process_to_end) self.monitor.start() retries = 1000 while retries > 0: retries -= 1 if self.monitor is None: break testsock = socket.socket() try: testsock.connect(("", self.getPort())) testsock.close() available = True break except: time.sleep(0.1) self.modificationLock.release() if not available: raise SdrSourceException("resampler source failed to start up") for c in self.clients: c.onSdrAvailable() def activateProfile(self, profile_id=None): pass class RtlSdrSource(SdrSource): def getCommand(self): return "rtl_sdr -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} -p {ppm} -g {rf_gain} -" def getFormatConversion(self): return "csdr convert_u8_f" class HackrfSource(SdrSource): def getCommand(self): return "hackrf_transfer -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} -g {rf_gain} -l{lna_gain} -a{rf_amp} -r-" def getFormatConversion(self): return "csdr convert_s8_f" class SdrplaySource(SdrSource): def getCommand(self): command = "rx_sdr -F CF32 -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} -p {ppm}" gainMap = {"rf_gain": "RFGR", "if_gain": "IFGR"} gains = [ "{0}={{{1}}}".format(gainMap[name], name) for (name, value) in self.rtlProps.collect("rf_gain", "if_gain").__dict__().items() if value is not None ] if gains: command += " -g {gains}".format(gains=",".join(gains)) if self.rtlProps["antenna"] is not None: command += ' -a "{antenna}"' command += " -" return command def sleepOnRestart(self): time.sleep(1) class AirspySource(SdrSource): def getCommand(self): frequency = self.props["center_freq"] / 1e6 command = "airspy_rx" command += " -f{0}".format(frequency) command += " -r /dev/stdout -a{samp_rate} -g {rf_gain}" return command def getFormatConversion(self): return "csdr convert_s16_f" class SpectrumThread(csdr.output): def __init__(self, sdrSource): self.sdrSource = sdrSource super().__init__() self.props = props = self.sdrSource.props.collect( "samp_rate", "fft_size", "fft_fps", "fft_voverlap_factor", "fft_compression", "csdr_dynamic_bufsize", "csdr_print_bufsizes", "csdr_through", "temporary_directory", ).defaults(PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()) self.dsp = dsp = csdr.dsp(self) dsp.nc_port = self.sdrSource.getPort() dsp.set_demodulator("fft") def set_fft_averages(key, value): samp_rate = props["samp_rate"] fft_size = props["fft_size"] fft_fps = props["fft_fps"] fft_voverlap_factor = props["fft_voverlap_factor"] dsp.set_fft_averages( int(round(1.0 * samp_rate / fft_size / fft_fps / (1.0 - fft_voverlap_factor))) if fft_voverlap_factor > 0 else 0 ) self.subscriptions = [ props.getProperty("samp_rate").wire(dsp.set_samp_rate), props.getProperty("fft_size").wire(dsp.set_fft_size), props.getProperty("fft_fps").wire(dsp.set_fft_fps), props.getProperty("fft_compression").wire(dsp.set_fft_compression), props.getProperty("temporary_directory").wire(dsp.set_temporary_directory), props.collect("samp_rate", "fft_size", "fft_fps", "fft_voverlap_factor").wire(set_fft_averages), ] set_fft_averages(None, None) dsp.csdr_dynamic_bufsize = props["csdr_dynamic_bufsize"] dsp.csdr_print_bufsizes = props["csdr_print_bufsizes"] dsp.csdr_through = props["csdr_through"] logger.debug("Spectrum thread initialized successfully.") def start(self): self.sdrSource.addClient(self) if self.sdrSource.isAvailable(): self.dsp.start() def supports_type(self, t): return t == "audio" def receive_output(self, type, read_fn): if self.props["csdr_dynamic_bufsize"]: read_fn(8) # dummy read to skip bufsize & preamble logger.debug("Note: CSDR_DYNAMIC_BUFSIZE_ON = 1") threading.Thread(target=self.pump(read_fn, self.sdrSource.writeSpectrumData)).start() def stop(self): self.dsp.stop() self.sdrSource.removeClient(self) for c in self.subscriptions: c.cancel() self.subscriptions = [] def isActive(self): return True def onSdrAvailable(self): self.dsp.start() def onSdrUnavailable(self): self.dsp.stop() class DspManager(csdr.output): def __init__(self, handler, sdrSource): self.handler = handler self.sdrSource = sdrSource self.metaParser = MetaParser(self.handler) self.wsjtParser = WsjtParser(self.handler) self.aprsParser = AprsParser(self.handler) self.localProps = ( self.sdrSource.getProps() .collect( "audio_compression", "fft_compression", "digimodes_fft_size", "csdr_dynamic_bufsize", "csdr_print_bufsizes", "csdr_through", "digimodes_enable", "samp_rate", "digital_voice_unvoiced_quality", "dmr_filter", "temporary_directory", "center_freq", ) .defaults(PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()) ) self.dsp = csdr.dsp(self) self.dsp.nc_port = self.sdrSource.getPort() def set_low_cut(cut): bpf = self.dsp.get_bpf() bpf[0] = cut self.dsp.set_bpf(*bpf) def set_high_cut(cut): bpf = self.dsp.get_bpf() bpf[1] = cut self.dsp.set_bpf(*bpf) def set_dial_freq(key, value): freq = self.localProps["center_freq"] + self.localProps["offset_freq"] self.wsjtParser.setDialFrequency(freq) self.aprsParser.setDialFrequency(freq) self.subscriptions = [ self.localProps.getProperty("audio_compression").wire(self.dsp.set_audio_compression), self.localProps.getProperty("fft_compression").wire(self.dsp.set_fft_compression), self.localProps.getProperty("digimodes_fft_size").wire(self.dsp.set_secondary_fft_size), self.localProps.getProperty("samp_rate").wire(self.dsp.set_samp_rate), self.localProps.getProperty("output_rate").wire(self.dsp.set_output_rate), self.localProps.getProperty("offset_freq").wire(self.dsp.set_offset_freq), self.localProps.getProperty("squelch_level").wire(self.dsp.set_squelch_level), self.localProps.getProperty("low_cut").wire(set_low_cut), self.localProps.getProperty("high_cut").wire(set_high_cut), self.localProps.getProperty("mod").wire(self.dsp.set_demodulator), self.localProps.getProperty("digital_voice_unvoiced_quality").wire(self.dsp.set_unvoiced_quality), self.localProps.getProperty("dmr_filter").wire(self.dsp.set_dmr_filter), self.localProps.getProperty("temporary_directory").wire(self.dsp.set_temporary_directory), self.localProps.collect("center_freq", "offset_freq").wire(set_dial_freq), ] self.dsp.set_offset_freq(0) self.dsp.set_bpf(-4000, 4000) self.dsp.csdr_dynamic_bufsize = self.localProps["csdr_dynamic_bufsize"] self.dsp.csdr_print_bufsizes = self.localProps["csdr_print_bufsizes"] self.dsp.csdr_through = self.localProps["csdr_through"] if self.localProps["digimodes_enable"]: def set_secondary_mod(mod): if mod == False: mod = None self.dsp.set_secondary_demodulator(mod) if mod is not None: self.handler.write_secondary_dsp_config( { "secondary_fft_size": self.localProps["digimodes_fft_size"], "if_samp_rate": self.dsp.if_samp_rate(), "secondary_bw": self.dsp.secondary_bw(), } ) self.subscriptions += [ self.localProps.getProperty("secondary_mod").wire(set_secondary_mod), self.localProps.getProperty("secondary_offset_freq").wire(self.dsp.set_secondary_offset_freq), ] self.sdrSource.addClient(self) super().__init__() def start(self): if self.sdrSource.isAvailable(): self.dsp.start() def receive_output(self, t, read_fn): logger.debug("adding new output of type %s", t) writers = { "audio": self.handler.write_dsp_data, "smeter": self.handler.write_s_meter_level, "secondary_fft": self.handler.write_secondary_fft, "secondary_demod": self.handler.write_secondary_demod, "meta": self.metaParser.parse, "wsjt_demod": self.wsjtParser.parse, "packet_demod": self.aprsParser.parse, } write = writers[t] threading.Thread(target=self.pump(read_fn, write)).start() def stop(self): self.dsp.stop() self.sdrSource.removeClient(self) for sub in self.subscriptions: sub.cancel() self.subscriptions = [] def setProperty(self, prop, value): self.localProps.getProperty(prop).setValue(value) def isActive(self): return True def onSdrAvailable(self): logger.debug("received onSdrAvailable, attempting DspSource restart") self.dsp.start() def onSdrUnavailable(self): logger.debug("received onSdrUnavailable, shutting down DspSource") self.dsp.stop() class CpuUsageThread(threading.Thread): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance is None: CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance = CpuUsageThread() CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance.start() return CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.clients = [] self.doRun = True self.last_worktime = 0 self.last_idletime = 0 super().__init__() def run(self): while self.doRun: try: cpu_usage = self.get_cpu_usage() except: cpu_usage = 0 for c in self.clients: c.write_cpu_usage(cpu_usage) time.sleep(3) logger.debug("cpu usage thread shut down") def get_cpu_usage(self): try: f = open("/proc/stat", "r") except: return 0 # Workaround, possibly we're on a Mac line = "" while not "cpu " in line: line = f.readline() f.close() spl = line.split(" ") worktime = int(spl[2]) + int(spl[3]) + int(spl[4]) idletime = int(spl[5]) dworktime = worktime - self.last_worktime didletime = idletime - self.last_idletime rate = float(dworktime) / (didletime + dworktime) self.last_worktime = worktime self.last_idletime = idletime if self.last_worktime == 0: return 0 return rate def add_client(self, c): self.clients.append(c) def remove_client(self, c): try: self.clients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass if not self.clients: self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance = None self.doRun = False class TooManyClientsException(Exception): pass class ClientRegistry(object): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if ClientRegistry.sharedInstance is None: ClientRegistry.sharedInstance = ClientRegistry() return ClientRegistry.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.clients = [] super().__init__() def broadcast(self): n = self.clientCount() for c in self.clients: c.write_clients(n) def addClient(self, client): pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() if len(self.clients) >= pm["max_clients"]: raise TooManyClientsException() self.clients.append(client) self.broadcast() def clientCount(self): return len(self.clients) def removeClient(self, client): try: self.clients.remove(client) except ValueError: pass self.broadcast()