import subprocess from owrx.config import PropertyManager from owrx.feature import FeatureDetector, UnknownFeatureException import threading import csdr import time import os import signal import sys import socket import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SdrService(object): sdrProps = None sources = {} lastPort = None @staticmethod def getNextPort(): pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() (start, end) = pm["iq_port_range"] if SdrService.lastPort is None: SdrService.lastPort = start else: SdrService.lastPort += 1 if SdrService.lastPort > end: raise IndexError("no more available ports to start more sdrs") return SdrService.lastPort @staticmethod def loadProps(): if SdrService.sdrProps is None: pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() featureDetector = FeatureDetector() def loadIntoPropertyManager(dict: dict): propertyManager = PropertyManager() for (name, value) in dict.items(): propertyManager[name] = value return propertyManager def sdrTypeAvailable(value): try: if not featureDetector.is_available(value["type"]): logger.error("The RTL source type \"{0}\" is not available. please check requirements.".format(value["type"])) return False return True except UnknownFeatureException: logger.error("The RTL source type \"{0}\" is invalid. Please check your configuration".format(value["type"])) return False # transform all dictionary items into PropertyManager object, filtering out unavailable ones SdrService.sdrProps = { name: loadIntoPropertyManager(value) for (name, value) in pm["sdrs"].items() if sdrTypeAvailable(value) }"SDR sources loaded. Availables SDRs: {0}".format(", ".join(map(lambda x: x["name"], SdrService.sdrProps.values())))) @staticmethod def getSource(id = None): SdrService.loadProps() if id is None: # TODO: configure default sdr in config? right now it will pick the first one off the list. id = list(SdrService.sdrProps.keys())[0] sources = SdrService.getSources() return sources[id] @staticmethod def getSources(): SdrService.loadProps() for id in SdrService.sdrProps.keys(): if not id in SdrService.sources: props = SdrService.sdrProps[id] className = ''.join(x for x in props["type"].title() if x.isalnum()) + "Source" cls = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], className) SdrService.sources[id] = cls(props, SdrService.getNextPort()) return SdrService.sources class SdrSource(object): def __init__(self, props, port): self.props = props self.activateProfile() self.rtlProps = self.props.collect( "type", "samp_rate", "nmux_memory", "center_freq", "ppm", "rf_gain", "lna_gain", "rf_amp" ).defaults(PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()) def restart(name, value): logger.debug("restarting sdr source due to property change: {0} changed to {1}".format(name, value)) self.stop() self.start() self.rtlProps.wire(restart) self.port = port self.monitor = None self.clients = [] self.spectrumClients = [] self.spectrumThread = None self.process = None self.modificationLock = threading.Lock() # override these in subclasses as necessary self.command = None self.format_conversion = None def activateProfile(self, id = None): profiles = self.props["profiles"] if id is None: id = list(profiles.keys())[0] logger.debug("activating profile {0}".format(id)) profile = profiles[id] for (key, value) in profile.items(): # skip the name, that would overwrite the source name. if key == "name": continue self.props[key] = value def getProfiles(self): return self.props["profiles"] def getName(self): return self.props["name"] def getProps(self): return self.props def getPort(self): return self.port def start(self): self.modificationLock.acquire() if self.monitor: self.modificationLock.release() return props = self.rtlProps start_sdr_command = self.command.format( samp_rate = props["samp_rate"], center_freq = props["center_freq"], ppm = props["ppm"], rf_gain = props["rf_gain"], lna_gain = props["lna_gain"], rf_amp = props["rf_amp"] ) if self.format_conversion is not None: start_sdr_command += " | " + self.format_conversion nmux_bufcnt = nmux_bufsize = 0 while nmux_bufsize < props["samp_rate"]/4: nmux_bufsize += 4096 while nmux_bufsize * nmux_bufcnt < props["nmux_memory"] * 1e6: nmux_bufcnt += 1 if nmux_bufcnt == 0 or nmux_bufsize == 0: logger.error("Error: nmux_bufsize or nmux_bufcnt is zero. These depend on nmux_memory and samp_rate options in") self.modificationLock.release() return logger.debug("nmux_bufsize = %d, nmux_bufcnt = %d" % (nmux_bufsize, nmux_bufcnt)) cmd = start_sdr_command + " | nmux --bufsize %d --bufcnt %d --port %d --address" % (nmux_bufsize, nmux_bufcnt, self.port) self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp)"Started rtl source: " + cmd) while True: testsock = socket.socket() try: testsock.connect(("", self.getPort())) testsock.close() break except: time.sleep(0.1) def wait_for_process_to_end(): rc = self.process.wait() logger.debug("shut down with RC={0}".format(rc)) self.monitor = None self.monitor = threading.Thread(target = wait_for_process_to_end) self.monitor.start() self.modificationLock.release() for c in self.clients: c.onSdrAvailable() def isAvailable(self): return self.monitor is not None def stop(self): for c in self.clients: c.onSdrUnavailable() self.modificationLock.acquire() if self.process is not None: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass if self.monitor: self.monitor.join() self.sleepOnRestart() self.modificationLock.release() def sleepOnRestart(self): pass def addClient(self, c): self.clients.append(c) self.start() def removeClient(self, c): try: self.clients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass if not self.clients: self.stop() def addSpectrumClient(self, c): self.spectrumClients.append(c) if self.spectrumThread is None: self.spectrumThread = SpectrumThread(self) self.spectrumThread.start() def removeSpectrumClient(self, c): try: self.spectrumClients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass if not self.spectrumClients and self.spectrumThread is not None: self.spectrumThread.stop() self.spectrumThread = None def writeSpectrumData(self, data): for c in self.spectrumClients: c.write_spectrum_data(data) class RtlSdrSource(SdrSource): def __init__(self, props, port): super().__init__(props, port) self.command = "rtl_sdr -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} -p {ppm} -g {rf_gain} -" self.format_conversion = "csdr convert_u8_f" class HackrfSource(SdrSource): def __init__(self, props, port): super().__init__(props, port) self.command = "hackrf_transfer -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} -g {rf_gain} -l{lna_gain} -a{rf_amp} -r-" self.format_conversion = "csdr convert_s8_f" class SdrplaySource(SdrSource): def __init__(self, props, port): super().__init__(props, port) self.command = "rx_sdr -F CF32 -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} -p {ppm} -g {rf_gain} -" self.format_conversion = None def sleepOnRestart(self): time.sleep(1) class SpectrumThread(csdr.output): def __init__(self, sdrSource): self.sdrSource = sdrSource super().__init__() def start(self): props = self.sdrSource.props.collect( "samp_rate", "fft_size", "fft_fps", "fft_voverlap_factor", "fft_compression", "csdr_dynamic_bufsize", "csdr_print_bufsizes", "csdr_through" ).defaults(PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()) self.dsp = dsp = csdr.dsp(self) dsp.nc_port = self.sdrSource.getPort() dsp.set_demodulator("fft") props.getProperty("samp_rate").wire(dsp.set_samp_rate) props.getProperty("fft_size").wire(dsp.set_fft_size) props.getProperty("fft_fps").wire(dsp.set_fft_fps) props.getProperty("fft_compression").wire(dsp.set_fft_compression) def set_fft_averages(key, value): samp_rate = props["samp_rate"] fft_size = props["fft_size"] fft_fps = props["fft_fps"] fft_voverlap_factor = props["fft_voverlap_factor"] dsp.set_fft_averages(int(round(1.0 * samp_rate / fft_size / fft_fps / (1.0 - fft_voverlap_factor))) if fft_voverlap_factor>0 else 0) props.collect("samp_rate", "fft_size", "fft_fps", "fft_voverlap_factor").wire(set_fft_averages) set_fft_averages(None, None) dsp.csdr_dynamic_bufsize = props["csdr_dynamic_bufsize"] dsp.csdr_print_bufsizes = props["csdr_print_bufsizes"] dsp.csdr_through = props["csdr_through"] logger.debug("Spectrum thread initialized successfully.") dsp.start() if props["csdr_dynamic_bufsize"]: #dummy read to skip bufsize & preamble logger.debug("Note: CSDR_DYNAMIC_BUFSIZE_ON = 1") logger.debug("Spectrum thread started.") def add_output(self, type, read_fn): if type != "audio": logger.error("unsupported output type received by FFT: %s", type) return def pipe(): run = True while run: data = read_fn() if len(data) == 0: run = False else: self.sdrSource.writeSpectrumData(data) threading.Thread(target = pipe).start() def stop(self): self.dsp.stop() class DspManager(csdr.output): def __init__(self, handler, sdrSource): self.doRun = False self.handler = handler self.sdrSource = sdrSource self.dsp = None self.sdrSource.addClient(self) self.localProps = self.sdrSource.getProps().collect( "audio_compression", "fft_compression", "digimodes_fft_size", "csdr_dynamic_bufsize", "csdr_print_bufsizes", "csdr_through", "digimodes_enable", "samp_rate" ).defaults(PropertyManager.getSharedInstance()) self.dsp = csdr.dsp(self) #dsp_initialized=False self.localProps.getProperty("audio_compression").wire(self.dsp.set_audio_compression) self.localProps.getProperty("fft_compression").wire(self.dsp.set_fft_compression) self.dsp.set_offset_freq(0) self.dsp.set_bpf(-4000,4000) self.localProps.getProperty("digimodes_fft_size").wire(self.dsp.set_secondary_fft_size) self.dsp.nc_port = self.sdrSource.getPort() self.dsp.csdr_dynamic_bufsize = self.localProps["csdr_dynamic_bufsize"] self.dsp.csdr_print_bufsizes = self.localProps["csdr_print_bufsizes"] self.dsp.csdr_through = self.localProps["csdr_through"] self.localProps.getProperty("samp_rate").wire(self.dsp.set_samp_rate) self.localProps.getProperty("output_rate").wire(self.dsp.set_output_rate) self.localProps.getProperty("offset_freq").wire(self.dsp.set_offset_freq) self.localProps.getProperty("squelch_level").wire(self.dsp.set_squelch_level) def set_low_cut(cut): bpf = self.dsp.get_bpf() bpf[0] = cut self.dsp.set_bpf(*bpf) self.localProps.getProperty("low_cut").wire(set_low_cut) def set_high_cut(cut): bpf = self.dsp.get_bpf() bpf[1] = cut self.dsp.set_bpf(*bpf) self.localProps.getProperty("high_cut").wire(set_high_cut) self.localProps.getProperty("mod").wire(self.dsp.set_demodulator) if (self.localProps["digimodes_enable"]): def set_secondary_mod(mod): if mod == False: mod = None if self.dsp.get_secondary_demodulator() == mod: return self.dsp.stop() self.dsp.set_secondary_demodulator(mod) if mod is not None: self.handler.write_secondary_dsp_config({ "secondary_fft_size":self.localProps["digimodes_fft_size"], "if_samp_rate":self.dsp.if_samp_rate(), "secondary_bw":self.dsp.secondary_bw() }) self.dsp.start() self.localProps.getProperty("secondary_mod").wire(set_secondary_mod) self.localProps.getProperty("secondary_offset_freq").wire(self.dsp.set_secondary_offset_freq) super().__init__() def start(self): self.doRun = self.sdrSource.isAvailable() if self.doRun: self.dsp.start() def add_output(self, t, read_fn): logger.debug("adding new output of type %s", t) writers = { "audio": self.handler.write_dsp_data, "smeter": self.handler.write_s_meter_level, "secondary_fft": self.handler.write_secondary_fft, "secondary_demod": self.handler.write_secondary_demod, "meta": self.handler.write_metadata } write = writers[t] def pump(read, write): def copy(): run = True while run: data = read() if data is None or (isinstance(data, bytes) and len(data) == 0): logger.warning("zero read on {0}".format(t)) run = False else: write(data) return copy threading.Thread(target=pump(read_fn, write)).start() def stop(self): self.doRun = False self.dsp.stop() self.sdrSource.removeClient(self) def setProperty(self, prop, value): self.localProps.getProperty(prop).setValue(value) def onSdrAvailable(self): logger.debug("received onSdrAvailable, attempting DspSource restart") if not self.doRun: self.doRun = True if self.dsp is not None: self.dsp.start() def onSdrUnavailable(self): logger.debug("received onSdrUnavailable, shutting down DspSource") if self.dsp is not None: self.dsp.stop() class CpuUsageThread(threading.Thread): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance is None: CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance = CpuUsageThread() CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance.start() return CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.clients = [] self.doRun = True self.last_worktime = 0 self.last_idletime = 0 super().__init__() def run(self): while self.doRun: try: cpu_usage = self.get_cpu_usage() except: cpu_usage = 0 for c in self.clients: c.write_cpu_usage(cpu_usage) time.sleep(3) logger.debug("cpu usage thread shut down") if CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance == self: CpuUsageThread.sharedInstance = None def get_cpu_usage(self): try: f = open("/proc/stat","r") except: return 0 #Workaround, possibly we're on a Mac line = "" while not "cpu " in line: line=f.readline() f.close() spl = line.split(" ") worktime = int(spl[2]) + int(spl[3]) + int(spl[4]) idletime = int(spl[5]) dworktime = (worktime - self.last_worktime) didletime = (idletime - self.last_idletime) rate = float(dworktime) / (didletime+dworktime) self.last_worktime = worktime self.last_idletime = idletime if (self.last_worktime==0): return 0 return rate def add_client(self, c): self.clients.append(c) def remove_client(self, c): try: self.clients.remove(c) except ValueError: pass if not self.clients: self.shutdown() def shutdown(self): self.doRun = False class ClientReportingThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, registry): self.doRun = True self.registry = registry super().__init__() def run(self): while self.doRun: self.registry.broadcast() time.sleep(3) def stop(self): self.doRun = False class TooManyClientsException(Exception): pass class ClientRegistry(object): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if ClientRegistry.sharedInstance is None: ClientRegistry.sharedInstance = ClientRegistry() return ClientRegistry.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.clients = [] self.reporter = None super().__init__() def broadcast(self): n = self.clientCount() for c in self.clients: c.write_clients(n) def addClient(self, client): pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() if len(self.clients) >= pm["max_clients"]: raise TooManyClientsException() self.clients.append(client) if self.reporter is None: self.reporter = ClientReportingThread(self) self.reporter.start() def clientCount(self): return len(self.clients) def removeClient(self, client): try: self.clients.remove(client) except ValueError: pass if not self.clients and self.reporter is not None: self.reporter.stop() self.reporter = None