# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ config_webrx: configuration options for OpenWebRX OpenWebRX (c) Copyright 2013-2014 Andras Retzler This file is part of OpenWebRX. OpenWebRX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenWebRX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenWebRX. If not, see . """ #Server settings web_port=8073 server_hostname="localhost" # If this contains an incorrect value, the web UI may freeze on load (it can't open websocket) #Web GUI configuration receiver_name="[Callsign]" receiver_location="Budapest, Hungary" receiver_qra="JN97ML" receiver_asl=182 receiver_ant="Longwire" receiver_device="RTL-SDR" receiver_admin="localhost@localhost" receiver_gps=(47.000000,19.000000) photo_height=350 photo_title="Panorama of Budapest from Schönherz Zoltán Dormitory" photo_desc=""" You can add your own background photo and receiver information.
Receiver is operated by: %[RX_ADMIN]
Device: %[RX_DEVICE]
Antenna: %[RX_ANT]
Website: http://localhost """ #DSP/RX settings dsp_plugin="csdr" fft_fps=9 fft_size=4096 samp_rate = 250000 center_freq = 145525000 rf_gain = 5 start_rtl_thread=True #rtl_sdr is more stable than rtl_tcp... start_rtl_command="rtl_sdr -s {samp_rate} -f {center_freq} - | nc -vvl 8888".format(rf_gain=rf_gain, center_freq=center_freq, samp_rate=samp_rate) #start_rtl_tcp_command="rtl_tcp -s 250000 -f 145525000 -g 0 -p 8888" #You can use other SDR hardware as well, but if the command above outputs samples in a format other than [unsigned char], then the dsp plugin has to be slightly modified (at the csdr convert_u8_f part).