class OwrxAudioProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor { constructor(options){ super(options); this.maxLength = options.processorOptions.maxLength; this.reduceToLength = options.processorOptions.reduceToLength; this.audio_buffers = []; this.port.addEventListener('message', (m) => { if (typeof( === 'string') { const json = JSON.parse(; if (json.cmd && json.cmd == 'getBuffers') { this.reportBuffers(); } } else { this.audio_buffers.push(new Float32Array(; } }); this.port.addEventListener('messageerror', console.error); this.port.start(); } process(inputs, outputs, parameters) { //console.time('audio::process'); outputs[0].forEach((output) => { let total = 0; while (this.audio_buffers.length) { const b = this.audio_buffers.shift(); const newLength = total + b.length; const ol = output.length; // not enough space to fit all data, so splice and put back in the queue if (newLength > ol) { const tokeep = b.slice(0, ol - total); output.set(tokeep, total); const tobuffer = b.slice(ol - total, b.length); this.audio_buffers.unshift(tobuffer); break; } else { output.set(b, total); } total = newLength; } }); //console.timeEnd('audio::process'); return true; } bufferLength() { return{ return b.length; }).reduce(function(a, b){ return a + b; }, 0); } reportBuffers() { var we_have_more_than = (sec) => { return sec * sampleRate < this.bufferLength(); }; if (we_have_more_than(this.maxLength)) while (we_have_more_than(this.reduceToLength)) { this.audio_buffers.shift(); } this.port.postMessage(JSON.stringify({buffersize: this.bufferLength()})); } } registerProcessor('openwebrx-audio-processor', OwrxAudioProcessor);