from owrx.modes import Modes, DigitalMode from datetime import datetime, timezone import json import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Band(object): def __init__(self, b_dict): = b_dict["name"] self.lower_bound = b_dict["lower_bound"] self.upper_bound = b_dict["upper_bound"] self.frequencies = [] if "frequencies" in b_dict: availableModes = [mode.modulation for mode in Modes.getAvailableModes()] for (mode, freqs) in b_dict["frequencies"].items(): if mode not in availableModes: 'Modulation "{mode}" is not available, bandplan bookmark will not be displayed'.format( mode=mode ) ) continue if not isinstance(freqs, list): freqs = [freqs] for f in freqs: f_dict = {"frequency": f} if not isinstance(f, dict) else f f_dict["mode"] = mode if not self.inBand(f_dict["frequency"]): logger.warning( "Frequency for {mode} on {band} is not within band limits: {frequency}".format( mode=mode, frequency=f_dict["frequency"], ) ) continue if "underlying" in f_dict: m = Modes.findByModulation(mode) if not isinstance(m, DigitalMode): logger.warning("%s is not a digital mode, cannot be used with \"underlying\" config", mode) continue if f_dict["underlying"] not in m.underlying: logger.warning( "%s is not a valid underlying mode for %s; skipping", f_dict["underlying"], mode ) self.frequencies.append(f_dict) def inBand(self, freq): return self.lower_bound <= freq <= self.upper_bound def getName(self): return def getDialFrequencies(self, range): (low, hi) = range return [e for e in self.frequencies if low <= e["frequency"] <= hi] class Bandplan(object): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if Bandplan.sharedInstance is None: Bandplan.sharedInstance = Bandplan() return Bandplan.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.bands = [] self.file_modified = None self.fileList = ["/etc/openwebrx/bands.json", "bands.json"] def _refresh(self): modified = self._getFileModifiedTimestamp() if self.file_modified is None or modified > self.file_modified: logger.debug("reloading bands from disk due to file modification") self.bands = self._loadBands() self.file_modified = modified def _getFileModifiedTimestamp(self): timestamp = 0 for file in self.fileList: try: timestamp = os.path.getmtime(file) break except FileNotFoundError: pass return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, timezone.utc) def _loadBands(self): for file in self.fileList: try: f = open(file, "r") bands_json = json.load(f) f.close() return [Band(d) for d in bands_json] except FileNotFoundError: pass except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.exception("error while parsing bandplan file %s", file) return [] except Exception: logger.exception("error while processing bandplan from %s", file) return [] return [] def findBands(self, freq): self._refresh() return [band for band in self.bands if band.inBand(freq)] def findBand(self, freq): bands = self.findBands(freq) if bands: return bands[0] else: return None def collectDialFrequencies(self, range): self._refresh() return [e for b in self.bands for e in b.getDialFrequencies(range)]