import threading import subprocess import time from owrx.config import PropertyManager import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SdrHuUpdater(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self.doRun = True super().__init__(daemon=True) def update(self): pm = PropertyManager.getSharedInstance() cmd = 'wget --timeout=15 -4qO- --post-data "url=http://{server_hostname}:{web_port}&apikey={sdrhu_key}" 2>&1'.format( **pm.__dict__() ) logger.debug(cmd) returned = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() returned = returned[0].decode("utf-8") if "UPDATE:" in returned: retrytime_mins = 20 value = returned.split("UPDATE:")[1].split("\n", 1)[0] if value.startswith("SUCCESS"):"Update succeeded!") else: logger.warning("Update failed, your receiver cannot be listed on! Reason: %s", value) else: retrytime_mins = 2 logger.warning("wget failed while updating, your receiver cannot be listed on!") return retrytime_mins def run(self): while self.doRun: retrytime_mins = self.update() time.sleep(60 * retrytime_mins)