from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod from getpass import getpass from owrx.users import UserList, User, DefaultPasswordClass import sys import random import string class Command(ABC): @abstractmethod def run(self, args): pass class UserCommand(Command, metaclass=ABCMeta): def getPassword(self, args, username): if args.noninteractive: print("Generating password for user {username}...".format(username=username)) password = self.getRandomPassword() generated = True print('Password for {username} is "{password}".'.format(username=username, password=password)) print('This password is suitable for initial setup only, you will be asked to reset it on initial use.') print('This password cannot be recovered from the system, please copy it now.') else: password = getpass("Please enter the new password for {username}: ".format(username=username)) confirm = getpass("Please confirm the new password: ") if password != confirm: print("ERROR: Password mismatch.") sys.exit(1) generated = False return password, generated def getRandomPassword(self, length=10): printable = list(string.ascii_letters) + list(string.digits) return ''.join(random.choices(printable, k=length)) class NewUser(UserCommand): def run(self, args): username = args.user userList = UserList() # early test to bypass the password stuff if the user already exists if username in userList: raise KeyError("User {username} already exists".format(username=username)) password, generated = self.getPassword(args, username) print("Creating user {username}...".format(username=username)) user = User(name=username, enabled=True, password=DefaultPasswordClass(password), must_change_password=generated) userList.addUser(user) class DeleteUser(UserCommand): def run(self, args): username = args.user print("Deleting user {username}...".format(username=username)) userList = UserList() userList.deleteUser(username) class ResetPassword(UserCommand): def run(self, args): username = args.user password, generated = self.getPassword(args, username) userList = UserList() userList[username].setPassword(DefaultPasswordClass(password), must_change_password=generated) # this is a change to an object in the list, not the list itself # in this case, store() is explicit class DisableUser(UserCommand): def run(self, args): username = args.user userList = UserList() userList[username].disable() class EnableUser(UserCommand): def run(self, args): username = args.user userList = UserList() userList[username].enable() class ListUsers(Command): def run(self, args): userList = UserList() print("List of enabled users:") for u in userList.values(): if args.all or u.enabled: print(" {name}".format(