import socket import time from import Map, LatLngLocation import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FEND = 0xC0 FESC = 0xDB TFEND = 0xDC TFESC = 0XDD def group(a, *ns): for n in ns: a = [a[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(a), n)] return a def join(a, *cs): return [cs[0].join(join(t, *cs[1:])) for t in a] if cs else a def hexdump(data): toHex = lambda c: '{:02X}'.format(c) toChr = lambda c: chr(c) if 32 <= c < 127 else '.' make = lambda f, *cs: join(group(list(map(f, data)), 8, 2), *cs) hs = make(toHex, ' ', ' ') cs = make(toChr, ' ', '') for i, (h, c) in enumerate(zip(hs, cs)): print ('{:010X}: {:48} {:16}'.format(i * 16, h, c)) class KissClient(object): def __init__(self, port): time.sleep(1) self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.connect(("localhost", port)) def read(self): buf = bytes() escaped = False while True: input = self.socket.recv(1) # EOF if len(input) == 0: return bytes() if input[0] == FESC: escaped = True elif escaped: if input[0] == TFEND: buf += [FEND] elif input[0] == TFESC: buf += [FESC] else: logger.warning("invalid escape char: %s", str(input[0])) escaped = False elif input[0] == FEND: logger.debug("decoded frame: " + str(buf)) if len(buf) > 0: try: return self.parseFrame(buf) except Exception: logger.exception("failed to decode packet data") return {} else: buf += input def parseFrame(self, frame): # data frames start with 0x00 if frame[0] != 0x00: return {} ax25frame = frame[1:] control_pid = ax25frame.find(bytes([0x03, 0xf0])) if control_pid % 7 > 0: logger.warning("aprs packet framing error: control/pid position not aligned with 7-octet callsign data") def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] information = ax25frame[control_pid+2:] data = { "destination": self.extractCallsign(ax25frame[0:7]), "source": self.extractCallsign(ax25frame[7:14]), "path": [self.extractCallsign(c) for c in chunks(ax25frame[14:control_pid], 7)] } # TODO how can we tell if this is an APRS frame at all? aprsData = self.parseAprsData(data["destination"], information) data.update(aprsData) logger.debug(data) if "lat" in data and "lon" in data: loc = LatLngLocation(data["lat"], data["lon"], data["comment"] if "comment" in data else None) Map.getSharedInstance().updateLocation(data["source"], loc, "APRS") return data def hasCompressedCoordinatesx(self, raw): return raw[0] == "/" or raw[0] == "\\" def parseUncompressedCoordinates(self, raw): # TODO parse N/S and E/W return { "lat": int(raw[0:2]) + float(raw[2:7]) / 60, "lon": int(raw[9:12]) + float(raw[12:17]) / 60, "symbol": raw[18] } def parseCompressedCoordinates(self, raw): # TODO parse compressed coordinate formats return {} def parseMicEFrame(self, destination, information): # TODO decode MIC-E Frame def extractNumber(input): n = ord(input) if n >= ord("P"): return n - ord("P") if n >= ord("A"): return n - ord("A") return n - ord("0") def listToNumber(input): base = listToNumber(input[:-1]) * 10 if len(input) > 1 else 0 return base + input[-1] logger.debug(destination) rawLatitude = [extractNumber(c) for c in destination[0:6]] logger.debug(rawLatitude) lat = listToNumber(rawLatitude[0:2]) + listToNumber(rawLatitude[2:6]) / 6000 if ord(destination[3]) <= ord("9"): lat *= -1 logger.debug(lat) logger.debug(information) lon = information[1] - 28 if ord(destination[4]) >= ord("P"): lon += 100 if 180 <= lon <= 189: lon -= 80 if 190 <= lon <= 199: lon -= 190 minutes = information[2] - 28 if minutes >= 60: minutes -= 60 lon += minutes / 60 + (information[3] - 28) / 6000 if ord(destination[5]) >= ord("P"): lon *= -1 return { "lat": lat, "lon": lon, "comment": information[9:].decode() } def parseAprsData(self, destination, information): if information[0] == 0x1c or information[0] == 0x60: return self.parseMicEFrame(destination, information) information = information.decode() logger.debug(information) if information[0] == "!" or information[0] == "=": # position without timestamp information = information[1:] elif information[0] == "/" or information[0] == "@": # position with timestamp # TODO parse timestamp information = information[8:] else: return {} if self.hasCompressedCoordinatesx(information): coords = self.parseCompressedCoordinates(information[0:9]) coords["comment"] = information[9:] else: coords = self.parseUncompressedCoordinates(information[0:19]) coords["comment"] = information[19:] return coords def extractCallsign(self, input): cs = bytes([b >> 1 for b in input[0:6]]).decode().strip() ssid = (input[6] & 0b00011110) >> 1 if ssid > 0: return "{callsign}-{ssid}".format(callsign=cs, ssid=ssid) else: return cs