""" OpenWebRX csdr plugin: do the signal processing with csdr This file is part of OpenWebRX, an open-source SDR receiver software with a web UI. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Andras Retzler Copyright (c) 2019-2021 by Jakob Ketterl This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import subprocess import os import signal import threading import math from functools import partial from owrx.kiss import KissClient, DirewolfConfig from owrx.wsjt import ( Ft8Profile, WsprProfile, Jt9Profile, Jt65Profile, Ft4Profile, Fst4Profile, Fst4wProfile, Q65Profile, ) from owrx.js8 import Js8Profiles from owrx.audio import AudioChopper from csdr.pipe import Pipe import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class output(object): def send_output(self, t, read_fn): if not self.supports_type(t): # TODO rewrite the output mechanism in a way that avoids producing unnecessary data logger.warning("dumping output of type %s since it is not supported.", t) threading.Thread(target=self.pump(read_fn, lambda x: None), name="csdr_pump_thread").start() return self.receive_output(t, read_fn) def receive_output(self, t, read_fn): pass def pump(self, read, write): def copy(): run = True while run: data = None try: data = read() except ValueError: pass if data is None or (isinstance(data, bytes) and len(data) == 0): run = False else: write(data) return copy def supports_type(self, t): return True class dsp(object): def __init__(self, output): self.samp_rate = 250000 self.output_rate = 11025 self.hd_output_rate = 44100 self.fft_size = 1024 self.fft_fps = 5 self.center_freq = 0 self.offset_freq = 0 self.low_cut = -4000 self.high_cut = 4000 self.bpf_transition_bw = 320 # Hz, and this is a constant self.ddc_transition_bw_rate = 0.15 # of the IF sample rate self.running = False self.secondary_processes_running = False self.audio_compression = "none" self.fft_compression = "none" self.demodulator = "nfm" self.name = "csdr" self.base_bufsize = 512 self.decimation = None self.last_decimation = None self.nc_port = None self.squelch_level = -150 self.fft_averages = 50 self.wfm_deemphasis_tau = 50e-6 self.iqtee = False self.iqtee2 = False self.secondary_demodulator = None self.secondary_fft_size = 1024 self.secondary_process_fft = None self.secondary_process_demod = None self.pipe_names = { "bpf_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, "shift_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, "squelch_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, "smeter_pipe": Pipe.READ, "meta_pipe": Pipe.READ, "iqtee_pipe": Pipe.NONE, "iqtee2_pipe": Pipe.NONE, "dmr_control_pipe": Pipe.WRITE, } self.pipes = {} self.secondary_pipe_names = {"secondary_shift_pipe": Pipe.WRITE} self.secondary_offset_freq = 1000 self.unvoiced_quality = 1 self.modification_lock = threading.Lock() self.output = output self.temporary_directory = None self.pipe_base_path = None self.set_temporary_directory("/tmp") self.is_service = False self.direwolf_config = None self.direwolf_port = None self.process = None def set_service(self, flag=True): self.is_service = flag def set_temporary_directory(self, what): self.temporary_directory = what self.pipe_base_path = "{tmp_dir}/openwebrx_pipe_".format(tmp_dir=self.temporary_directory) def chain(self, which): chain = ["nc -v {nc_port}"] if which == "fft": chain += [ "csdr fft_cc {fft_size} {fft_block_size}", "csdr logpower_cf -70" if self.fft_averages == 0 else "csdr logaveragepower_cf -70 {fft_size} {fft_averages}", "csdr fft_exchange_sides_ff {fft_size}", ] if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": chain += ["csdr compress_fft_adpcm_f_u8 {fft_size}"] return chain chain += ["csdr shift_addfast_cc --fifo {shift_pipe}"] if self.decimation > 1: chain += ["csdr fir_decimate_cc {decimation} {ddc_transition_bw} HAMMING"] chain += ["csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc --fifo {bpf_pipe} {bpf_transition_bw} HAMMING"] if self.output.supports_type("smeter"): chain += [ "csdr squelch_and_smeter_cc --fifo {squelch_pipe} --outfifo {smeter_pipe} 5 {smeter_report_every}" ] if self.secondary_demodulator: if self.output.supports_type("secondary_fft"): chain += ["csdr tee {iqtee_pipe}"] chain += ["csdr tee {iqtee2_pipe}"] # early exit if we don't want audio if not self.output.supports_type("audio"): return chain # safe some cpu cycles... no need to decimate if decimation factor is 1 last_decimation_block = [] if self.last_decimation >= 2.0: # activate prefilter if signal has been oversampled, e.g. WFM last_decimation_block = ["csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation} 12 --prefilter"] elif self.last_decimation != 1.0: last_decimation_block = ["csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation}"] if which == "nfm": chain += ["csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf", "csdr limit_ff"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += [ "csdr deemphasis_nfm_ff {audio_rate}", "csdr agc_ff --profile slow --max 3", ] if self.get_audio_rate() != self.get_output_rate(): chain += [ "sox -t raw -r {audio_rate} -e floating-point -b 32 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - " ] else: chain += ["csdr convert_f_s16"] elif which == "wfm": chain += [ "csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf", "csdr limit_ff", ] chain += last_decimation_block chain += ["csdr deemphasis_wfm_ff {audio_rate} {wfm_deemphasis_tau}", "csdr convert_f_s16"] elif self.isDigitalVoice(which): chain += ["csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf"] chain += last_decimation_block # dsd modes if which in ["dstar", "nxdn"]: chain += ["dc_block", "csdr limit_ff", "csdr convert_f_s16"] if which == "dstar": chain += ["dsd -fd -i - -o - -u {unvoiced_quality} -g -1 "] elif which == "nxdn": chain += ["dsd -fi -i - -o - -u {unvoiced_quality} -g -1 "] chain += [ "digitalvoice_filter", "CSDR_FIXED_BUFSIZE=32 csdr agc_s16 --max 30 --initial 3", "sox -t raw -r 8000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] # m17 elif which == "m17": chain += [ "csdr limit_ff", "csdr convert_f_s16", "m17-demod", "CSDR_FIXED_BUFSIZE=32 csdr agc_s16 --max 30 --initial 3", "sox -t raw -r 8000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] # digiham modes else: chain += ["dc_block", "rrc_filter", "gfsk_demodulator"] if which == "dmr": chain += [ "dmr_decoder --fifo {meta_pipe} --control-fifo {dmr_control_pipe}", "mbe_synthesizer -f -u {unvoiced_quality}", ] elif which == "ysf": chain += ["ysf_decoder --fifo {meta_pipe}", "mbe_synthesizer -y -f -u {unvoiced_quality}"] max_gain = 0.005 chain += [ "digitalvoice_filter -f", "CSDR_FIXED_BUFSIZE=32 csdr agc_ff --max 0.005 --initial 0.0005", "sox -t raw -r 8000 -e floating-point -b 32 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] elif which == "am": chain += ["csdr amdemod_cf", "csdr fastdcblock_ff"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += [ "csdr agc_ff --profile slow --initial 200", "csdr convert_f_s16", ] elif self.isFreeDV(which): chain += ["csdr realpart_cf"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += [ "csdr agc_ff", "csdr convert_f_s16", "freedv_rx 1600 - -", "csdr agc_s16 --max 30 --initial 3", "sox -t raw -r 8000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] elif self.isDrm(which): if self.last_decimation != 1.0: # we are still dealing with complex samples here, so the regular last_decimation_block doesn't fit chain += ["csdr fractional_decimator_cc {last_decimation}"] chain += [ "csdr convert_f_s16", "dream -c 6 --sigsrate 48000 --audsrate 48000 -I - -O -", "sox -t raw -r 48000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 2 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - ", ] elif which == "ssb": chain += ["csdr realpart_cf"] chain += last_decimation_block chain += ["csdr agc_ff"] # fixed sample rate necessary for the wsjt-x tools. fix with sox... if self.get_audio_rate() != self.get_output_rate(): chain += [ "sox -t raw -r {audio_rate} -e floating-point -b 32 -c 1 --buffer 32 - -t raw -r {output_rate} -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - " ] else: chain += ["csdr convert_f_s16"] if self.audio_compression == "adpcm": chain += ["csdr encode_ima_adpcm_i16_u8"] return chain def secondary_chain(self, which): chain = ["cat {input_pipe}"] if which == "fft": chain += [ "csdr fft_cc {secondary_fft_input_size} {secondary_fft_block_size}", "csdr logpower_cf -70" if self.fft_averages == 0 else "csdr logaveragepower_cf -70 {secondary_fft_size} {fft_averages}", "csdr fft_exchange_sides_ff {secondary_fft_input_size}", ] if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": chain += ["csdr compress_fft_adpcm_f_u8 {secondary_fft_size}"] return chain elif which == "bpsk31" or which == "bpsk63": return chain + [ "csdr shift_addfast_cc --fifo {secondary_shift_pipe}", "csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc -{secondary_bpf_cutoff} {secondary_bpf_cutoff} {secondary_bpf_cutoff}", "csdr simple_agc_cc 0.001 0.5", "csdr timing_recovery_cc GARDNER {secondary_samples_per_bits} 0.5 2 --add_q", "CSDR_FIXED_BUFSIZE=1 csdr dbpsk_decoder_c_u8", "CSDR_FIXED_BUFSIZE=1 csdr psk31_varicode_decoder_u8_u8", ] elif self.isWsjtMode(which) or self.isJs8(which): chain += ["csdr realpart_cf"] if self.last_decimation != 1.0: chain += ["csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation}"] return chain + ["csdr agc_ff", "csdr convert_f_s16"] elif which == "packet": chain += ["csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf"] if self.last_decimation != 1.0: chain += ["csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation}"] return chain + ["csdr convert_f_s16", "direwolf -c {direwolf_config} -r {audio_rate} -t 0 -q d -q h 1>&2"] elif which == "pocsag": chain += ["csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf"] if self.last_decimation != 1.0: chain += ["csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation}"] return chain + ["fsk_demodulator -i", "pocsag_decoder"] def set_secondary_demodulator(self, what): if self.get_secondary_demodulator() == what: return self.secondary_demodulator = what self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def secondary_fft_block_size(self): base = (self.samp_rate / self.decimation) / (self.fft_fps * 2) if self.fft_averages == 0: return base return base / self.fft_averages def secondary_decimation(self): return 1 # currently unused def secondary_bpf_cutoff(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return 31.25 / self.if_samp_rate() elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return 62.5 / self.if_samp_rate() return 0 def secondary_bpf_transition_bw(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return 31.25 / self.if_samp_rate() elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return 62.5 / self.if_samp_rate() return 0 def secondary_samples_per_bits(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return int(round(self.if_samp_rate() / 31.25)) & ~3 elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return int(round(self.if_samp_rate() / 62.5)) & ~3 return 0 def secondary_bw(self): if self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk31": return 31.25 elif self.secondary_demodulator == "bpsk63": return 62.5 def start_secondary_demodulator(self): if not self.secondary_demodulator: return logger.debug("starting secondary demodulator from IF input sampled at %d" % self.if_samp_rate()) secondary_command_demod = " | ".join(self.secondary_chain(self.secondary_demodulator)) self.try_create_pipes(self.secondary_pipe_names, secondary_command_demod) self.try_create_configs(secondary_command_demod) secondary_command_demod = secondary_command_demod.format( input_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee2_pipe"], secondary_shift_pipe=self.pipes["secondary_shift_pipe"], secondary_decimation=self.secondary_decimation(), secondary_samples_per_bits=self.secondary_samples_per_bits(), secondary_bpf_cutoff=self.secondary_bpf_cutoff(), secondary_bpf_transition_bw=self.secondary_bpf_transition_bw(), if_samp_rate=self.if_samp_rate(), last_decimation=self.last_decimation, audio_rate=self.get_audio_rate(), direwolf_config=self.direwolf_config, ) logger.debug("secondary command (demod) = %s", secondary_command_demod) if self.output.supports_type("secondary_fft"): secondary_command_fft = " | ".join(self.secondary_chain("fft")) secondary_command_fft = secondary_command_fft.format( input_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee_pipe"], secondary_fft_input_size=self.secondary_fft_size, secondary_fft_size=self.secondary_fft_size, secondary_fft_block_size=self.secondary_fft_block_size(), fft_averages=self.fft_averages, ) logger.debug("secondary command (fft) = %s", secondary_command_fft) self.secondary_process_fft = subprocess.Popen( secondary_command_fft, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, start_new_session=True ) self.output.send_output( "secondary_fft", partial(self.secondary_process_fft.stdout.read, int(self.get_secondary_fft_bytes_to_read())), ) # direwolf does not provide any meaningful data on stdout # more specifically, it doesn't provide any data. if however, for any strange reason, it would start to do so, # it would block if not read. by piping it to devnull, we avoid a potential pitfall here. secondary_output = subprocess.DEVNULL if self.isPacket() else subprocess.PIPE self.secondary_process_demod = subprocess.Popen( secondary_command_demod, stdout=secondary_output, shell=True, start_new_session=True ) self.secondary_processes_running = True if self.isWsjtMode(): smd = self.get_secondary_demodulator() chopper_profiles = None if smd == "ft8": chopper_profiles = [Ft8Profile()] elif smd == "wspr": chopper_profiles = [WsprProfile()] elif smd == "jt65": chopper_profiles = [Jt65Profile()] elif smd == "jt9": chopper_profiles = [Jt9Profile()] elif smd == "ft4": chopper_profiles = [Ft4Profile()] elif smd == "fst4": chopper_profiles = Fst4Profile.getEnabledProfiles() elif smd == "fst4w": chopper_profiles = Fst4wProfile.getEnabledProfiles() elif smd == "q65": chopper_profiles = Q65Profile.getEnabledProfiles() if chopper_profiles is not None and len(chopper_profiles): chopper = AudioChopper(self, self.secondary_process_demod.stdout, *chopper_profiles) chopper.start() self.output.send_output("wsjt_demod", chopper.read) elif self.isJs8(): chopper = AudioChopper(self, self.secondary_process_demod.stdout, *Js8Profiles.getEnabledProfiles()) chopper.start() self.output.send_output("js8_demod", chopper.read) elif self.isPacket(): # we best get the ax25 packets from the kiss socket kiss = KissClient(self.direwolf_port) self.output.send_output("packet_demod", kiss.read) elif self.isPocsag(): self.output.send_output("pocsag_demod", self.secondary_process_demod.stdout.readline) else: self.output.send_output("secondary_demod", partial(self.secondary_process_demod.stdout.read, 1)) # open control pipes for csdr and send initialization data if self.has_pipe("secondary_shift_pipe"): # TODO digimodes self.set_secondary_offset_freq(self.secondary_offset_freq) # TODO digimodes def set_secondary_offset_freq(self, value): self.secondary_offset_freq = value if self.secondary_processes_running and self.has_pipe("secondary_shift_pipe"): self.pipes["secondary_shift_pipe"].write( "%g\n" % (-float(self.secondary_offset_freq) / self.if_samp_rate()) ) def stop_secondary_demodulator(self): if not self.secondary_processes_running: return self.try_delete_pipes(self.secondary_pipe_names) self.try_delete_configs() if self.secondary_process_fft: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.secondary_process_fft.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # drain any leftover data to free file descriptors self.secondary_process_fft.communicate() self.secondary_process_fft = None except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass if self.secondary_process_demod: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.secondary_process_demod.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # drain any leftover data to free file descriptors self.secondary_process_demod.communicate() self.secondary_process_demod = None except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass self.secondary_processes_running = False def get_secondary_demodulator(self): return self.secondary_demodulator def set_secondary_fft_size(self, secondary_fft_size): # to change this, restart is required self.secondary_fft_size = secondary_fft_size def set_audio_compression(self, what): if self.audio_compression == what: return self.audio_compression = what self.restart() def get_audio_bytes_to_read(self): # desired latency: 5ms # uncompressed audio has 16 bits = 2 bytes per sample base = self.output_rate * 0.005 * 2 # adpcm compresses the bitstream by 4 if self.audio_compression == "adpcm": base = base / 4 return int(base) def set_fft_compression(self, what): self.fft_compression = what def get_fft_bytes_to_read(self): if self.fft_compression == "none": return self.fft_size * 4 if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": return int((self.fft_size / 2) + (10 / 2)) def get_secondary_fft_bytes_to_read(self): if self.fft_compression == "none": return self.secondary_fft_size * 4 if self.fft_compression == "adpcm": return (self.secondary_fft_size / 2) + (10 / 2) def set_samp_rate(self, samp_rate): self.samp_rate = samp_rate self.calculate_decimation() if self.running: self.restart() def calculate_decimation(self): (self.decimation, self.last_decimation) = self.get_decimation(self.samp_rate, self.get_audio_rate()) def get_decimation(self, input_rate, output_rate): if output_rate <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid output rate: {rate}".format(rate=output_rate)) decimation = 1 target_rate = output_rate # wideband fm has a much higher frequency deviation (75kHz). # we cannot cover this if we immediately decimate to the sample rate the audio will have later on, so we need # to compensate here. if self.get_demodulator() == "wfm" and output_rate < 200000: target_rate = 200000 while input_rate / (decimation + 1) >= target_rate: decimation += 1 fraction = float(input_rate / decimation) / output_rate return decimation, fraction def if_samp_rate(self): return self.samp_rate / self.decimation def get_name(self): return self.name def get_output_rate(self): return self.output_rate def get_hd_output_rate(self): return self.hd_output_rate def get_audio_rate(self): if self.isDigitalVoice() or self.isPacket() or self.isPocsag() or self.isDrm(): return 48000 elif self.isWsjtMode() or self.isJs8(): return 12000 elif self.isFreeDV(): return 8000 elif self.isHdAudio(): return self.get_hd_output_rate() return self.get_output_rate() def isDigitalVoice(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator in ["dmr", "dstar", "nxdn", "ysf", "m17"] def isWsjtMode(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator in ["ft8", "wspr", "jt65", "jt9", "ft4", "fst4", "fst4w", "q65"] def isJs8(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator == "js8" def isPacket(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator == "packet" def isPocsag(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_secondary_demodulator() return demodulator == "pocsag" def isFreeDV(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator == "freedv" def isHdAudio(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator == "wfm" def isDrm(self, demodulator=None): if demodulator is None: demodulator = self.get_demodulator() return demodulator == "drm" def set_output_rate(self, output_rate): if self.output_rate == output_rate: return self.output_rate = output_rate self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def set_hd_output_rate(self, hd_output_rate): if self.hd_output_rate == hd_output_rate: return self.hd_output_rate = hd_output_rate self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def set_demodulator(self, demodulator): if demodulator in ["usb", "lsb", "cw"]: demodulator = "ssb" if self.demodulator == demodulator: return self.demodulator = demodulator self.calculate_decimation() self.restart() def get_demodulator(self): return self.demodulator def set_fft_size(self, fft_size): self.fft_size = fft_size self.restart() def set_fft_fps(self, fft_fps): self.fft_fps = fft_fps self.restart() def set_fft_averages(self, fft_averages): self.fft_averages = fft_averages self.restart() def fft_block_size(self): if self.fft_averages == 0: return self.samp_rate / self.fft_fps else: return self.samp_rate / self.fft_fps / self.fft_averages def set_offset_freq(self, offset_freq): if offset_freq is None: return self.offset_freq = offset_freq if self.running: self.pipes["shift_pipe"].write("%g\n" % (-float(self.offset_freq) / self.samp_rate)) def set_center_freq(self, center_freq): # dsp only needs to know this to be able to pass it to decoders in the form of get_operating_freq() self.center_freq = center_freq def get_operating_freq(self): return self.center_freq + self.offset_freq def set_bandpass(self, bandpass): self.set_bpf(bandpass.low_cut, bandpass.high_cut) def set_bpf(self, low_cut, high_cut): self.low_cut = low_cut self.high_cut = high_cut if self.running: self.pipes["bpf_pipe"].write( "%g %g\n" % (float(self.low_cut) / self.if_samp_rate(), float(self.high_cut) / self.if_samp_rate()) ) def get_bpf(self): return [self.low_cut, self.high_cut] def convertToLinear(self, db): return float(math.pow(10, db / 10)) def set_squelch_level(self, squelch_level): self.squelch_level = squelch_level # no squelch required on digital voice modes actual_squelch = ( -150 if self.isDigitalVoice() or self.isPacket() or self.isPocsag() or self.isFreeDV() else self.squelch_level ) if self.running: self.pipes["squelch_pipe"].write("%g\n" % (self.convertToLinear(actual_squelch))) def set_unvoiced_quality(self, q): self.unvoiced_quality = q self.restart() def get_unvoiced_quality(self): return self.unvoiced_quality def set_dmr_filter(self, filter): if self.has_pipe("dmr_control_pipe"): self.pipes["dmr_control_pipe"].write("{0}\n".format(filter)) def set_wfm_deemphasis_tau(self, tau): if self.wfm_deemphasis_tau == tau: return self.wfm_deemphasis_tau = tau self.restart() def ddc_transition_bw(self): return self.ddc_transition_bw_rate * (self.if_samp_rate() / float(self.samp_rate)) def try_create_pipes(self, pipe_names, command_base): for pipe_name, pipe_type in pipe_names.items(): if self.has_pipe(pipe_name): logger.warning("{pipe_name} is still in use", pipe_name=pipe_name) self.pipes[pipe_name].close() if "{" + pipe_name + "}" in command_base: p = self.pipe_base_path + pipe_name encoding = None # TODO make digiham output unicode and then change this here # the whole pipe enoding feature onlye exists because of this if pipe_name == "meta_pipe": encoding = "cp437" self.pipes[pipe_name] = Pipe.create(p, pipe_type, encoding=encoding) else: self.pipes[pipe_name] = None def has_pipe(self, name): return name in self.pipes and self.pipes[name] is not None def try_delete_pipes(self, pipe_names): for pipe_name in pipe_names: if self.has_pipe(pipe_name): self.pipes[pipe_name].close() self.pipes[pipe_name] = None def try_create_configs(self, command): if "{direwolf_config}" in command: self.direwolf_config = "{tmp_dir}/openwebrx_direwolf_{myid}.conf".format( tmp_dir=self.temporary_directory, myid=id(self) ) self.direwolf_port = KissClient.getFreePort() file = open(self.direwolf_config, "w") file.write(DirewolfConfig().getConfig(self.direwolf_port, self.is_service)) file.close() else: self.direwolf_config = None self.direwolf_port = None def try_delete_configs(self): if self.direwolf_config: try: os.unlink(self.direwolf_config) except FileNotFoundError: # result suits our expectations. fine :) pass except Exception: logger.exception("try_delete_configs()") self.direwolf_config = None def start(self): with self.modification_lock: if self.running: return self.running = True command_base = " | ".join(self.chain(self.demodulator)) # create control pipes for csdr self.try_create_pipes(self.pipe_names, command_base) # send initial config through the pipes if self.has_pipe("bpf_pipe"): self.set_bpf(self.low_cut, self.high_cut) if self.has_pipe("shift_pipe"): self.set_offset_freq(self.offset_freq) if self.has_pipe("squelch_pipe"): self.set_squelch_level(self.squelch_level) if self.has_pipe("dmr_control_pipe"): self.set_dmr_filter(3) # run the command command = command_base.format( bpf_pipe=self.pipes["bpf_pipe"], shift_pipe=self.pipes["shift_pipe"], squelch_pipe=self.pipes["squelch_pipe"], smeter_pipe=self.pipes["smeter_pipe"], meta_pipe=self.pipes["meta_pipe"], iqtee_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee_pipe"], iqtee2_pipe=self.pipes["iqtee2_pipe"], dmr_control_pipe=self.pipes["dmr_control_pipe"], decimation=self.decimation, last_decimation=self.last_decimation, fft_size=self.fft_size, fft_block_size=self.fft_block_size(), fft_averages=self.fft_averages, bpf_transition_bw=float(self.bpf_transition_bw) / self.if_samp_rate(), ddc_transition_bw=self.ddc_transition_bw(), flowcontrol=int(self.samp_rate * 2), start_bufsize=self.base_bufsize * self.decimation, nc_port=self.nc_port, output_rate=self.get_output_rate(), smeter_report_every=int(self.if_samp_rate() / 6000), unvoiced_quality=self.get_unvoiced_quality(), audio_rate=self.get_audio_rate(), wfm_deemphasis_tau=self.wfm_deemphasis_tau, ) logger.debug("Command = %s", command) out = subprocess.PIPE if self.output.supports_type("audio") else subprocess.DEVNULL self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=out, shell=True, start_new_session=True) def watch_thread(): rc = self.process.wait() logger.debug("dsp thread ended with rc=%d", rc) if rc == 0 and self.running and not self.modification_lock.locked(): logger.debug("restarting since rc = 0, self.running = true, and no modification") self.restart() threading.Thread(target=watch_thread, name="csdr_watch_thread").start() audio_type = "hd_audio" if self.isHdAudio() else "audio" if self.output.supports_type(audio_type): self.output.send_output( audio_type, partial( self.process.stdout.read, self.get_fft_bytes_to_read() if self.demodulator == "fft" else self.get_audio_bytes_to_read(), ), ) self.start_secondary_demodulator() if self.has_pipe("smeter_pipe"): def read_smeter(): raw = self.pipes["smeter_pipe"].readline() if len(raw) == 0: return None else: return float(raw.rstrip("\n")) self.output.send_output("smeter", read_smeter) if self.has_pipe("meta_pipe"): def read_meta(): raw = self.pipes["meta_pipe"].readline() if len(raw) == 0: return None else: return raw.rstrip("\n") self.output.send_output("meta", read_meta) def stop(self): with self.modification_lock: self.running = False if self.process is not None: try: os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.process.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # drain any leftover data to free file descriptors self.process.communicate() self.process = None except ProcessLookupError: # been killed by something else, ignore pass self.stop_secondary_demodulator() self.try_delete_pipes(self.pipe_names) def restart(self): if not self.running: return self.stop() self.start()