# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ config_webrx: configuration options for OpenWebRX This file is part of OpenWebRX, an open-source SDR receiver software with a web UI. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Andras Retzler Copyright (c) 2019-2020 by Jakob Ketterl This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders state that config_rtl.py and config_webrx.py are not part of the Corresponding Source defined in GNU AGPL version 3 section 1. (It means that you do not have to redistribute config_rtl.py and config_webrx.py if you make any changes to these two configuration files, and use them for running your web service with OpenWebRX.) """ # configuration version. please only modify if you're able to perform the associated migration steps. version = 3 # NOTE: you can find additional information about configuring OpenWebRX in the Wiki: # https://github.com/jketterl/openwebrx/wiki/Configuration-guide # ==== Server settings ==== web_port = 8073 max_clients = 20 # ==== Web GUI configuration ==== receiver_name = "[Callsign]" receiver_location = "Budapest, Hungary" receiver_asl = 200 receiver_admin = "example@example.com" receiver_gps = {"lat": 47.000000, "lon": 19.000000} photo_title = "Panorama of Budapest from Schönherz Zoltán Dormitory" # photo_desc allows you to put pretty much any HTML you like into the receiver description. # The lines below should give you some examples of what's possible. photo_desc = """ You can add your own background photo and receiver information.
Receiver is operated by: Receiver Operator
Device: Receiver Device
Antenna: Receiver Antenna
Website: http://localhost """ # ==== Public receiver listings ==== # You can publish your receiver on online receiver directories, like https://www.receiverbook.de # You will receive a receiver key from the directory that will authenticate you as the operator of this receiver. # Please note that you not share your receiver keys publicly since anyone that obtains your receiver key can take over # your public listing. # Your receiver keys should be placed into this array: receiver_keys = [] # If you list your receiver on multiple sites, you can place all your keys into the array above, or you can append # keys to the arraylike this: # receiver_keys += ["my-receiver-key"] # If you're not sure, simply copy & paste the code you received from your listing site below this line: # ==== DSP/RX settings ==== fft_fps = 9 fft_size = 4096 # Should be power of 2 fft_voverlap_factor = ( 0.3 # If fft_voverlap_factor is above 0, multiple FFTs will be used for creating a line on the diagram. ) audio_compression = "adpcm" # valid values: "adpcm", "none" fft_compression = "adpcm" # valid values: "adpcm", "none" # Tau setting for WFM (broadcast FM) deemphasis\ # Quote from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FM_broadcasting#Pre-emphasis_and_de-emphasis # "In most of the world a 50 µs time constant is used. In the Americas and South Korea, 75 µs is used" # Enable one of the following lines, depending on your location: # wfm_deemphasis_tau = 75e-6 # for US and South Korea wfm_deemphasis_tau = 50e-6 # for the rest of the world digimodes_enable = True # Decoding digimodes come with higher CPU usage. digimodes_fft_size = 2048 # determines the quality, and thus the cpu usage, for the ambe codec used by digital voice modes # if you're running on a Raspi (up to 3B+) you'll want to leave this on 1 digital_voice_unvoiced_quality = 1 # enables lookup of DMR ids using the radioid api digital_voice_dmr_id_lookup = True """ Note: if you experience audio underruns while CPU usage is 100%, you can: - decrease `samp_rate`, - set `fft_voverlap_factor` to 0, - decrease `fft_fps` and `fft_size`, - limit the number of users by decreasing `max_clients`. """ # ==== I/Q sources ==== # (Uncomment the appropriate by removing # characters at the beginning of the corresponding lines.) ############################################################################### # Is my SDR hardware supported? # # Check here: https://github.com/jketterl/openwebrx/wiki/Supported-Hardware # ############################################################################### # Currently supported types of sdr receivers: # "rtl_sdr", "rtl_sdr_soapy", "sdrplay", "hackrf", "airspy", "airspyhf", "fifi_sdr", # "perseussdr", "lime_sdr", "pluto_sdr", "soapy_remote", "hpsdr" # # In order to use rtl_sdr, you will need to install librtlsdr-dev and the connector. # In order to use sdrplay, airspy or airspyhf, you will need to install soapysdr, the corresponding driver, and the # connector. # # https://github.com/jketterl/owrx_connector # # In order to use Perseus HF you need to install the libperseus-sdr # # https://github.com/Microtelecom/libperseus-sdr # # and do the proper changes to the sdrs object below # (see also Wiki in https://github.com/jketterl/openwebrx/wiki/Sample-configuration-for-Perseus-HF-receiver). # sdrs = { "rtlsdr": { "name": "RTL-SDR USB Stick", "type": "rtl_sdr", "ppm": 0, # you can change this if you use an upconverter. formula is: # center_freq + lfo_offset = actual frequency on the sdr # "lfo_offset": 0, "profiles": { "70cm": { "name": "70cm Relais", "center_freq": 438800000, "rf_gain": 29, "samp_rate": 2400000, "start_freq": 439275000, "start_mod": "nfm", }, "2m": { "name": "2m komplett", "center_freq": 145000000, "rf_gain": 29, "samp_rate": 2048000, "start_freq": 145725000, "start_mod": "nfm", }, }, }, "airspy": { "name": "Airspy HF+", "type": "airspyhf", "ppm": 0, "rf_gain": "auto", "profiles": { "20m": { "name": "20m", "center_freq": 14150000, "samp_rate": 384000, "start_freq": 14070000, "start_mod": "usb", }, "30m": { "name": "30m", "center_freq": 10125000, "samp_rate": 192000, "start_freq": 10142000, "start_mod": "usb", }, "40m": { "name": "40m", "center_freq": 7100000, "samp_rate": 256000, "start_freq": 7070000, "start_mod": "lsb", }, "80m": { "name": "80m", "center_freq": 3650000, "samp_rate": 384000, "start_freq": 3570000, "start_mod": "lsb", }, "49m": { "name": "49m Broadcast", "center_freq": 6050000, "samp_rate": 384000, "start_freq": 6070000, "start_mod": "am", }, }, }, "sdrplay": { "name": "SDRPlay RSP2", "type": "sdrplay", "ppm": 0, "antenna": "Antenna A", "profiles": { "20m": { "name": "20m", "center_freq": 14150000, "rf_gain": 0, "samp_rate": 500000, "start_freq": 14070000, "start_mod": "usb", }, "30m": { "name": "30m", "center_freq": 10125000, "rf_gain": 0, "samp_rate": 250000, "start_freq": 10142000, "start_mod": "usb", }, "40m": { "name": "40m", "center_freq": 7100000, "rf_gain": 0, "samp_rate": 500000, "start_freq": 7070000, "start_mod": "lsb", }, "80m": { "name": "80m", "center_freq": 3650000, "rf_gain": 0, "samp_rate": 500000, "start_freq": 3570000, "start_mod": "lsb", }, "49m": { "name": "49m Broadcast", "center_freq": 6000000, "rf_gain": 0, "samp_rate": 500000, "start_freq": 6070000, "start_mod": "am", }, }, }, } # ==== Color themes ==== ### google turbo colormap (see: https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/08/turbo-improved-rainbow-colormap-for.html) waterfall_colors = [0x30123b, 0x311542, 0x33184a, 0x341b51, 0x351e58, 0x36215f, 0x372466, 0x38266c, 0x392973, 0x3a2c79, 0x3b2f80, 0x3c3286, 0x3d358b, 0x3e3891, 0x3e3a97, 0x3f3d9c, 0x4040a2, 0x4043a7, 0x4146ac, 0x4248b1, 0x424bb6, 0x434eba, 0x4351bf, 0x4453c3, 0x4456c7, 0x4559cb, 0x455bcf, 0x455ed3, 0x4561d7, 0x4663da, 0x4666dd, 0x4669e1, 0x466be4, 0x466ee7, 0x4671e9, 0x4673ec, 0x4676ee, 0x4678f1, 0x467bf3, 0x467df5, 0x4680f7, 0x4682f9, 0x4685fa, 0x4587fc, 0x458afd, 0x448cfe, 0x448ffe, 0x4391ff, 0x4294ff, 0x4196ff, 0x3f99ff, 0x3e9bff, 0x3d9efe, 0x3ba1fd, 0x3aa3fd, 0x38a6fb, 0x36a8fa, 0x35abf9, 0x33adf7, 0x31b0f6, 0x2fb2f4, 0x2db5f2, 0x2cb7f0, 0x2ab9ee, 0x28bcec, 0x26beea, 0x25c0e7, 0x23c3e5, 0x21c5e2, 0x20c7e0, 0x1fc9dd, 0x1dccdb, 0x1cced8, 0x1bd0d5, 0x1ad2d3, 0x19d4d0, 0x18d6cd, 0x18d8cb, 0x18dac8, 0x17dbc5, 0x17ddc3, 0x17dfc0, 0x18e0be, 0x18e2bb, 0x19e3b9, 0x1ae5b7, 0x1be6b4, 0x1de8b2, 0x1ee9af, 0x20eaad, 0x22ecaa, 0x24eda7, 0x27eea4, 0x29efa1, 0x2cf09e, 0x2ff19b, 0x32f298, 0x35f394, 0x38f491, 0x3cf58e, 0x3ff68b, 0x43f787, 0x46f884, 0x4af980, 0x4efa7d, 0x51fa79, 0x55fb76, 0x59fc73, 0x5dfc6f, 0x61fd6c, 0x65fd69, 0x69fe65, 0x6dfe62, 0x71fe5f, 0x75ff5c, 0x79ff59, 0x7dff56, 0x80ff53, 0x84ff50, 0x88ff4e, 0x8bff4b, 0x8fff49, 0x92ff46, 0x96ff44, 0x99ff42, 0x9cfe40, 0x9ffe3e, 0xa2fd3d, 0xa4fd3b, 0xa7fc3a, 0xaafc39, 0xacfb38, 0xaffa37, 0xb1f936, 0xb4f835, 0xb7f835, 0xb9f634, 0xbcf534, 0xbff434, 0xc1f334, 0xc4f233, 0xc6f033, 0xc9ef34, 0xcbee34, 0xceec34, 0xd0eb34, 0xd2e934, 0xd5e835, 0xd7e635, 0xd9e435, 0xdbe236, 0xdde136, 0xe0df37, 0xe2dd37, 0xe4db38, 0xe6d938, 0xe7d738, 0xe9d539, 0xebd339, 0xedd139, 0xeecf3a, 0xf0cd3a, 0xf1cb3a, 0xf3c93a, 0xf4c73a, 0xf5c53a, 0xf7c33a, 0xf8c13a, 0xf9bf39, 0xfabd39, 0xfaba38, 0xfbb838, 0xfcb637, 0xfcb436, 0xfdb135, 0xfdaf35, 0xfeac34, 0xfea933, 0xfea732, 0xfea431, 0xffa12f, 0xff9e2e, 0xff9c2d, 0xff992c, 0xfe962b, 0xfe932a, 0xfe9028, 0xfe8d27, 0xfd8a26, 0xfd8724, 0xfc8423, 0xfc8122, 0xfb7e20, 0xfb7b1f, 0xfa781e, 0xf9751c, 0xf8721b, 0xf86f1a, 0xf76c19, 0xf66917, 0xf56616, 0xf46315, 0xf36014, 0xf25d13, 0xf05b11, 0xef5810, 0xee550f, 0xed530e, 0xeb500e, 0xea4e0d, 0xe94b0c, 0xe7490b, 0xe6470a, 0xe4450a, 0xe34209, 0xe14009, 0xdf3e08, 0xde3c07, 0xdc3a07, 0xda3806, 0xd83606, 0xd63405, 0xd43205, 0xd23105, 0xd02f04, 0xce2d04, 0xcc2b03, 0xca2903, 0xc82803, 0xc62602, 0xc32402, 0xc12302, 0xbf2102, 0xbc1f01, 0xba1e01, 0xb71c01, 0xb41b01, 0xb21901, 0xaf1801, 0xac1601, 0xaa1501, 0xa71401, 0xa41201, 0xa11101, 0x9e1001, 0x9b0f01, 0x980d01, 0x950c01, 0x920b01, 0x8e0a01, 0x8b0901, 0x880801, 0x850701, 0x810602, 0x7e0502, 0x7a0402] ### original theme by teejez: #waterfall_colors = [0x000000, 0x0000FF, 0x00FFFF, 0x00FF00, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00FF, 0xFFFFFF] ### old theme by HA7ILM: #waterfall_colors = [0x000000, 0x2e6893, 0x69a5d0, 0x214b69, 0x9dc4e0, 0xfff775, 0xff8a8a, 0xb20000] # waterfall_min_level = -115 #in dB # waterfall_max_level = 0 # waterfall_auto_level_margin = {"min": 20, "max": 30} ##For the old colors, you might also want to set [fft_voverlap_factor] to 0. waterfall_min_level = -88 # in dB waterfall_max_level = -20 waterfall_auto_level_margin = {"min": 3, "max": 10, "min_range": 50} # Note: When the auto waterfall level button is clicked, the following happens: # [waterfall_min_level] = [current_min_power_level] - [waterfall_auto_level_margin["min"]] # [waterfall_max_level] = [current_max_power_level] + [waterfall_auto_level_margin["max"]] # # ___|________________________________________|____________________________________|________________________________________|___> signal power # \_waterfall_auto_level_margin["min"]_/ |__ current_min_power_level | \_waterfall_auto_level_margin["max"]_/ # current_max_power_level __| # === Experimental settings === # Warning! The settings below are very experimental. csdr_dynamic_bufsize = False # This allows you to change the buffering mode of csdr. csdr_print_bufsizes = False # This prints the buffer sizes used for csdr processes. csdr_through = False # Setting this True will print out how much data is going into the DSP chains. nmux_memory = 50 # in megabytes. This sets the approximate size of the circular buffer used by nmux. google_maps_api_key = "" # how long should positions be visible on the map? # they will start fading out after half of that # in seconds; default: 2 hours map_position_retention_time = 2 * 60 * 60 # decoder queue configuration # due to the nature of some operating modes (ft8, ft8, jt9, jt65, wspr and js8), the data is recorded for a given amount # of time (6 seconds up to 2 minutes) and decoded at the end. this can lead to very high peak loads. # to mitigate this, the recordings will be queued and processed in sequence. # the number of workers will limit the total amount of work (one worker will losely occupy one cpu / thread) decoding_queue_workers = 2 # the maximum queue length will cause decodes to be dumped if the workers cannot keep up # if you are running background services, make sure this number is high enough to accept the task influx during peaks # i.e. this should be higher than the number of decoding services running at the same time decoding_queue_length = 10 # wsjt decoding depth will allow more results, but will also consume more cpu wsjt_decoding_depth = 3 # can also be set for each mode separately # jt65 seems to be somewhat prone to erroneous decodes, this setting handles that to some extent wsjt_decoding_depths = {"jt65": 1} # JS8 comes in different speeds: normal, slow, fast, turbo. This setting controls which ones are enabled. js8_enabled_profiles = ["normal", "slow"] # JS8 decoding depth; higher value will get more results, but will also consume more cpu js8_decoding_depth = 3 temporary_directory = "/tmp" services_enabled = False services_decoders = ["ft8", "ft4", "wspr", "packet"] # === aprs igate settings === # if you want to share your APRS decodes with the aprs network, configure these settings accordingly aprs_callsign = "N0CALL" aprs_igate_enabled = False aprs_igate_server = "euro.aprs2.net" aprs_igate_password = "" # beacon uses the receiver_gps setting, so if you enable this, make sure the location is correct there aprs_igate_beacon = False # path to the aprs symbols repository (get it here: https://github.com/hessu/aprs-symbols) aprs_symbols_path = "/opt/aprs-symbols/png" # === PSK Reporter setting === # enable this if you want to upload all ft8, ft4 etc spots to pskreporter.info # this also uses the receiver_gps setting from above, so make sure it contains a correct locator pskreporter_enabled = False pskreporter_callsign = "N0CALL" # === Web admin settings === # this feature is experimental at the moment. it should not be enabled on shared receivers since it allows remote # changes to the receiver settings. enable for testing in controlled environment only. # webadmin_enabled = False