""" OpenWebRX csdr plugin: do the signal processing with csdr This file is part of OpenWebRX, an open-source SDR receiver software with a web UI. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Andras Retzler This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import subprocess import time import os import code import signal class dsp_plugin: def __init__(self): self.samp_rate = 250000 self.output_rate = 11025 #this is default, and cannot be set at the moment self.fft_size = 1024 self.fft_fps = 5 self.offset_freq = 0 self.low_cut = -4000 self.high_cut = 4000 self.bpf_transition_bw = 320 #Hz, and this is a constant self.ddc_transition_bw_rate = 0.15 # of the IF sample rate self.running = False self.audio_compression = "none" self.fft_compression = "none" self.demodulator = "nfm" self.name = "csdr" self.format_conversion = "csdr convert_u8_f" self.base_bufsize = 512 self.nc_port = 4951 self.csdr_dynamic_bufsize = False self.csdr_print_bufsizes = False self.csdr_through = False def chain(self,which): any_chain_base="ncat -v {nc_port} | " if self.csdr_dynamic_bufsize: any_chain_base+="csdr setbuf {start_bufsize} | " if self.csdr_through: any_chain_base+="csdr through | " any_chain_base+=self.format_conversion+(" | " if self.format_conversion!="" else "") ##"csdr flowcontrol {flowcontrol} auto 1.5 10 | " if which == "fft": fft_chain_base = any_chain_base+"csdr fft_cc {fft_size} {fft_block_size} | csdr logpower_cf -70 | csdr fft_exchange_sides_ff {fft_size}" if self.fft_compression=="adpcm": return fft_chain_base+" | csdr compress_fft_adpcm_f_u8 {fft_size}" else: return fft_chain_base chain_begin=any_chain_base+"csdr shift_addition_cc --fifo {shift_pipe} | csdr fir_decimate_cc {decimation} {ddc_transition_bw} HAMMING | csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc --fifo {bpf_pipe} {bpf_transition_bw} HAMMING | " chain_end = "" if self.audio_compression=="adpcm": chain_end = " | csdr encode_ima_adpcm_i16_u8" if which == "nfm": return chain_begin + "csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf | csdr limit_ff | csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation} | csdr deemphasis_nfm_ff 11025 | csdr fastagc_ff 1024 | csdr convert_f_i16"+chain_end elif which == "am": return chain_begin + "csdr amdemod_cf | csdr fastdcblock_ff | csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation} | csdr agc_ff | csdr limit_ff | csdr convert_f_i16"+chain_end elif which == "ssb": return chain_begin + "csdr realpart_cf | csdr fractional_decimator_ff {last_decimation} | csdr agc_ff | csdr clipdetect_ff | csdr limit_ff | csdr convert_f_i16"+chain_end def set_audio_compression(self,what): self.audio_compression = what def set_fft_compression(self,what): self.fft_compression = what def get_fft_bytes_to_read(self): if self.fft_compression=="none": return self.fft_size*4 if self.fft_compression=="adpcm": return (self.fft_size/2)+(10/2) def set_samp_rate(self,samp_rate): #to change this, restart is required self.samp_rate=samp_rate self.decimation=1 while self.samp_rate/(self.decimation+1)>self.output_rate: self.decimation+=1 self.last_decimation=float(self.if_samp_rate())/self.output_rate def if_samp_rate(self): return self.samp_rate/self.decimation def get_name(self): return self.name def get_output_rate(self): return self.output_rate def set_output_rate(self,output_rate): self.output_rate=output_rate self.set_samp_rate(self.samp_rate) #as it depends on output_rate def set_demodulator(self,demodulator): #to change this, restart is required self.demodulator=demodulator def get_demodulator(self): return self.demodulator def set_fft_size(self,fft_size): #to change this, restart is required self.fft_size=fft_size def set_fft_fps(self,fft_fps): #to change this, restart is required self.fft_fps=fft_fps def fft_block_size(self): return self.samp_rate/self.fft_fps def set_format_conversion(self,format_conversion): self.format_conversion=format_conversion def set_offset_freq(self,offset_freq): self.offset_freq=offset_freq if self.running: self.shift_pipe_file.write("%g\n"%(-float(self.offset_freq)/self.samp_rate)) self.shift_pipe_file.flush() def set_bpf(self,low_cut,high_cut): self.low_cut=low_cut self.high_cut=high_cut if self.running: self.bpf_pipe_file.write( "%g %g\n"%(float(self.low_cut)/self.if_samp_rate(), float(self.high_cut)/self.if_samp_rate()) ) self.bpf_pipe_file.flush() def get_bpf(self): return [self.low_cut, self.high_cut] def mkfifo(self,path): try: os.unlink(path) except: pass os.mkfifo(path) def ddc_transition_bw(self): return self.ddc_transition_bw_rate*(self.if_samp_rate()/float(self.samp_rate)) def start(self): command_base=self.chain(self.demodulator) #create control pipes for csdr pipe_base_path="/tmp/openwebrx_pipe_{myid}_".format(myid=id(self)) self.bpf_pipe = self.shift_pipe = None if "{bpf_pipe}" in command_base: self.bpf_pipe=pipe_base_path+"bpf" self.mkfifo(self.bpf_pipe) if "{shift_pipe}" in command_base: self.shift_pipe=pipe_base_path+"shift" self.mkfifo(self.shift_pipe) #run the command command=command_base.format( bpf_pipe=self.bpf_pipe, shift_pipe=self.shift_pipe, decimation=self.decimation, \ last_decimation=self.last_decimation, fft_size=self.fft_size, fft_block_size=self.fft_block_size(), \ bpf_transition_bw=float(self.bpf_transition_bw)/self.if_samp_rate(), ddc_transition_bw=self.ddc_transition_bw(), \ flowcontrol=int(self.samp_rate*2), start_bufsize=self.base_bufsize*self.decimation, nc_port=self.nc_port) print "[openwebrx-dsp-plugin:csdr] Command =",command #code.interact(local=locals()) my_env=os.environ.copy() if self.csdr_dynamic_bufsize: my_env["CSDR_DYNAMIC_BUFSIZE_ON"]="1"; if self.csdr_print_bufsizes: my_env["CSDR_PRINT_BUFSIZES"]="1"; self.process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp, env=my_env) self.running = True #open control pipes for csdr and send initialization data if self.bpf_pipe != None: self.bpf_pipe_file=open(self.bpf_pipe,"w") self.set_bpf(self.low_cut,self.high_cut) if self.shift_pipe != None: self.shift_pipe_file=open(self.shift_pipe,"w") self.set_offset_freq(self.offset_freq) def read(self,size): return self.process.stdout.read(size) def stop(self): os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.process.pid), signal.SIGTERM) #if(self.process.poll()!=None):return # returns None while subprocess is running #while(self.process.poll()==None): # #self.process.kill() # print "killproc",os.getpgid(self.process.pid),self.process.pid # os.killpg(self.process.pid, signal.SIGTERM) # # time.sleep(0.1) if self.bpf_pipe: try: os.unlink(self.bpf_pipe) except: print "[openwebrx-dsp-plugin:csdr] stop() :: unlink failed: " + self.bpf_pipe if self.shift_pipe: try: os.unlink(self.shift_pipe) except: print "[openwebrx-dsp-plugin:csdr] stop() :: unlink failed: " + self.bpf_pipe self.running = False def restart(self): self.stop() self.start() def __del__(self): self.stop() del(self.process)