from owrx.controllers.template import WebpageController from owrx.controllers.admin import AuthorizationMixin from owrx.controllers.settings import SettingsBreadcrumb from owrx.bookmarks import Bookmark, Bookmarks from owrx.modes import Modes from owrx.breadcrumb import Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbItem, BreadcrumbMixin import json import math import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BookmarksController(AuthorizationMixin, BreadcrumbMixin, WebpageController): def get_breadcrumb(self) -> Breadcrumb: return SettingsBreadcrumb().append(BreadcrumbItem("Bookmark editor", "settings/bookmarks")) def template_variables(self): variables = super().template_variables() variables["bookmarks"] = self.render_table() return variables def render_table(self): bookmarks = Bookmarks.getSharedInstance().getBookmarks() emptyText = """ No bookmarks in storage. You can add new bookmarks using the buttons below. """ return """ {bookmarks}
Name Frequency Modulation Actions
""".format( bookmarks="".join(self.render_bookmark(b) for b in bookmarks) if bookmarks else emptyText, modes=json.dumps({m.modulation: for m in Modes.getAvailableModes()}), ) def render_bookmark(self, bookmark: Bookmark): def render_frequency(freq): suffixes = { 0: "", 3: "k", 6: "M", 9: "G", 12: "T", } exp = 0 if freq > 0: exp = int(math.log10(freq) / 3) * 3 num = freq suffix = "" if exp in suffixes: num = freq / 10 ** exp suffix = suffixes[exp] return "{num:g} {suffix}Hz".format(num=num, suffix=suffix) mode = Modes.findByModulation(bookmark.getModulation()) return """ {name} {rendered_frequency} {modulation_name} """.format( id=id(bookmark), name=bookmark.getName(), # TODO render frequency in si units frequency=bookmark.getFrequency(), rendered_frequency=render_frequency(bookmark.getFrequency()), modulation=bookmark.getModulation() if mode is None else mode.modulation, modulation_name=bookmark.getModulation() if mode is None else, ) def _findBookmark(self, bookmark_id): bookmarks = Bookmarks.getSharedInstance() try: return next(b for b in bookmarks.getBookmarks() if id(b) == bookmark_id) except StopIteration: return None def update(self): bookmark_id = int( bookmark = self._findBookmark(bookmark_id) if bookmark is None: self.send_response("{}", content_type="application/json", code=404) return try: data = json.loads(self.get_body()) for key in ["name", "frequency", "modulation"]: if key in data: value = data[key] if key == "frequency": value = int(value) setattr(bookmark, key, value) Bookmarks.getSharedInstance().store() # TODO this should not be called explicitly... bookmarks don't have any event capability right now, though Bookmarks.getSharedInstance().notifySubscriptions(bookmark) self.send_response("{}", content_type="application/json", code=200) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.send_response("{}", content_type="application/json", code=400) def new(self): bookmarks = Bookmarks.getSharedInstance() def create(bookmark_data): # sanitize data = { "name": bookmark_data["name"], "frequency": int(bookmark_data["frequency"]), "modulation": bookmark_data["modulation"], } bookmark = Bookmark(data) bookmarks.addBookmark(bookmark) return {"bookmark_id": id(bookmark)} try: data = json.loads(self.get_body()) result = [create(b) for b in data] self.send_response(json.dumps(result), content_type="application/json", code=200) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.send_response("{}", content_type="application/json", code=400) def delete(self): bookmark_id = int( bookmark = self._findBookmark(bookmark_id) if bookmark is None: self.send_response("{}", content_type="application/json", code=404) return bookmarks = Bookmarks.getSharedInstance() bookmarks.removeBookmark(bookmark) self.send_response("{}", content_type="application/json", code=200) def indexAction(self): self.serve_template("settings/bookmarks.html", **self.template_variables())