from datetime import datetime, timezone from owrx.config.core import CoreConfig import json import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Bookmark(object): def __init__(self, j): = j["name"] self.frequency = j["frequency"] self.modulation = j["modulation"] def getName(self): return def getFrequency(self): return self.frequency def getModulation(self): return self.modulation def __dict__(self): return { "name": self.getName(), "frequency": self.getFrequency(), "modulation": self.getModulation(), } class BookmakrSubscription(object): def __init__(self, subscriptee, range, subscriber: callable): self.subscriptee = subscriptee self.range = range self.subscriber = subscriber def inRange(self, bookmark: Bookmark): low, high = self.range return low <= bookmark.getFrequency() <= high def call(self, *args, **kwargs): self.subscriber(*args, **kwargs) def cancel(self): self.subscriptee.unsubscribe(self) class Bookmarks(object): sharedInstance = None @staticmethod def getSharedInstance(): if Bookmarks.sharedInstance is None: Bookmarks.sharedInstance = Bookmarks() return Bookmarks.sharedInstance def __init__(self): self.file_modified = None self.bookmarks = [] self.subscriptions = [] self.fileList = [Bookmarks._getBookmarksFile(), "/etc/openwebrx/bookmarks.json", "bookmarks.json"] def _refresh(self): modified = self._getFileModifiedTimestamp() if self.file_modified is None or modified > self.file_modified: logger.debug("reloading bookmarks from disk due to file modification") self.bookmarks = self._loadBookmarks() self.file_modified = modified def _getFileModifiedTimestamp(self): timestamp = 0 for file in self.fileList: try: timestamp = os.path.getmtime(file) break except FileNotFoundError: pass return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, timezone.utc) def _loadBookmarks(self): for file in self.fileList: try: with open(file, "r") as f: content = if content: bookmarks_json = json.loads(content) return [Bookmark(d) for d in bookmarks_json] except FileNotFoundError: pass except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.exception("error while parsing bookmarks file %s", file) return [] except Exception: logger.exception("error while processing bookmarks from %s", file) return [] return [] def getBookmarks(self, range=None): self._refresh() if range is None: return self.bookmarks else: (lo, hi) = range return [b for b in self.bookmarks if lo <= b.getFrequency() <= hi] @staticmethod def _getBookmarksFile(): coreConfig = CoreConfig() return "{data_directory}/bookmarks.json".format(data_directory=coreConfig.get_data_directory()) def store(self): # don't write directly to file to avoid corruption on exceptions jsonContent = json.dumps([b.__dict__() for b in self.bookmarks], indent=4) with open(Bookmarks._getBookmarksFile(), "w") as file: file.write(jsonContent) self.file_modified = self._getFileModifiedTimestamp() def addBookmark(self, bookmark: Bookmark): self.bookmarks.append(bookmark) self.notifySubscriptions(bookmark) def removeBookmark(self, bookmark: Bookmark): if bookmark not in self.bookmarks: return self.bookmarks.remove(bookmark) self.notifySubscriptions(bookmark) def notifySubscriptions(self, bookmark: Bookmark): for sub in self.subscriptions: if sub.inRange(bookmark): try: except Exception: logger.exception("Error while calling bookmark subscriptions") def subscribe(self, range, callback): self.subscriptions.append(BookmakrSubscription(self, range, callback)) def unsubscribe(self, subscriptions: BookmakrSubscription): if subscriptions not in self.subscriptions: return self.subscriptions.remove(subscriptions)