""" rxws: WebSocket methods implemented for OpenWebRX This file is part of OpenWebRX. OpenWebRX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenWebRX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenWebRX. If not, see . Authors: Andras Retzler, HA7ILM """ import base64 import sha import select import code class WebSocketException(Exception): pass def handshake(myself): my_client_id=myself.path[4:] my_headers=myself.headers.items() my_header_keys=map(lambda x:x[0],my_headers) h_key_exists=lambda x:my_header_keys.count(x) h_value=lambda x:my_headers[my_header_keys.index(x)][1] #print "The Lambdas(tm)" #print h_key_exists("upgrade") #print h_value("upgrade") #print h_key_exists("sec-websocket-key") if (not h_key_exists("upgrade")) or not (h_value("upgrade")=="websocket") or (not h_key_exists("sec-websocket-key")): raise WebSocketException ws_key=h_value("sec-websocket-key") ws_key_toreturn=base64.b64encode(sha.new(ws_key+"258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11").digest()) #A sample list of keys we get: [('origin', 'http://localhost:8073'), ('upgrade', 'websocket'), ('sec-websocket-extensions', 'x-webkit-deflate-frame'), ('sec-websocket-version', '13'), ('host', 'localhost:8073'), ('sec-websocket-key', 't9J1rgy4fc9fg2Hshhnkmg=='), ('connection', 'Upgrade'), ('pragma', 'no-cache'), ('cache-control', 'no-cache')] myself.wfile.write("HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: "+ws_key_toreturn+"\r\nCQ-CQ-de: HA5KFU\r\n\r\n") def get_header(size): #this does something similar: https://github.com/lemmingzshadow/php-websocket/blob/master/server/lib/WebSocket/Connection.php ws_first_byte=0b10000010 # FIN=1, OP=2 if(size>125): ws_second_byte=126 # The following two bytes will indicate frame size extended_size=chr((size>>8)&0xff)+chr(size&0xff) #Okay, it uses reverse byte order (little-endian) compared to anything else sent on TCP else: ws_second_byte=size #256 bytes binary message in a single unmasked frame | 0x82 0x7E 0x0100 [256 bytes of binary data] extended_size="" return chr(ws_first_byte)+chr(ws_second_byte)+extended_size def code_payload(data, masking_key=""): # both encode or decode if masking_key=="": key = (61, 84, 35, 6) else: key = [ord(i) for i in masking_key] encoded="" for i in range(0,len(data)): encoded+=chr(ord(data[i])^key[i%4]) return encoded def xxdg(data): output="" for i in range(0,len(data)/8): output+=xxd(data[i:i+8]) if i%2: output+="\n" else: output+=" " return output def xxd(data): #diagnostic purposes only output="" for d in data: output+=hex(ord(d))[2:].zfill(2)+" " return output #for R/W the WebSocket, use recv/send #for reading the TCP socket, use readsock #for writing the TCP socket, use myself.wfile.write and flush def readsock(myself,size,blocking): #http://thenestofheliopolis.blogspot.hu/2011/01/how-to-implement-non-blocking-two-way.html if blocking: return myself.rfile.read(size) else: poll = select.poll() poll.register(myself.rfile.fileno(), select.POLLIN or select.POLLPRI) fd = poll.poll(0) #timeout is 0 if len(fd): f = fd[0] if f[1] > 0: return myself.rfile.read(size) return "" def recv(myself, blocking=False, debug=False): bufsize=70000 #myself.connection.setblocking(blocking) #umm... we cannot do that with rfile if debug: print "ws_recv begin" try: data=readsock(myself,6,blocking) #print "rxws.recv bytes:",xxd(data) except: if debug: print "ws_recv error" return "" if debug: print "ws_recv recved" if(len(data)==0): return "" fin=ord(data[0])&128!=0 is_text_frame=ord(data[0])&15==1 length=ord(data[1])&0x7f data+=readsock(myself,length,blocking) #print "rxws.recv length is ",length," (multiple packets together?) len(data) =",len(data) has_one_byte_length=length<125 masked=ord(data[1])&0x80!=0 #print "len=", length, len(data)-2 #print "fin, is_text_frame, has_one_byte_length, masked = ", (fin, is_text_frame, has_one_byte_length, masked) #print xxd(data) if fin and is_text_frame and has_one_byte_length: if masked: return code_payload(data[6:], data[2:6]) else: return data[2:] #Useful links for ideas on WebSockets: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8125507/how-can-i-send-and-receive-websocket-messages-on-the-server-side # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebSockets/Writing_WebSocket_server # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.2 def flush(myself): myself.wfile.flush() #or the socket, not the rfile: #lR,lW,lX = select.select([],[myself.connection,],[],60) def send(myself, data, begin_id="", debug=0): base_frame_size=35000 #could guess by MTU? debug=0 #try: while True: counter=0 from_end=len(data)-counter if from_end+len(begin_id)>base_frame_size: data_to_send=begin_id+data[counter:counter+base_frame_size-len(begin_id)] header=get_header(len(data_to_send)) flush(myself) myself.wfile.write(header+data_to_send) flush(myself) if debug: print "rxws.send ==================== #1 if branch :: from={0} to={1} dlen={2} hlen={3}".format(counter,counter+base_frame_size-len(begin_id),len(data_to_send),len(header)) else: data_to_send=begin_id+data[counter:] header=get_header(len(data_to_send)) flush(myself) myself.wfile.write(header+data_to_send) flush(myself) if debug: print "rxws.send :: #2 else branch :: dlen={0} hlen={1}".format(len(data_to_send),len(header)) #if debug: print "header:\n"+xxdg(header)+"\n\nws data:\n"+xxdg(data_to_send) break counter+=base_frame_size-len(begin_id) #except: # pass