2022-12-11 12:09:36 -05:00

269 lines
9.5 KiB

from owrx.config import Config
from owrx.property import PropertyManager, PropertyDeleted, PropertyDelegator, PropertyLayer, PropertyReadOnly
from owrx.feature import FeatureDetector, UnknownFeatureException
from owrx.source import SdrSource, SdrSourceEventClient
from functools import partial
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MappedSdrSources(PropertyDelegator):
def __init__(self, pm: PropertyManager):
self.subscriptions = {}
for key, value in pm.items():
self._addSource(key, value)
def handleSdrDeviceChange(self, changes):
for key, value in changes.items():
if value is PropertyDeleted:
if key in self:
del self[key]
if key not in self:
self._addSource(key, value)
def handleDeviceUpdate(self, key, value, *args):
if key not in self and self.isDeviceValid(value):
self[key] = self.buildNewSource(key, value)
elif key in self and not self.isDeviceValid(value):
del self[key]
def _addSource(self, key, value):
self.handleDeviceUpdate(key, value)
updateMethod = partial(self.handleDeviceUpdate, key, value)
self.subscriptions[key] = [
value.filter("type", "profiles").wire(updateMethod),
def isDeviceValid(self, device):
return self._sdrTypeAvailable(device) and self._hasProfiles(device)
def _hasProfiles(self, device):
return "profiles" in device and device["profiles"] and len(device["profiles"]) > 0
def _sdrTypeAvailable(self, value):
featureDetector = FeatureDetector()
if not featureDetector.is_available(value["type"]):
'The SDR source type "{0}" is not available. please check the feature report for details.'.format(
return False
return True
except UnknownFeatureException:
'The SDR source type "{0}" is invalid. Please check your configuration'.format(value["type"])
return False
def buildNewSource(self, id, props):
sdrType = props["type"]
className = "".join(x for x in sdrType.title() if x.isalnum()) + "Source"
module = __import__("owrx.source.{0}".format(sdrType), fromlist=[className])
cls = getattr(module, className)
return cls(id, props)
def _removeSource(self, key, source):
for sub in self.subscriptions[key]:
del self.subscriptions[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
source = self[key] if key in self else None
if source is value:
super().__setitem__(key, value)
if source is not None:
self._removeSource(key, source)
def __delitem__(self, key):
source = self[key] if key in self else None
if source is not None:
self._removeSource(key, source)
class SourceStateHandler(SdrSourceEventClient):
def __init__(self, pm, key, source: SdrSource):
self.pm = pm
self.key = key
self.source = source
def selfDestruct(self):
def onFail(self):
del self.pm[self.key]
def onDisable(self):
del self.pm[self.key]
def onEnable(self):
self.pm[self.key] = self.source
def onShutdown(self):
del self.pm[self.key]
class ActiveSdrSources(PropertyReadOnly):
def __init__(self, pm: PropertyManager):
self.handlers = {}
self._layer = PropertyLayer()
for key, value in pm.items():
self._addSource(key, value)
def handleSdrDeviceChange(self, changes):
for key, value in changes.items():
if value is PropertyDeleted:
self._addSource(key, value)
def isAvailable(self, source: SdrSource):
# @@@
# return source.isEnabled() and not source.isFailed()
return source.isEnabled()
def _addSource(self, key, source: SdrSource):
if self.isAvailable(source):
self._layer[key] = source
self.handlers[key] = SourceStateHandler(self._layer, key, source)
def _removeSource(self, key):
del self.handlers[key]
if key in self._layer:
del self._layer[key]
class AvailableProfiles(PropertyReadOnly):
def __init__(self, pm: PropertyManager):
self.subscriptions = {}
self.profileSubscriptions = {}
self._layer = PropertyLayer()
for key, value in pm.items():
self._addSource(key, value)
def handleSdrDeviceChange(self, changes):
for key, value in changes.items():
if value is PropertyDeleted:
self._addSource(key, value)
def handleSdrNameChange(self, s_id, source, name):
profiles = source.getProfiles()
for p_id in list(self._layer.keys()):
source_id, profile_id = p_id.split("|")
if source_id == s_id:
profile = profiles[profile_id]
self._layer[p_id] = "{} {}".format(name, profile["name"])
def handleProfileChange(self, source_id, source: SdrSource, changes):
for key, value in changes.items():
if value is PropertyDeleted:
self._removeProfile(source_id, key)
self._addProfile(source_id, source, key, value)
def handleProfileNameChange(self, s_id, source: SdrSource, p_id, name):
for concat_p_id in list(self._layer.keys()):
source_id, profile_id = concat_p_id.split("|")
if source_id == s_id and profile_id == p_id:
self._layer[concat_p_id] = "{} {}".format(source.getName(), name)
def _addSource(self, key, source: SdrSource):
for p_id, p in source.getProfiles().items():
self._addProfile(key, source, p_id, p)
self.subscriptions[key] = [
source.getProps().wireProperty("name", partial(self.handleSdrNameChange, key, source)),
source.getProfiles().wire(partial(self.handleProfileChange, key, source)),
def _addProfile(self, s_id, source: SdrSource, p_id, profile):
self._layer["{}|{}".format(s_id, p_id)] = "{} {}".format(source.getName(), profile["name"])
if s_id not in self.profileSubscriptions:
self.profileSubscriptions[s_id] = {}
self.profileSubscriptions[s_id][p_id] = profile.wireProperty("name", partial(self.handleProfileNameChange, s_id, source, p_id))
def _removeSource(self, key):
for profile_id in list(self._layer.keys()):
if profile_id.startswith("{}|".format(key)):
del self._layer[profile_id]
if key in self.subscriptions:
while self.subscriptions[key]:
del self.subscriptions[key]
if key in self.profileSubscriptions:
for p_id in self.profileSubscriptions[key].keys():
del self.profileSubscriptions[key]
def _removeProfile(self, s_id, p_id):
for concat_p_id in list(self._layer.keys()):
source_id, profile_id = concat_p_id.split("|")
if source_id == s_id and profile_id == p_id:
del self._layer[concat_p_id]
if s_id in self.profileSubscriptions and p_id in self.profileSubscriptions[s_id]:
del self.profileSubscriptions[s_id][p_id]
class SdrService(object):
sources = None
activeSources = None
availableProfiles = None
def getFirstSource():
sources = SdrService.getActiveSources()
if not sources:
return None
# TODO: configure default sdr in config? right now it will pick the first one off the list.
return sources[list(sources.keys())[0]]
def getSource(id):
sources = SdrService.getActiveSources()
if not sources:
return None
if id not in sources:
return None
return sources[id]
def getAllSources():
if SdrService.sources is None:
SdrService.sources = MappedSdrSources(Config.get()["sdrs"])
return SdrService.sources
def getActiveSources():
if SdrService.activeSources is None:
SdrService.activeSources = ActiveSdrSources(SdrService.getAllSources())
return SdrService.activeSources
def getAvailableProfiles():
if SdrService.availableProfiles is None:
SdrService.availableProfiles = AvailableProfiles(SdrService.getActiveSources())
return SdrService.availableProfiles
def stopAllSources():
for source in SdrService.getAllSources().values():