
221 lines
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from owrx.controllers.admin import AuthorizationMixin
from owrx.controllers.template import WebpageController
from owrx.controllers.settings import SettingsFormController
from owrx.source import SdrDeviceDescription, SdrDeviceDescriptionMissing, SdrClientClass
from owrx.config import Config
from owrx.connection import OpenWebRxReceiverClient
from owrx.controllers.settings import Section
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from owrx.sdr import SdrService
from owrx.form import TextInput, DropdownInput, Option
from import PropertyLayer, PropertyStack
from abc import ABCMeta
class SdrDeviceListController(AuthorizationMixin, WebpageController):
def template_variables(self):
variables = super().template_variables()
variables["content"] = self.render_devices()
variables["title"] = "SDR device settings"
return variables
def render_devices(self):
def render_profile(device_id, profile_id, profile):
return """
<li class="list-group-item">
<a href="{profile_link}">{profile_name}</a>
self.get_document_root(), quote(device_id), quote(profile_id)
def render_device(device_id, config):
# TODO: this only returns non-failed sources...
source = SdrService.getSource(device_id)
additional_info = ""
if source is not None:
profiles = source.getProfiles()
currentProfile = profiles[source.getProfileId()]
clients = {c: len(source.getClients(c)) for c in SdrClientClass}
clients = {c: v for c, v in clients.items() if v}
connections = len([c for c in source.getClients() if isinstance(c, OpenWebRxReceiverClient)])
additional_info = """
<div>Current profile: {current_profile}</div>
<div>Clients: {clients}</div>
<div>Connections: {connections}</div>
clients=", ".join("{cls}: {count}".format(, count=v) for c, v in clients.items()),
return """
<li class="list-group-item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6">
<a href="{device_link}">
<div>State: {state}</div>
<div>{num_profiles} profile(s)</div>
<ul class="col-6 list-group list-group-flush sdr-profile-list">
device_link="{}/{}".format(self.request.path, quote(device_id)),
state="Unknown" if source is None else source.getState(),
profiles="".join(render_profile(device_id, p_id, p) for p_id, p in config["profiles"].items()),
return """
<ul class="list-group list-group-flush sdr-device-list">
<div class="buttons container">
<a class="btn btn-success" href="sdr/new">Add new device...</a>
devices="".join(render_device(key, value) for key, value in Config.get()["sdrs"].items())
def indexAction(self):
self.serve_template("settings/general.html", **self.template_variables())
class SdrFormController(SettingsFormController, metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, handler, request, options):
super().__init__(handler, request, options)
self.device_id, self.device = self._get_device()
def store(self):
# need to overwrite the existing key in the config since the layering won't capture the changes otherwise
config = Config.get()
sdrs = config["sdrs"]
sdrs[self.device_id] = self.device
config["sdrs"] = sdrs
def _get_device(self):
config = Config.get()
device_id = unquote(
if device_id not in config["sdrs"]:
return None, None
return device_id, config["sdrs"][device_id]
class SdrDeviceController(SdrFormController):
def getData(self):
return self.device
def getSections(self):
description = SdrDeviceDescription.getByType(self.device["type"])
return [description.getDeviceSection()]
except SdrDeviceDescriptionMissing:
# TODO provide a generic interface that allows to switch the type
return []
def getTitle(self):
return self.device["name"]
def indexAction(self):
if self.device is None:
self.send_response("device not found", code=404)
self.serve_template("settings/general.html", **self.template_variables())
def processFormData(self):
if self.device is None:
self.send_response("device not found", code=404)
return super().processFormData()
class NewSdrDeviceController(SettingsFormController):
def __init__(self, handler, request, options):
super().__init__(handler, request, options)
id_layer = PropertyLayer(id="")
self.data_layer = PropertyLayer(name="", type="", profiles={})
self.stack = PropertyStack()
self.stack.addLayer(0, id_layer)
self.stack.addLayer(1, self.data_layer)
def getSections(self):
return [
"New device settings",
TextInput("name", "Device name"),
DropdownInput("type", "Device type", [Option(name, name) for name in SdrDeviceDescription.getTypes()]),
TextInput("id", "Device ID"),
def getTitle(self):
return "New device"
def getData(self):
return self.stack
def store(self):
# need to overwrite the existing key in the config since the layering won't capture the changes otherwise
config = Config.get()
sdrs = config["sdrs"]
sdrs[self.stack["id"]] = self.data_layer
config["sdrs"] = sdrs
def getSuccessfulRedirect(self):
return "{}settings/sdr/{}".format(self.get_document_root(), self.stack["id"])
class SdrProfileController(SdrFormController):
def __init__(self, handler, request, options):
super().__init__(handler, request, options)
self.profile_id, self.profile = self._get_profile()
def getData(self):
return self.profile
def _get_profile(self):
if self.device is None:
return None
profile_id = unquote(
if profile_id not in self.device["profiles"]:
return None
return profile_id, self.device["profiles"][profile_id]
def getSections(self):
description = SdrDeviceDescription.getByType(self.device["type"])
return [description.getProfileSection()]
except SdrDeviceDescriptionMissing:
# TODO provide a generic interface that allows to switch the type
return []
def getTitle(self):
return self.profile["name"]
def indexAction(self):
if self.profile is None:
self.send_response("profile not found", code=404)
self.serve_template("settings/general.html", **self.template_variables())
def processFormData(self):
if self.profile is None:
self.send_response("profile not found", code=404)
return super().processFormData()