316 lines
10 KiB
316 lines
10 KiB
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from owrx.modes import Modes
from owrx.config import Config
from owrx.form.converter import Converter, NullConverter, IntConverter, FloatConverter, EnumConverter
from enum import Enum
class Input(ABC):
def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None, converter: Converter = None, disabled=False, removable=False):
self.id = id
self.label = label
self.infotext = infotext
self.converter = self.defaultConverter() if converter is None else converter
self.disabled = disabled
self.removable = removable
def setDisabled(self, disabled=True):
self.disabled = disabled
def setRemovable(self, removable=True):
self.removable = removable
def defaultConverter(self):
return NullConverter()
def bootstrap_decorate(self, input):
infotext = "<small>{text}</small>".format(text=self.infotext) if self.infotext else ""
return """
<div class="form-group row" data-field="{id}">
<label class="col-form-label col-form-label-sm col-3" for="{id}">{label}</label>
<div class="col-9 p-0 removable-group {removable}">
<div class="removable-item">
removable="removable" if self.removable else "",
removebutton='<button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger option-remove-button">Remove</button>'
if self.removable
else "",
def input_classes(self):
return " ".join(["form-control", "form-control-sm"])
def input_properties(self, value):
props = {
"class": self.input_classes(),
"id": self.id,
"name": self.id,
"placeholder": self.label,
"value": value,
if self.disabled:
props["disabled"] = "disabled"
return props
def render_input_properties(self, value):
return " ".join('{}="{}"'.format(prop, value) for prop, value in self.input_properties(value).items())
def render_input(self, value):
return "<input {properties} />".format(properties=self.render_input_properties(value))
def render(self, config):
value = config[self.id] if self.id in config else None
return self.bootstrap_decorate(self.render_input(self.converter.convert_to_form(value)))
def parse(self, data):
return {self.id: self.converter.convert_from_form(data[self.id][0])} if self.id in data else {}
def getLabel(self):
return self.label
class TextInput(Input):
def input_properties(self, value):
props = super().input_properties(value)
props["type"] = "text"
return props
class NumberInput(Input):
def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None, append="", converter: Converter = None):
super().__init__(id, label, infotext, converter=converter)
self.step = None
self.append = append
def defaultConverter(self):
return IntConverter()
def input_properties(self, value):
props = super().input_properties(value)
props["type"] = "number"
if self.step:
props["step"] = self.step
return props
def render_input(self, value):
if self.append:
append = """
<div class="input-group-append">
<span class="input-group-text">{append}</span>
append = ""
return """
<div class="input-group input-group-sm">
class FloatInput(NumberInput):
def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None, converter: Converter = None):
super().__init__(id, label, infotext, converter=converter)
self.step = "any"
def defaultConverter(self):
return FloatConverter()
class LocationInput(Input):
def render_input(self, value):
return """
<div class="row">
<div class="row">
<div class="col map-input" data-key="{key}" for="{id}"></div>
inputs="".join(self.render_sub_input(value, id) for id in ["lat", "lon"]),
def render_sub_input(self, value, id):
return """
<div class="col">
<input type="number" class="{classes}" id="{id}" name="{id}" placeholder="{label}" value="{value}"
step="any" {disabled}>
id="{0}-{1}".format(self.id, id),
disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "",
def parse(self, data):
return {self.id: {k: float(data["{0}-{1}".format(self.id, k)][0]) for k in ["lat", "lon"]}}
class TextAreaInput(Input):
def render_input(self, value):
return """
<textarea class="{classes}" id="{id}" name="{id}" style="height:200px;" {disabled}>{value}</textarea>
id=self.id, classes=self.input_classes(), value=value, disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else ""
class CheckboxInput(Input):
def __init__(self, id, checkboxText, infotext=None, converter: Converter = None):
super().__init__(id, "", infotext=infotext, converter=converter)
self.checkboxText = checkboxText
def render_input(self, value):
return """
<div class="{classes}">
<input type="hidden" name="{id}" value="0" {disabled}>
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="{id}" name="{id}" value="1" {checked} {disabled}>
<label class="form-check-label" for="{id}">
checked="checked" if value else "",
disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "",
def input_classes(self):
return " ".join(["form-check", "form-control-sm"])
def parse(self, data):
if self.id in data:
return {self.id: self.converter.convert_from_form("1" in data[self.id])}
return {}
def getLabel(self):
return self.checkboxText
class Option(object):
# used for both MultiCheckboxInput and DropdownInput
def __init__(self, value, text):
self.value = value
self.text = text
class MultiCheckboxInput(Input):
def __init__(self, id, label, options, infotext=None):
super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext)
self.options = options
def render_input(self, value):
return "".join(self.render_checkbox(o, value) for o in self.options)
def checkbox_id(self, option):
return "{0}-{1}".format(self.id, option.value)
def render_checkbox(self, option, value):
return """
<div class="{classes}">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="{id}" name="{id}" {checked} {disabled}>
<label class="form-check-label" for="{id}">
checked="checked" if option.value in value else "",
disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "",
def parse(self, data):
def in_response(option):
boxid = self.checkbox_id(option)
return boxid in data and data[boxid][0] == "on"
return {self.id: [o.value for o in self.options if in_response(o)]}
def input_classes(self):
return " ".join(["form-check", "form-control-sm"])
class ServicesCheckboxInput(MultiCheckboxInput):
def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None):
services = [Option(s.modulation, s.name) for s in Modes.getAvailableServices()]
super().__init__(id, label, services, infotext)
class Js8ProfileCheckboxInput(MultiCheckboxInput):
def __init__(self, id, label, infotext=None):
profiles = [
Option("normal", "Normal (15s, 50Hz, ~16WPM)"),
Option("slow", "Slow (30s, 25Hz, ~8WPM"),
Option("fast", "Fast (10s, 80Hz, ~24WPM"),
Option("turbo", "Turbo (6s, 160Hz, ~40WPM"),
super().__init__(id, label, profiles, infotext)
class DropdownInput(Input):
def __init__(self, id, label, options, infotext=None, converter: Converter = None):
isEnum = issubclass(options, DropdownEnum)
except TypeError:
isEnum = False
if isEnum:
self.options = [o.toOption() for o in options]
if converter is None:
converter = EnumConverter(options)
self.options = options
super().__init__(id, label, infotext=infotext, converter=converter)
def render_input(self, value):
return """
<select class="{classes}" id="{id}" name="{id}" {disabled}>{options}</select>
disabled="disabled" if self.disabled else "",
def render_options(self, value):
options = [
<option value="{value}" {selected}>{text}</option>
selected="selected" if o.value == value else "",
for o in self.options
return "".join(options)
class DropdownEnum(Enum):
def toOption(self):
return Option(self.name, str(self))