2022-06-09 20:25:29 +02:00

52 lines
1.6 KiB

from owrx.command import Option
from owrx.source.direct import DirectSource, DirectSourceDeviceDescription
from subprocess import Popen
from csdr.chain import Chain
from pycsdr.modules import Convert, Gain
from pycsdr.types import Format
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FifiSdrSource(DirectSource):
def getCommandMapper(self):
return (
.setMappings({"device": Option("-D"), "samp_rate": Option("-r")})
.setStatic("-t raw -f S16_LE -c2 -")
def getEventNames(self):
return super().getEventNames() + ["device"]
def getFormatConversion(self) -> Chain:
return Chain([Convert(Format.COMPLEX_SHORT, Format.COMPLEX_FLOAT), Gain(Format.COMPLEX_FLOAT, 5.0)])
def sendRockProgFrequency(self, frequency):
process = Popen(["rockprog", "--vco", "-w", "--freq={}".format(frequency / 1e6)])
rc = process.wait()
if rc != 0:
logger.warning("rockprog failed to set frequency; rc=%i", rc)
def preStart(self):
values = self.getCommandValues()
def onPropertyChange(self, changes):
if "center_freq" in changes:
class FifiSdrDeviceDescription(DirectSourceDeviceDescription):
def getName(self):
return "FiFi SDR"
def supportsPpm(self):
# not currently mapped, and it's unclear how this should be sent to the device
return False