796 lines
28 KiB
796 lines
28 KiB
The program reads the radio weather forecast from hamsql.com and iap-kühlungsborn and outputs it to a display
the datas are from "hamsql.com" by OM Paul Herrman , N0NBH -> THANKS a lot for it !!
Thanks also to "Institut für Ionophärenphysik Rostock e.V. Aussenstelle Kühlungsborn" , Herrn Jens Mielich.
Hardware: WEMOS D1 mini and an Adafruit_ILI9341 touch-display (320x240)[2.4" or 2.8" or 3.2" displays works also]
get WEMOS D1 mini , 3.2" TFT w. Touch ILI9341 (or 2.4" or 2.8" or 3.2") from : ebay or similar providers
program idea and realization by Dr. Peter Heblik , DD6USB , version 2.5 from 5/1/2021
"OTA" means: the D1 mini can be programmed via WLAN - it does not have to be connected to a computer.
how to program: in Arduino-IDE you find -> "Tools" -> "Ports" the Adress from "D1 mini for Solardat" and his local IP.
Select it and download - thats all folks ! But attention! in OTA-mode the serial monitor does NOT work !!!
String V_String = "ver 2.5ext edited 5/1/2021 by DD6USB" ;
//#define debug // scratch out if not used (dont work by OTA)
//#define debug1 // deep debug,scratch out if not used (dont work by OTA)
#define WiFiOn // to switch WiFi & WWW on/off (for faster Tests)
#include <SPI.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
WiFiClientSecure client ;
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h" // screen graphics
#include "Adafruit_ILI9341.h" // hardware-spi
//!!!!!write this in program direct!!!!!!
//char* ssid = "WLAN-SSID-name...." ; // your SSID (for instance: "Area51")
//char* passw = "passw...1234567.." ; // your password (for instance "11223344")
#include <gfxfont.h>
//!!!!!!change your own path to these libraries !!!!!
#include <disk:\path\FreeMono9pt7b.h>
#include <disk:\path\FreeSans12pt7b.h>
#include <disk:\path\FreeSans9pt7b.h>
// Pins for the ILI9341 and ESP8266 (D1 mini)
#define TFT_DC D2
#define TFT_CS D1
#define TFT_LED D8
#define TOUCH_CS D3
#define TOUCH_IRQ D4
XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(TOUCH_CS, TOUCH_IRQ) ;
// all my known colors for ILI9341 TFT (but not all used in program)
#define B_DD6USB 0x0006 // 0, 0, 4 my preferred background color !!!
#define BLACK 0x0000 // 0, 0, 0
#define NAVY 0x000F // 0, 0, 123
#define DARKGREEN 0x03E0 // 0, 125, 0
#define DARKCYAN 0x03EF // 0, 125, 123
#define MAROON 0x7800 // 123, 0, 0
#define PURPLE 0x780F // 123, 0, 123
#define OLIVE 0x7BE0 // 123, 125, 0
#define LIGHTGREY 0xC618 // 198, 195, 198
#define DARKGREY 0x7BEF // 123, 125, 123
#define BLUE 0x001F // 0, 0, 255
#define GREEN 0x07E0 // 0, 255, 0
#define CYAN 0x07FF // 0, 255, 255
#define RED 0xF800 // 255, 0, 0
#define MAGENTA 0xF81F // 255, 0, 255
#define YELLOW 0xFFE0 // 255, 255, 0
#define WHITE 0xFFFF // 255, 255, 255
#define ORANGE 0xFD20 // 255, 165, 0
#define GREENYELLOW 0xAFE5 // 173, 255, 41
#define PINK 0xFC18 // 255, 130, 198
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC) ; // instance for the screen
#define HOST "hamqsl.com" // source page in www
#define HOST1 "www.ionosonde.iap-kborn.de" // another source page in www
#define max_page 3 // only 4 pages, no more (at this time)[p0->p3]
//============>> here the global variables: <<=============
char atom ; // single char of content
int8_t page_nr , old_page_nr ; // which page I am ?
uint16_t color , x , k , pos , pos1 ; // for band-field-colors and string-positions
uint16_t client_bytes = 1700 ; // max. bytes to read from content
uint64_t start_time ; // for time_loop
uint64_t loop_time = 900000 ; // 900.000 milli-secs = 15 min
bool is_basic_pattern ; // flag for page0-pattern
bool flag_color = false ; // flag for color change or not
String pbuf, old_pbuf, t, t2 ; // to hold the old and new compressed content
String old_iap , new_iap , iap_buf ; // hold the iap-datas for comparison
String content_strings3[10] ; // hold the iap-datas
void setup(void)
tft.begin(); // initialize the screen
pinMode(TFT_LED, OUTPUT) ; // Pin for Backlight
digitalWrite(TFT_LED, HIGH) ; // switch Backlight on
tft.setRotation(0) ; // orientation of the screen
Serial.begin(115200) ; // initialize the serial interface
tft.fillScreen(BLACK) ; // clear the screen
#ifdef WiFiOn
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA) ; // for connect with WLAN
WiFi.disconnect() ; // if an old connection exists
delay(100) ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.print("==> trying connecting Wifi: ") ;
Serial.println(ssid) ;
WiFi.begin(ssid, passw) ; // connect to WLAN now
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
#ifdef debug
Serial.print(".") ;
delay(250) ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.print("\n WiFi connected ; ") ;
Serial.print("my IP address: ") ;
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()) ; // show the IP in local WLAN
client.setInsecure() ;
handle_OTA() ; // initialize OTA
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(" * Initializing touch screen now...") ;
ts.begin() ; // initialize the touch-screen
ts.setRotation(2) ; // set orientation for touch-screen
is_basic_pattern = false ; // flag for screen 0
page_nr = 0 ; // start-page
handle_pages() ; // go a "first round"
start_time = millis() ; // start timeloop
void loop(void)
ArduinoOTA.handle(); // occur new OTA programming ?
if (ts.touched()) // new page wanted ?
page_nr == max_page ? page_nr = 0 : page_nr++ ; // rolling pages
handle_pages() ;
if (time_loop_finished())
if ((new_iap != old_iap) || !check_N0NBH_datas())
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("old_iap = " + old_iap) ;
Serial.println("new_iap = " + new_iap) ;
Serial.println(check_N0NBH_datas()) ;
old_iap = new_iap ;
handle_pages() ;
start_time = millis() ;
void handle_pages(void)
old_page_nr != page_nr ? old_page_nr = page_nr : page_nr ;
switch (page_nr) // good for handling more pages (maybe in future)
case 0 :
handle_page0() ; // work page 0
break ;
case 1 :
handle_page1() ; // work page 1
break ;
case 2 :
handle_page2() ; // work page 2
break ;
case 3 :
handle_page3() ; // work page 3
break ;
default: break ;
void handle_page0(void) // side of the band openings
if (!is_basic_pattern)
draw_basic_pattern() ; // draw the basic pattern
#ifdef WiFiOn
get_and_compress_all_client_data() ; // read the main content of the webpage
get_and_show_bottombar_datas() ; // create the bottom-bar
get_and_show_topbar_datas() ; // create the top-bar
get_and_show_band_colors() ; // show band colors
void handle_page2(void) // first side of the solar datas
char * content_strings1[] = { "<solarflux>", "<aindex>", "<kindex>",
"<kindexnt>", "<xray>", "<sunspots>",
"<heliumline>", "<protonflux>", "<electonflux>",
"<aurora>", "<normalization>", "<latdegree>"
} ; // names of content (part 1)
flag_color = true ; // flag for changing colors
tft.setFont() ;
tft.fillScreen(B_DD6USB + 7); // background for the page
is_basic_pattern = false ; // flag for page0
tft.fillRoundRect(0, 0, 240, 20, 5, MAROON) ;
tft.setCursor(180, 5) ; // generate the top bar
tft.setTextColor(GREEN) ;
tft.print("tnx:N0NBH") ;
get_and_show_topbar_datas() ; // show top bar
tft.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b) ;
tft.setCursor(0, 40) ; // start displaying the sun values
color = GREEN ;
tft.setTextColor(color) ;
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) // list the content (part 1)
parse_string_and_tftprint(content_strings1[i]) ;
tft.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(0, 307) ;
tft.print("===>> continued next page") ; //hint for page 2
flag_color = false ;
void handle_page3(void) // second side of the solar datas
char * content_strings2[] = {"<solarwind>", "<magneticfield>", "<geomagfield>",
"<signalnoise>", "<fof2>", "<muffactor>", "<muf>"
} ; // names of content (part 2)
flag_color = true ; // flag for changing colors
tft.setFont() ;
tft.fillScreen(B_DD6USB + 7); // background for the page
is_basic_pattern = false ; // flag for page0
tft.fillRoundRect(0, 0, 240, 20, 5, MAROON) ;
tft.setCursor(180, 5) ; // generate the top bar
tft.setTextColor(GREEN) ;
tft.print("tnx:N0NBH") ; // thanks PAUL !
get_and_show_topbar_datas() ; // show top bar
tft.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b) ;
tft.setCursor(0, 43) ; // start display of the sun values
color = GREEN ;
tft.setTextColor(color) ;
for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) // list the content (part 2)
parse_string_and_tftprint(content_strings2[i]) ;
tft.print("\n =====>> EOM <<=====") ; // END OF MESSAGE !
tft.setFont() ;
tft.fillRoundRect(0, 300, 240, 20, 5, MAROON) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(0, 300, 240, 20, 5, WHITE) ;
tft.setTextColor(CYAN) ;
tft.setCursor(15, 306) ;
tft.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
tft.print(V_String) ; // show version-number
flag_color = false ;
void handle_page1(void) // side of the MUF-table
String km_string[8] = {" 100", " 200", " 400", " 600", " 800", "1000", "1500", "3000"} ;
uint16_t g ;
flag_color = true ;
new_iap = "" ; //state of affairs
is_basic_pattern = false ; // flag for page0
tft.fillScreen(BLACK) ; // clear blue screen
tft.fillRoundRect(0, 0, 240, 16, 5, MAROON) ; // build top header
tft.drawRoundRect(0, 0, 240, 17, 5, WHITE) ;
tft.setTextColor(CYAN) ;
read_iap_datas() ; // get the muf-table-datas
tft.setFont() ;
tft.setCursor(3, 5) ;
tft.print(" " + content_strings3[10] + " UTC ") ; //show the last change-time
tft.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
tft.print(" tnx:iap_kborn.de") ;
tft.fillRoundRect(3, 19, 234, 298, 5, B_DD6USB + 12) ;// background
tft.drawRoundRect(3, 19, 234, 298, 5, YELLOW) ; // generate the borders
tft.setCursor(10, 35) ; // headline position
tft.setTextColor(GREEN) ; // headline color
tft.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b) ; // headline font
tft.print(" Juliusruh MUF-Table") ; // generate headline
tft.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(0, 69) ;
tft.println(" km MHz") ;// table header
tft.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b) ;
tft.setTextColor(YELLOW) ;
tft.setCursor(0, 100) ; // startposition of table-text
for (g = 0 ; g < 8 ; g++) // print the values in her columns & rows
tft.print(" " + km_string[g]) ;
tft.setCursor(150 , 100 + g * 29) ;
if (content_strings3[7 - g].toInt() < 10) tft.print(" ") ; // arrange positions
tft.println(content_strings3[7 - g]) ; // print the MUF-values
tft.drawFastVLine(120, 53, 256, CYAN) ; // build column-bar
tft.drawRect(11, 50, 218, 262, CYAN) ; // generate table-frame
for (g = 77 ; g < 300 ; g += 29) // build the table-rows
tft.drawFastHLine(12, g , 216, CYAN) ;
void read_iap_datas(void)
iap_buf = "" ; // clear pbuf
if (!client.connect(HOST1, 443)) //Open iap-server Connection
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("Connection failed")) ;
return ;
} else
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("\thost is connected now")) ;
client.print(F("GET ")) ; // question to client
client.print("/latest_JR055_MUF.txt") ; // go to table-page
client.println(F(" HTTP/1.1")) ; // send question header
client.print(F("Host: ")) ;
client.println(HOST1) ;
client.println(F("Cache-Control: no-cache")) ; // no old cache please!
if (client.println() == 0)
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("client error")) ;
return ;
char endOfHeaders[] = "\r\n\r\n" ; // ignore HTTP Header
if (!client.find(endOfHeaders))
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("server error")) ;
return ;
//===============>> now read the webpage <<==================
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < 180 ; i++)
atom = client.read() ;
if (atom != 0xFF) //"forget" the unused atoms
iap_buf = iap_buf + atom ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("===========================================") ;
Serial.print(iap_buf) ;
Serial.println("===========================================") ;
new_iap = "" ;
for (uint8_t z = 0 ; z < 8 ; z++) // parse iap_content
pos = iap_buf.lastIndexOf("\n") ; // search for every newline
t = iap_buf.substring(pos - 5 , pos) ; // ectract substring
iap_buf = iap_buf.substring(0, pos - 5 ) ; // build iap_substring
t.trim() ; // delete whitespace
content_strings3[z] = t ; // create iap_fullstring
new_iap = new_iap + t ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("\n " + content_strings3[z]) ;
if (old_iap = "") old_iap = new_iap ; // first initialization of old_iap
content_strings3[10] = iap_buf.substring(16, 32) ; // len = 16 holds: date & time
content_strings3[10].setCharAt(4, '/') ; // change single signs
content_strings3[10].setCharAt(7, '/') ;
content_strings3[10].setCharAt(10, ' ') ;
content_strings3[10].setCharAt(13, ':') ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(content_strings3[10]) ;
void parse_string_and_tftprint(String s11) // side of the band openings
t2 = "</" + s11.substring(1, s11.length()) ;// parse content-strings
pos = pbuf.indexOf(s11) + s11.length() ;
pos1 = pbuf.indexOf(t2) ;
t2 = (" " + s11.substring(1, s11.length() - 1) + " = ") ;
if (t2 == " electonflux = ")
t2 = " electronflux = " ;
if (flag_color) // show on screen ?
tft.print(t2) ;
t = pbuf.substring(pos, pos1) ;
if ((t.length() == 0) || (t == "NoRpt"))
t = "NoReport" ;
tft.println(t) ;
color == GREEN ? color = YELLOW : color = GREEN ;
tft.setTextColor(color) ; // change text color Green<=>Yellow
bool time_loop_finished(void)
if ((start_time + loop_time) > millis())
return false ;
return true ;
void draw_basic_pattern(void)
tft.fillScreen(B_DD6USB + 3) ; // a little more intense
draw_WiFi_Quality() ; // draw top bar WiFi
draw_band_pattern() ;
void draw_band_pattern(void)
for ( int i = 20; i < 280; i += 40)
tft.drawFastHLine(0, i, 240, YELLOW) ;
tft.drawFastVLine(180, 20, 280, YELLOW) ;
tft.drawFastVLine(122, 20, 200, YELLOW) ;
tft.drawFastVLine( 0, 20, 280, YELLOW) ;
tft.drawFastVLine(239, 20, 280, YELLOW) ;
tft.setFont(&FreeSans12pt7b) ;
tft.setCursor(25, 48) ;
tft.setTextColor(YELLOW) ;
tft.print("Band") ;
tft.setCursor(5, 87) ;
tft.print("80m - 40m") ;
tft.setCursor(5, 127) ;
tft.print("30m - 20m") ;
tft.setCursor(5, 167) ;
tft.print("17m - 15m") ;
tft.setCursor(5, 207) ;
tft.print("12m - 10m") ;
tft.setCursor(0, 247) ;
tft.print(" E - skip 6m [EU]") ;
tft.setCursor(0, 287) ;
tft.print(" E - skip 4m [EU]") ;
tft.setFont(&FreeMono9pt7b) ;
tft.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
tft.setCursor(133, 45) ;
tft.print("day") ;
tft.setTextColor(CYAN) ;
tft.setCursor(183, 45) ;
tft.print("night") ;
int8_t getWifiQuality() // converts the dBm to a range between 0 and 100%
int32_t dbm = WiFi.RSSI() ; // get WiFi RSSI
if (dbm <= -100)
return 0 ;
} else if (dbm >= -50)
return 100;
} else
return 2 * (dbm + 100);
void draw_WiFi_Quality(void)
tft.setFont() ;
char buf[10] ;
int8_t quality = getWifiQuality() ;
tft.setTextColor(GREEN) ;
tft.setTextSize(1) ;
tft.setCursor(170, 5) ;
sprintf(buf, "RSSI:%2d%c", quality, '%') ;
tft.print(buf) ;
for (int8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int8_t j = 0; j < 2 * (i + 1); j++)
if (quality > i * 25 || j == 0)
tft.drawPixel(224 + 2 * i, 12 - j, YELLOW);
void get_and_compress_all_client_data(void)
pbuf = "" ; // clear pbuf
String sbuf = "" ;
if (!client.connect(HOST, 443)) //Open Server Connection
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("Connection failed")) ;
return ;
} else
#ifdef debug
Serial.println(F("\thost is connected now")) ;
client.print(F("GET ")) ; // question to client
client.print("/solarxml.php") ; // go to www.hamsql.com/solarxml.php)
client.println(F(" HTTP/1.1")) ; // send question header
client.print(F("Host: ")) ;
client.println(HOST) ;
client.println(F("Cache-Control: no-cache")) ;
if (client.println() == 0)
Serial.println(F("client error")) ;
return ;
char endOfHeaders[] = "\r\n\r\n" ; // ignore HTTP Header
if (!client.find(endOfHeaders))
Serial.println(F("server error")) ;
return ;
//===============>> now read the webpage <<==================
for ( int i = 0 ; i < client_bytes ; i++)
atom = client.read() ;
sbuf = sbuf + atom ;
#ifdef debug1
Serial.println(sbuf) ;
Serial.print(" len sbuf = ") ;
Serial.println(sbuf.length()) ;
//===============>> now compress the content <<==================
// means: delete all: cr,lf,",space,tab and shortening the string
String t = "<updated>" ; // begin of "interest" of the content
String t1 = "</muf>" ; // end of "interest" of the content
for (int j = (sbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length()) ; j < sbuf.indexOf(t1) ; j++)
atom = sbuf[j] ;
if (!isWhitespace(atom) && !isControl(atom) && (atom != 34) && (atom != 255))
pbuf = pbuf + atom ; // build the compressed string
} // in pbuf is now the compessed content-ready for parsing
#ifdef debug
Serial.println() ;
Serial.println(pbuf) ;
Serial.print(" len pbuf = ") ;
Serial.println(pbuf.length()) ;
void get_and_show_bottombar_datas(void)
char * content_string[] = {"<solarflux>", "<signalnoise>", "<muf>"} ;
String Flux, SN, Muf ;
char kbuf[30] ;
flag_color = false ;
tft.setFont() ;
tft.fillRoundRect(0, 300, 240, 20, 5, MAROON) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(0, 300, 240, 20, 5, WHITE) ;
tft.fillRoundRect(1, 302, 57, 16, 5, BLACK) ;
tft.setTextColor(CYAN) ;
tft.setCursor(2, 306) ;
tft.print("tnx:N0NBH") ;
parse_string_and_tftprint(content_string[0]) ;
Flux = pbuf.substring(pos, pos1) ;
parse_string_and_tftprint(content_string[1]) ;
SN = pbuf.substring(pos, pos1) ;
parse_string_and_tftprint(content_string[2]) ;
Muf = pbuf.substring(pos, pos1) ;
if (isAlpha(Muf.charAt(1)))
Muf = "noInfo" ;
tft.setCursor(51, 306) ;
tft.setTextColor(WHITE) ;
sprintf(kbuf, " Flux:%s S/N:%s MUF:%s", Flux, SN, Muf) ;
tft.print(kbuf) ;
#ifdef debug1
Serial.println(kbuf) ;
void get_and_show_topbar_datas(void)
tft.setFont() ;
tft.setTextSize(1) ;
tft.setTextColor(CYAN) ;
char buf1[30] ;
String date1 = pbuf.substring(0, 2) ; // day
String date2 = pbuf.substring(2, 5) ; // month
String date3 = pbuf.substring(5, 9) ; // year
String date4 = pbuf.substring(9, 11) ; // hour
String date5 = pbuf.substring(11, 13) ; // min
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("string-parts:" + date1 + "," + date2 + "," + date3 + "," + date4 + "," + date5) ;
sprintf(buf1, "from %s %s %s %s:%s UTC", date1, date2, date3, date4, date5) ;
tft.setCursor(5, 5) ;
tft.print(buf1) ;
tft.drawRoundRect(0, 0, 240, 18, 5, WHITE) ;
int check_color(String) // colors of the Ham-band-areas
if (t == "P") // check "poor"
color = RED ;
else if ( t == "F") // check "fair"
color = YELLOW ;
else if ( t == "G") // check "good"
color = GREEN ;
return (color) ;
int check_day_80_40m(void)
t = "40mtime=day>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length();
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ; // one letter is significant
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_night_80_40m(void)
t = "40mtime=night>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_day_30_20m(void)
t = "20mtime=day>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_night_30_20m(void)
t = "20mtime=night>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_day_17_15m(void)
t = "15mtime=day>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_night_17_15m(void)
t = "15mtime=night>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_day_12_10m(void)
t = "10mtime=day>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_night_12_10m(void)
t = "10mtime=night>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_6m(void)
t = "_6m>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
int check_4m(void)
t = "_4m>" ;
x = pbuf.indexOf(t) + t.length() ;
t = pbuf.substring(x, x + 1) ;
return (check_color(t)) ;
void get_and_show_band_colors(void)
tft.fillRect(125, 63, 53, 35, check_day_80_40m()) ; // 80 day
tft.fillRect(183, 63, 55, 36, check_night_80_40m()) ; // 80 night
tft.fillRect(126, 103, 52, 35, check_day_30_20m()) ; // 20 day
tft.fillRect(183, 103, 54, 35, check_night_30_20m()) ; // 20 night
tft.fillRect(126, 143, 52, 35, check_day_17_15m()) ; // 15 day
tft.fillRect(183, 143, 54, 35, check_night_17_15m()) ; // 15 night
tft.fillRect(126, 183, 52, 35, check_day_12_10m()) ; // 10 day
tft.fillRect(183, 183, 54, 35, check_night_12_10m()) ; // 10 night
tft.fillRect(183, 223, 55, 35, check_6m()) ; // 6
tft.fillRect(183, 263, 54, 35, check_4m()) ; // 4
bool check_N0NBH_datas(void)
old_pbuf = pbuf ; // hold the last values
get_and_compress_all_client_data() ; // get the present values
if (old_pbuf.substring(20, old_pbuf.length()) == pbuf.substring(20, pbuf.length()))
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("N0NBH-Strings are equal") ;
return true ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("N0NBH-Strings not equal !!") ;
old_page_nr = -1 ; //force updating of the present page
return false ;
void handle_OTA(void)
//ArduinoOTA.setPort(8266) ; // Port defaults to 8266
ArduinoOTA.setHostname("D1 mini for Solardat") ; // Hostname defaults to esp8266-[ChipID]
// ArduinoOTA.setPassword((const char *)"123") ; // No authentication by default
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("Start") ;
} ) ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("End") ;
} ) ;
ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total)
#ifdef debug
Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\n", (progress / (total / 100))) ;
} ) ;
ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error)
#ifdef debug
Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error) ;
if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed") ;
else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed") ;
else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed") ;
else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed") ;
else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed") ;
} ) ;
ArduinoOTA.begin() ;
#ifdef debug
Serial.println("OTA READY") ;
Serial.println("Ready") ;
Serial.print("IP address: ") ;
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()) ;