#! /bin/bash # Exit if we're debugging and haven't yet built the gateway if [ ! -f "mp_pkt_fwd" ]; then echo "ERROR: gateway executable not yet built" exit 1 fi if [[ $HALT != "" ]]; then echo "*** HALT asserted - exiting ***" exit 1 fi # Show info about the machine we're running on echo "*** Resin Machine Info:" echo "*** Type: '$RESIN_MACHINE_NAME'" echo "*** Arch: '$RESIN_ARCH'" ##### Raspberry Pi 3 hacks necessary for LinkLabs boards ## ## Because of backward incompatibility between RPi2 and RPi3, ## a hack is necessary to get serial working so that we can ## access the GPS on the LinkLabs board. ## ## Option #1: Leave RPi serial on /dev/ttyS0 and bluetooth on /dev/ttyAMA0 ## This requires adding this Fleet Configuration variable, which ## fixes RPi3 serial port speed issues: ## RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_core_freq = 250 ## ## Option #2: Disable bluetooth and put RPi serial back onto /dev/ttyAMA0 ## This requires adding this Fleet Configuration variable, which ## swaps the bluetooth and serial uarts: ## RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt ## ##### if [[ $GW_TYPE == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: GW_TYPE required" echo "See https://github.com/rayozzie/ttn-resin-gateway-rpi/blob/master/README.md" exit 1 fi # We need to be online, wait if needed. until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://www.google.com); do echo "[TTN Gateway]: Waiting for internet connection..." sleep 30 done # Ensure that we've got the required env vars echo "*******************" echo "*** Configuration:" echo "*******************" if [[ $GW_REGION == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: GW_REGION required" exit 1 fi GW_REGION=${GW_REGION^^} echo GW_REGION: $GW_REGION if [[ $GW_DESCRIPTION == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: GW_DESCRIPTION required" echo "See https://github.com/rayozzie/ttn-resin-gateway-rpi/blob/master/README.md" exit 1 fi if [[ $GW_CONTACT_EMAIL == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: GW_CONTACT_EMAIL required" echo "See https://github.com/rayozzie/ttn-resin-gateway-rpi/blob/master/README.md" exit 1 fi if [[ $GW_ID == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: GW_ID required" echo "See https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/gateways/registration.html#via-gateway-connector" exit 1 fi if [[ $GW_KEY == "" ]]; then echo "ERROR: GW_KEY required" echo "See https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/gateways/registration.html#via-gateway-connector" exit 1 fi echo "******************" echo "" # Load the region-appropriate global config if curl -sS --fail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheThingsNetwork/gateway-conf/master/$GW_REGION-global_conf.json --output ./global_conf.json then echo Successfully loaded $GW_REGION-global_conf.json from TTN repo else echo "******************" echo "ERROR: GW_REGION not found" echo "******************" exit 1 fi # Fetch location info, which we'll use as a hint to the gateway software if curl -sS --fail ipinfo.io --output ./ipinfo.json then echo "Actual gateway location:" IPINFO=$(cat ./ipinfo.json) echo $IPINFO else echo "Unable to determine gateway location" IPINFO="\"\"" fi # Set up environmental defaults for local.conf if [[ $GW_REF_LATITUDE == "" ]]; then GW_REF_LATITUDE="52.376364"; fi if [[ $GW_REF_LONGITUDE == "" ]]; then GW_REF_LONGITUDE="4.884232"; fi if [[ $GW_REF_ALTITUDE == "" ]]; then GW_REF_ALTITUDE="3"; fi if [[ $GW_GPS == "" ]]; then GW_GPS="true"; fi if [[ $GW_GPS_TTY_PATH == "" ]] then # Default to AMA0 unless this is an RPi3 with core frequency set in fleet config vars GW_GPS_TTY_PATH="/dev/ttyAMA0" if [[ "$RESIN_MACHINE_NAME" == "raspberrypi3" && "$RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_core_freq" != "" ]] then GW_GPS_TTY_PATH="/dev/ttyS0" fi fi if [[ $GW_FAKE_GPS == "" ]]; then GW_FAKE_GPS="false"; fi # Synthesize local.conf JSON from env vars echo -e "{\n\ \t\"gateway_conf\": {\n\ \t\t\"ref_latitude\": $GW_REF_LATITUDE,\n\ \t\t\"ref_longitude\": $GW_REF_LONGITUDE,\n\ \t\t\"ref_altitude\": $GW_REF_ALTITUDE,\n\ \t\t\"contact_email\": \"$GW_CONTACT_EMAIL\",\n\ \t\t\"description\": \"$GW_DESCRIPTION\", \n\ \t\t\"gps\": $GW_GPS,\n\ \t\t\"gps_tty_path\": \"$GW_GPS_TTY_PATH\",\n\ \t\t\"fake_gps\": $GW_FAKE_GPS,\n\ \t\t\"gateway_ID\": \"0000000000000000\"\n\ \t\t\"servers\": [\n\ \t\t{\ \t\t\t\"serv_type\": \"ttn\",\n\ \t\t\t\"serv_address\": \"router.$GW_REGION.thethings.network\",\n\ \t\t\t\"serv_gw_id\": \"$GW_ID\",\n\ \t\t\t\"serv_gw_key\": \"$GW_KEY\",\n\ \t\t\t\"serv_enabled\", true \t\t}],\ \t}\n\ }" >./local_conf.json echo "******************" # get gateway ID from its MAC address GWID_PREFIX="FFFE" GWID=$(ip link show eth0 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}' | awk -F\: '{print $1$2$3$4$5$6}') # replace last 8 digits of default gateway ID by actual GWID, in given JSON configuration file sed -i 's/\(^\s*"gateway_ID":\s*"\).\{16\}"\s*\(,\?\).*$/\1'${GWID_PREFIX}${GWID}'"\2/' local_conf.json echo "Gateway_ID set to "$GWID_PREFIX$GWID" " echo "******************" echo "" # Fire up the forwarder. while true do # Reset the board to a known state prior to launching the forwarder if [[ $GW_TYPE == "imst-ic880a-spi" ]]; then echo "[TTN Gateway]: Toggling reset pin on IMST iC880A-SPI Board" gpio -1 mode 22 out gpio -1 write 22 0 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write 22 1 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write 22 0 sleep 0.1 elif [[ $GW_TYPE == "linklabs-dev" ]]; then echo "[TTN Gateway]: Toggling reset pin on LinkLabs Raspberry Pi Development Board" gpio -1 mode 29 out gpio -1 write 29 0 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write 29 1 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write 29 0 sleep 0.1 elif [[ $GW_TYPE == "risinghf" ]]; then ## found this info via gwrst.sh in the risinghf loriot concentrator install package ## that info toggled pin 2, which I must assume to be Wiring's GPIO02 and thus ## pin BCM27/RPI13 on Raspberry Pi. It couldn't be RPi pin 2 because that's 5VDC. echo "[TTN Gateway]: Toggling reset pin on Rising HF Board" gpio -1 mode 26 out gpio -1 write 26 0 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write 26 1 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write 26 0 sleep 0.1 elif [[ $GW_TYPE == "custom" ]]; then echo "[TTN Gateway]: Toggling custom reset pin $CUSTOM_RESET_PIN" gpio -1 mode $CUSTOM_RESET_PIN out gpio -1 write $CUSTOM_RESET_PIN 0 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write $CUSTOM_RESET_PIN 1 sleep 0.1 gpio -1 write $CUSTOM_RESET_PIN 0 sleep 0.1 else echo "ERROR: unrecognized GW_TYPE=$GW_TYPE" echo "See https://github.com/rayozzie/ttn-resin-gateway-rpi/blob/master/README.md" exit 1 fi echo "[TTN Gateway]: Starting packet forwarder..." cp /opt/ttn-gateway/dev/packet_forwarder/mp_pkt_fwd/mp_pkt_fwd mp_pkt_fwd ./mp_pkt_fwd echo "****************** $CUSTOM_RESET_PIN" echo "*** [TTN Gateway]: EXIT (retrying in 15s)" echo "******************" sleep 15 done